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Racing My Mustang


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Qualifying during the week was a bit of a struggle as we were having a push exiting critical turns 6a and 13. ^However, the tweaks on Wednesday helped so we went further in that direction for Thursday. Crew member Travis Robuck arrived before Wedneday qualifying, so now we had an extra set of eyes for my sessions as well as hands. ^Son Andrew arrived Wednesday afternoon, and daughter Amanda and her friend Mikaela arrived Thursday afternoon.


Wednesday's in car:


We mounted a new set of Hoosier's and a fresh set of front pads, with the plans of using them for my final qualifying as well as the race. ^It was cooler when we hit the track and almost immediately I could tell an improvement with the car. ^Some of it might have been the fresh tires and the cooler weather, but it was primarily the fact the car now would get around 6a and 13. ^First hot lap was a 2:04.2, a second quicker than my previous best. ^Second hot lap was another 2:04.2 - in traffic - and the third hot lap was....not to be. ^A black flag all came out due to a car that had beached itself deep in the gravel outside of 6, and another car that had went off track and parked outside of 10. ^We all came into the pits for what we had hoped would be a quick extracation of these cars. ^


After a few minutes in pit lane, the checker was thrown for the session, which puzzled me because there was still a good 5 or 6 minutes to go and they could have turned us loose for at least two hot laps. ^


We finished up qualifying 31st, with OVR member Matt Downing in 30th on the outside row in front of me. Not where we should be, but it will do. ^Based on how the car felt in the final session, a mid 2:02 run was feasible, maybe quicker, but even so, this would have only moved us up 5 or so spots. ^The Toyota / Scion FRS's at the top of the grid are in the mid to high 1:56's! ^Following them and the lighter cars (Miata, RX8 - essentially the rest of the class!), they were picking up time everywhere on me. ^Of course, some is driving and setup, but when you are 600 lbs heavier than the rest of the field, you have your work cut out for you.


Still, reasonably happy as the car was trouble free other than the tweaks needed to get it to handle better, and we didn't have to work on it. ^Really looking forward to to the race on Sunday as I believe the car will race well - it's been very consistent through the sessions and I don't expect performance to drop off at all during the race.


SRF3 and Spec Miata both were over subscribed and had Last Chance Races at the end of the day Thursday. ^The maximum number of cars that can be on track at a time is 72 per SCCA rules. ^Both SRF3 and SM were considerably above that - about 95 and 105 entrants respectively. Only the top 72 can start the championship race, so they used qualifying from Monday - Wednesday to lock in the top 60 spots, then the remaining 30 - 40 ^drivers would battle for the remaining 12 spots in a 12 minute Last Chance Race. ^ We got to the Turn 1 bleachers early to get good spots for the Last Chance races as they were sure to entertain.


SRF was up first, and did not disappoint. ^32 cars bore down on Turn 1, and the field went 5 wide before the start finish! ^The incident occurred mid pack and cars went everywhere. ^Fortunately, nothing all that serious but a couple cars dropped out with damage. ^Similarly, the SM race had its issues providing much entertainment. ^


Got up Friday early and to the track around 9:30a to watch some racing. ^Most of our spectating is from the bleachers outside of turn 1 which gives a view of the cars coming down straight all the way through 6a.




Spent most of the day Friday watching races and goofing off. ^Nice relaxing day. ^Talked some trash with Matt Downing. ^Went to dinner at a place called Big Woods which was great - all smoked meats and brick oven pizzas. ^


Today looks to be another relaxing day. ^Looking forward to the races, particularly SRF3 and STL. ^


You can follow the races live on video at http://www.scca.com/live. ^ Click on the video on the right side of the screen to start the live video.

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In Car Video from Race. Short story:


- Didn't get a good start and lost a couple places.

- Car was good most of the race until lap 14 or so when it started to understeer out of 6a.

- Drove pretty well and raced well.

- Damn those BRZ's are fast!

- Took the checker with no incidents or damage.

- Started 31st, finished 24th.


Car was really solid all week. No wrenching other than adjustments, fresh tires, and fresh pads. Really happy with how things went.


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I had the pleasure of watching your class in person. Those BRz's are fast for sure! Awesome event and definitely makes me want to do something with my C5 now! congrats on the great weekend.

Thanks. That was really the first time I ran against the BRZ's. I know my car isn't the preferred one for the class (too heavy), but the BRZ / FRS's are very quick. Low CG plus being able to tune them to get around the torque dip. Plus independent suspension. All goodness for them.


I have some improvements in store for the winter and am petitioning to have the restrictor plate removed from the Mustangs. So, the car and my driving should be better next year.


Still just about the most fun you can have with your clothes on.

