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Mayweather vs. McGregor


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I will admit, the hype leading up to this has gotten me interested. I know it's mostly fake, but still. I guess I'm rooting for McGregor, but I think Mayweather will win. Mayweather might be the best defensive fighter in the history of boxing. He's been able to avoid punches through 49 fights against fighters much more skilled at throwing punches than McGregor. I think the current line is like -500 Mayweather, but I could see it going down before Saturday.

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I want McGregor to win but he won't


However if you think mayweather can't get touched you haven't seen his ass get rocked a few times before and some very controversial fights he shouldn't have won by decision


Connor has nothing to loose except the shit he talks and Floyd has his entire career reputation to loose.


IF Floyd does loose I can already here the excuses as to why because he is old he is not in his prime blah blah blah fucking blah.

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Been watching the hype show....lol.


I think McGregor will edge it out as Mayweather is usually is a defensive fighter he will have to come forward and attack for a change McGregors offbeat flow and power will give him the win.


Would not pay a hundred bux to see,but would do a group thing.

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McGregor wins the 1st round and 2nd round for being aggressive.


McGregor gets gassed mid 3rd round for being aggressive.


Mayweather's usual boxing clinic 3-12 round. Mayweather wins via unanimous decision

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McGregor wins the 1st round and 2nd round for being aggressive.


McGregor gets gassed mid 3rd round for being aggressive.


Mayweather's usual boxing clinic 3-12 round. Mayweather wins via unanimous decision


This, 100%. Anyone who follows both boxing and MMA is predicting this. Mayweather doesn't have the KO power he once had and, most importantly, he's smart enough to not risk hanging his chin out there to try to KO McGregor. He'll confuse and defend McGregor in a way he's never seen before. Only chance the irishman has is if he gets a clean KO in the first couple rounds.


Otherwise we'll be treated to a 12 round snorefest that everyone is disappointed in.

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Mayweather is a bitch. I can't stand that woman beating piece of shit. Can't stand watching him box either. I don't care if he's a great defensive technician, he's boring as fuck. Too bad he didn't meet someone like Mike Tyson in their prime, I would gladly pay to see him get knocked out cold.


I fucking love McGregor but he's not really that strong of a boxer even by UFC standards. Of course I would be happy to see him win but I don't think he has much of a chance

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McGregor wins the 1st round and 2nd round for being aggressive.


McGregor gets gassed mid 3rd round for being aggressive.


Mayweather's usual boxing clinic 3-12 round. Mayweather wins via unanimous decision



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Too bad he didn't meet someone like Mike Tyson in their prime, I would gladly pay to see him get knocked out cold.


Floyd won 26 of his 49 fights by KO. You know who has more? Pacquiao, and De La Hoya. Guess what, Floyd beat them both by playing defense.


Only other fighters I can think of that would have a chance of KOing Floyd in his weight class would be Sugar Ray Leonard or Roy Jones Jr. Even then, I would put money on Floyd in his prime over either of those two in theirs.


Welterweight fighting is not nearly as much about power as it is with heavyweights like Tyson. You've gotta have power but finesse and fight IQ is way more important. Floyd has all 3 and has been able to balance the lack of power in his later years with his incredible IQ and finesse.


Also funny that you point out your desire for someone like Tyson to KO him. Not sure why you'd hold Tyson, a convicted rapist, in higher regard than Floyd.

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Floyd won 26 of his 49 fights by KO. You know who has more? Pacquiao, and De La Hoya. Guess what, Floyd beat them both by playing defense.


Only other fighters I can think of that would have a chance of KOing Floyd in his weight class would be Sugar Ray Leonard or Roy Jones Jr. Even then, I would put money on Floyd in his prime over either of those two in theirs.


Welterweight fighting is not nearly as much about power as it is with heavyweights like Tyson. You've gotta have power but finesse and fight IQ is way more important. Floyd has all 3 and has been able to balance the lack of power in his later years with his incredible IQ and finesse.


I don't know if it is possible to agree with a post more than I agree with this one.


In my opinion what makes FM great is his ability to be versatile in multiple classes. He was great in Featherweight, Welterweight, and middleweight, and all three require some very different skills.


The thing that gets talked about the least with his style, but is the most important, is his punch accuracy. he has a 46% connect rate which makes him the top in the world. the next closest range from 29-38% connect rate. To put this in perspective as to how good a fighter he is most of his opponents have a average 16% connect rate against him.


He's the best technical boxer in the world, and honestly I am often disappointed at how many boxing fans just want to see a disorganized bash fest rather than see a master strategist, tactician, and technical boxing master do his work. Maybe it seems boring if all you want to see is people connect, but it's fascinating to watch the decisions great technical boxers like FM make in the ring, esp when fatigued.


I have low expectations for this fight. MacGregor is a basher and I don't think as disciplined as FM. He's hard as a coffin nail and a pretty decent close inside fighter but good defense fighter like FM won't give him the opportunity and will pick him apart with surgical precision. I am more interested to see how Connor will suppress the ta-kwon-do aspect of his fighting style, esp later in the fight.


The way I see it, after the shit talking it will be a delight to see Connor get his ass handed to him, and it would be the surprise upset of the decade if FM gets knocked out. But mostly I see this fight just being FM doing what he does best and treating it like a seminar.

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Download soda player (safe) it is torrent based live video, so it should be able to scale to large numbers of users




launch it, click open acestream link


paste this: 99e4657478e7b768ace5281ece419f9899e663e2


edit: new link acestream://35b398cd46e2fbc5fbdec32004abbb8e8ce4a7f0 copy and paste it



edit: this is okay but i expect it to go down when the fight is live http://ballstream.net/live.php

Edited by unfunnyryan
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