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North Korea


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Uhhhh the guy who fucking nuked us? Are you retarded?


Clearly you are if you see the sitting president as owing no fault to this situation. You know the situation that has escalated since he took office.


I shouldn't be surprised, most government trained killing machines think "diplomacy" is just a funny thing to paint on the nose of ordinance.

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Clearly you are if you see the sitting president as owing no fault to this situation. You know the situation that has escalated since he took office.


I shouldn't be surprised, most government trained killing machines think "diplomacy" is just a funny thing to paint on the nose of ordinance.


And most people like yourself are sorry apologists that will get us all fucking killed by being a big fucking pussy. Kerry on...

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I'm worried that the same intel agencies that told us Iraq had wmds are the same ones that say nk has a nuke.


This all seems a lot of #veryfakenews



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I don't know that it matters if they are nuclear capable, the question is do they pose a military threat to Guam at the moment. The state run North Korean media seems to indicate it but the safe play here is wait and see what NK is actually feeling up to doing.

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And most people like yourself are sorry apologists that will get us all fucking killed by being a big fucking pussy. Kerry on...


It is not being apologetic to acknowledge the president has all the finesse and surgical skills of a 10lb sledgehammer. Every other president has handled NK in a diplomatic matter since the 1950's. This is another penny ante dictatorship stealing our time and resources and the president is letting them by being his usual self.

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It is not being apologetic to acknowledge the president has all the finesse and surgical skills of a 10lb sledgehammer. Every other president has handled NK in a diplomatic matter since the 1950's. This is another penny ante dictatorship stealing our time and resources and the president is letting them by being his usual self.


If its true that NK is nuclear armed, this isn't even the same conversation as it was 10 years ago. You know that, I know that, Kim fucking knows that.


What do you suggest the response to NK is when they say they have nuclear weapons and they want to wipe the US off the face of the earth?


Do you suggest we ignore them? Considering the possibly that they could in fact have nuclear weapons?


No - you don't suggest that because thats retarded.


You respond with "If you so much as destroy a blade of grass on any US territory or soil, we will wipe you and your shitty country off the face of the earth."

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If its true that NK is nuclear armed, this isn't even the same conversation as it was 10 years ago. You know that, I know that, Kim fucking knows that.


What do you suggest the response to NK is when they say they have nuclear weapons and they want to wipe the US off the face of the earth?


Do you suggest we ignore them? Considering the possibly that they could in fact have nuclear weapons?


No - you don't suggest that because thats retarded.


You respond with "If you so much as destroy a blade of grass on any US territory or soil, we will wipe you and your shitty country off the face of the earth."


NOBODY is suggesting they be ignored. Just because the workings of international diplomacy aren't always visible or understood by the masses doesn't mean they don't have merit. Often it has more to do with leverage of positions within the community to get the outlier to fall in line. Think about how a neighborhood association works, if one neighbor steps out of covenant the rest gang up because they are all protecting their shared interest. It's not a direct confrontation, it's a structure for an en mass show of force, even if the allied neighbors don't really like each other.


Attacking head on individually is the trap. It draws us in and causes our leverage with our allies that are also aligned with our enemies to evaporate. Putting pressure on China to act keeps them our ally and in turn pressure NK, directly attacking NK makes China our enemy because we threaten their position in NK.


I no longer thing the world community is afraid of trump. I believe they were at one time due to his unpredictability but now I think they got his number and they are better at this game than him. Tillerson is going to have his hands full and that's even before we consider trump undermining him publicly.



How many innocent people must needlessly die in said scenario?


I'm not going to get dragged into this "conversation". I just want you to think for a moment what you are suggesting.


I'm done here.


You spoke up so now you are in it.


I'm not thrilled with it either but it's the prudent move at this point. You don't like it? What's option B? Preemptive strike? The long game is riskier because of the increased likelihood as a catalyst to the next world war. I know the level of cynicism is high here but the international community does still abide by morally justifiable action. If we are attacked we stand a good chance of retaining China as a ally, we attack first and that option likely goes out the window.


NK is banking on this by the way. They are sitting there daring us to attack without actually attacking us first. They are banking on his temper to alienate our Asian allies. They have baited the trap and are waiting for him to take the bait.


So at this point I ask, what's the better option than wait and see? Any other option is going to cost lives, what's the best chance for a possible outcome?

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The best thing that could happen is they actually try to hit Guam. There's essentially 0% chance of them sneaking a missle past the THAAD system there, so no damage done. They end up being the provocateur. The world will finally be forced to do something about them, including China and Russia. If not, we would clearly be justified in dropping the hammer on them.


The chances of them being stupid enough, or able enough to hit the mainland is also about 0%.


NK has little man syndrome and is all talk. That said, something does need to be done about their continued advancements in weapon delivery systems. Just because ignoring them in the past has worked does not mean that's going to work forever. Eventually they will have the capability. Then what do you do?

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The best thing that could happen is they actually try to hit Guam. There's essentially 0% chance of them sneaking a missle past the THAAD system there, so no damage done. They end up being the provocateur. The world will finally be forced to do something about them, including China and Russia. If not, we would clearly be justified in dropping the hammer on them.


The chances of them being stupid enough, or able enough to hit the mainland is also about 0%.


NK has little man syndrome and is all talk. That said, something does need to be done about their continued advancements in weapon delivery systems. Just because ignoring them in the past has worked does not mean that's going to work forever. Eventually they will have the capability. Then what do you do?


What do you do? Blame others, that's how the system works here in America. You always blame the previous administration for creating the problem.


Clearly, this is Washington's fault...

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Do you really think NK is capable of all this? It's all smoke and mirror. This whole shit show is happens because of the winter Olympic in SK. Spoiled little brat just want some attention.

NK as a whole country is staving to death. If war was to start, they won't last a week. All we have to do is go to Iowa, havest all the corns, drop on NK and we will have mass riot that will over run the current government.

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