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To finish the story...


Saturday was another relaxing day to watch races and hang out. Travis and I got up early and headed to the local Goodwill store for, uh, team shirts. ^We cleared them out of flowered shirts. ^The funny part was that there was a team paddocked a couple rows down from us SELLING their team shirts for $25 each. ^So, we hung ours up for sale at $20.


The rest of Travis' family - Andrea, Kennedy, and Tristan - showed up just after lunch, and along with Kathy, daughter Amanda, son Andrew, and Andy Toth, we all watched some great races. Former car owner Greg Vandersluis stopped by which was great. ^Dinner Saturday night was at the 1911 Grille in Speedway,which is part of Sarah Fisher's kart racing track. ^Food was good - not great - and I suspect a lot of it was due to the crowd there that the were unprepared for. ^


Early night Saturday, and I have to say, I was a bit anxious. ^Lying in bed, thinking about the past few years and getting ready to run at Indy. Didn't sleep well. ^It was starting to hit me. Just being here is a privilege few experience. ^Over the past few years, Kathy and I have had a number of challenges, ranging from our own personal health experiences to work to the loss and illnesses of parents and loved ones. When I list out all the "life major events" since 2014, it's way too long. ^But we managed to make it through , and I am been blessed to still be able to have the Indy experience. ^I am a lucky man. ^


I got to the track early, even though our race wasn't until 1:30p. I like getting to the track early and making sure everything is in order, and have the chance for some quiet time. ^Races started on Sunday at 8:30a or so, and so I watched from a couple places along with Travis. Unfortunately, Toth couldn't stay for the race as the j-o-b took him out of town and he had to fly to California somewhere. Travis and I got the car cleaned up, and double checked everything, and were ready to go by 10a. ^We only had to wait another three and a half hours!


Around noon, I decided to take a nap. ^There is only so much pacing and race watching you can do while you are waiting. ^Woke up at 12:30p, had a very light lunch, got the suit on, took some photos, and got up to grid around 1:00p. ^I gridded 31st out of 38 or so, the highest gridding V6 pony car, ahead of another Mustang and a Camaro. Or, as I told Travis, "first in T4 Heavy". ^Not to whine too much, but the V6 pony cars could use some help so we can run at least mid pack. ^Talked to a few of the other drivers. ^Matt Downing was gridded just ahead of me in 30th, and we both told the drivers around us that if you see our hands go up approaching Turn 1, $hit is happening in front of us.


Got the 5 minute to go call, and Travis started the video and headed down to the pits. ^A good luck kiss from Mrs. G, and she headed to Turn 1 to watch with the kids. ^Seemed like a long 5 minutes but per the video it was pretty much on target. ^Whistles blew, and we headed out. ^I was gridded on the inside of Row 16. ^The plan was to get a good start and pick up a few spots entering 1. ^Coming around turn 14 on to the straight watching the Starter and the scoring pylon. GREEN!


I should have anticipated the start a bit better as I was passed by a couple carr (8:09 in the video). Matt Downing saw an opening in the middle and took it, running away from me. ^Bastard - my inner goal was to finish ahead of him. ^Now I was going to have to catch him. ^Turn 1 was crowded but clean and we got through without incident. ^

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First couple laps were clean and intense. ^The Acura I passed at 9:00 in the video was a car I looked at last year and decided not to get. Self affirmation. All week long I had been getting walked out of 6a and you can see at 9:07 a good example. ^Damn. But, the car was solid through 7, 8, and 9, and I coud close in entering 12 (9:50). ^Turn 13 killed me - too low for third gear and too high for 2nd. As a foreboding, the red and silver Miata and I had a great battle throughout the race (10:10) courtesy of the fact he kept running off track! ^He'd get by me and then make a mistake and go into the weeds. ^


Lap 3 things started to fall into a pace. ^I'd pass somebody, somebody else would drop out, another car would catch up and get by. ^I was happy I did not see the other Mustang and Camaro in my mirror. ^As things spread out on Lap 4, I really started to focus on getting my lines right and exit speeds in 6a and 13. ^Laps 5 through 10 were pretty uneventful. ^Just hit my marks, and work to get quicker. Chased the silver Miata for awhile, closing in a bit but not enough to pass. The car was really good at this portion of the race - did what I asked and very consistent. ^Worked not to overwork the tires.


On lap 10 or so, I saw my nemesism, Matt Dowing, in the gaggle up in front of me. I thought "HA! His used Hoosier A7's were giving out!" ^Maybe I can catch him as he races with the others. I stepped it up but just couldn't close the gap - Matt was generally turning 2:03's and I was in the 2:04's. This continued through lap 13 or so where I could see Matt and the others but just couldn't close in (31:12). Lap 14 we started to spread out again. ^Matt got away and I was behind the silver Miata again.


