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Anybody Regster their drones?


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Go get your money back:




Good news for drone hobbyists who were noble enough to register their aircrafts but could really use $5 right about now: The US Federal Aviation Administration is refunding registration fees and removing names from its registration database.


I stopped flying my park flyer aircraft mostly because I didn't want to deal with the hassle of multiple registrations and not being able to just pull over and fly at an empty public park. None of my planes have cameras and most are foam replicas of vintage planes so I don't look as nefarious, but still - didn't want to pay the money, didn't want the cop hassle, and they look cool hanging up in my house. But maybe I'll fly this weekend.

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I never did but I fear something greater than $5 is coming quick.


A hobbiest attorney took the FAA to court saying the special rule does not apply to the hobby and won. Taylor vs FAA


More recently the decision was overturned




I want to care as I've been an AMA member since 96 but their lack of fight for members is very irritating. Thankfully we have enough land to fly my parkflyers, helis, and quads. My faster stuff I may get rid of. I usually have them at Alum Creek and they don't care too much about the registration. I don't even take my inspire out of the box anymore.

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