The red and silver Miata got by again, and I was watching the two in front of me play with each other, waiting for a mistake. Had an opportunity in turn 2 - 3 but couldn't quite close it. Had another at 13 (39:22) but he did a nice job of pinching me at the exit, so he killed my momentum. By then, we were closing in on lap 18 or so, and ^I could see the leaders in my mirrors, and P1 passed me going into Turn 1 (39:50). ^P2 and P3 came by shortly thereafter (40:10) heading into turn 3. ^Somehow, the red and silver Miata was off track again (40:12) and put me up a spot. ^


By this time, my tires were hot and I was feeling it. Really had to tiptoe through the tighter corners. Saw the red and silver Miata in my mirrors (42:25) and thought "Damn, where did he come from." Given it was a lap and a half to go at that point, I was damned if he was going to get by. ^Though the car was sliding all over by that point of the race, his tires were hot also, and so I just had to kill his momentum if he got close.


Entering lap 19 (44:00), the next group of leaders were coming through. ^The RX8 of Don Knowles passed me into 1, and as soon as we turned the corner, there was a wrecked BRZ and recovery trucks. This slowed the other leaders plus the red and silver Miata chasing me. From there, it was just keeping it clean and getting across the line (45:50). ^


Wow! What an experience!

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After the cool down lap, we pulled in to the pits and made it back to the paddock. ^I took of my helmet, Hans, and gloves and sat there for a few seconds. ^I was wiped out! Got out of the car and talked to Paul Azan paddocked next to us who was getting ready to run his E46 BMW in STU. ^Travis made it back and wisely handed me a bottle of water - you forget these things when you are decompressing.


Eventually everyone made it back to the paddock. Kathy gave me a bottle of Basil Hayden's bourbon - highly recommended. Took a few photos. ^Matt Downing came over and congratulated me on the finish before he packed up and headed out. ^After I re-energized, we got everything packed up and watched the STU race and start of the HP race.




It's a week after my race, almost to the hour. Been a busy week - after being gone for two and a half weeks in September with the Solo Nationals and Runoffs, business was backed up. Plus, with the Corvette gone, I've started thinking about a new DD / autocrosser. And, the kids both need work on their cars.


A lot of emotions and thoughts surround the past season, and I am still sorting it all out. Some thoughts in no particular order:


- Gotta get better at starts, particularly when starting from the middle of the grid or further back.

- The car goes on a diet, and maybe me also. ^At least 50 lbs in total.

- Really happy that the car has been dead reliable. ^Short of changing brake pads and oil, the only repair was a RF hub that I replaced after the PittRace weekend.

- There's some work that needs done under the hood. ^With the weight and gearing disadvantage the car has, I really need to help it with more power.

- Similarly, going to write a letter to the Comp Board to get rid of the restrictor plate.

- Those Hoosier R7's rock!

- Pretty satisfied with my racecraft. ^Room for improvement but I am much better than I used to be as far as setting up cars two or three turns ahead.

- Also happy with my concentration and focus. ^Only went in the grass once this year, and it was pretty minor.

- Can be more aggressive with my driving. ^On the flip side, there are no new marks or dents on the car!


Overall, it was a great year. ^We accomplished most of our goals; the only one we missed was being in the top half at the Runoffs. ^For the races we attended, the hosting regions and staff was all great. ^ Many thanks to the organizers, volunteers, and course workers for their tireless efforts so we drivers can have some fun! ^Major thanks to:


- Travis Robuck for helping out all year at the track

- Dave Wenger and The Northend Wrench for mechanical and prep assistance, and telling me when I was about to do something stupid with a wrench

- Greg Vandesluis for ongoing consultation and support

- Andy Toth for spending the week at the Runoffs

- Amanda and Andrew for coming over to the Runoffs. ^It was great to have them there. First time we've been on a quasi-vacation in years.


And most of all, to the love of my life, Kathy, for support all through the year. ^While I get the car prepped and on the trailer, she does everything else to make sure we have a place to stay and something to eat. Plus, business was slow the first half and money was tight, and she figured out how to finance it. Much appreciated.


For 2018, we aren't sure what our plans are. They won't involve the Runoffs since they are at Sonoma in California (unless somebody writes me a big check to transport the car and fly us out there). ^At a minimum, we will hit a couple of the iconic tracks like Watkins Glen, VIR, maybe Road Atlanta ^and Road America, plus the Mid Ohio races. ^Probably a couple track days to give Kathy and Travis a chance to drive the car.


See you at the track next year!

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