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NY Truck Attack


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So this is a cost you won't accept but Vegas is a cost you are willing to accept?


Yes. Our 2A is a right. People with zero skills or solid purpose coming into our country for no valuable reason is not their right. This guy and the attack was preventable. Hopefully that BS is stopped. This policy is an example of what policy makes should have been looking at vs say trying to let a guy use the ladies restroom. Same said for the knuckleheads trying to claim sanctuary cities are smart.


That said, the Vegas shooting is about as shady and full of scandal as any movie.

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Yes. Our 2A is a right. People with zero skills or solid purpose coming into our country for no valuable reason is not their right. This guy and the attack was preventable. Hopefully that BS is stopped. This policy is an example of what policy makes should have been looking at vs say trying to let a guy use the ladies restroom. Same said for the knuckleheads trying to claim sanctuary cities are smart.


That said, the Vegas shooting is about as shady and full of scandal as any movie.


Ah...misunderstanding of the constitution...the refuge of any modern scoundrel.


Let's start with your dumbest statement:


People with zero skills or solid purpose coming into our country for no valuable reason


How much do you really know about this individual? How about this let me walk you through some highlights:

- he's been here for 7 years.

- he had prior family here (most of whom live in Miamisburg and Cleveland)

- He held a commercial Truck driver's license

- he was an uber driver

- he passed many background checks

- he owned his own business in the past (selling cars)

- every single person interviewed who knew him describes him as "hardworking"

- he has a wife and kids.


You always talk about "merit based" and "background checks" and assimilation, but from the looks of things he wouldn't have had a problem passing any of these prior to this incident. He was a fully functioning member of society, contributed to our society, and assimilated, hardly sounds like "no reason". So I am just going to go out on a limb here and say you are just talking out of your ass and you don't know what you are talking about.



This guy and the attack was preventable.

Maybe, but highly unlikely through immigration



This policy is an example of what policy makes should have been looking at

I am going to go out on a limb and just outright say you don't know anything about the diversity visa lottery at all other than the name and your vague understanding of how lotteries work from the one scratcher someone probably gives you on your birthday.


The program grants visas to countries that have the lowest immigration rates into the US. Why? because our strength in this nation is our diversity, not our isolationism...oh never-mind...it's just better for everybody involved if we have people in this country that have a different point of view. Is the lottery random? yeah....it randomly selects people who have already met the US's rigorous eligibility and security requirements (which are already really good to the point that despite his bluster trump has not been able to improve on them). Additionally program lottery winners must have the equivalent of a high school education and training or 2 years work experience in a trade (there is that merit you keep harping about) above and beyond what other US immigrants are eligible for.


You look at this and you say "Look at this immigration problem" because you literally work hard at ignoring facts that don't support your particular brand of sneaky isolationist racism.


Others look at this and see a different problem, the problem of internal radical religious recruitment within the US. It's not a Muslim problem - White supremacists are for the most part christian organizations and contribute the lion's share to the problem. The problem isn't outside our walls, it's inside.


Now as for his rights - he was here for 7 years. Whether your ignorant ass thinks he should have been here in the first place or not is irrelevant. He was a valid green card holder on the path to citizenship - he's protected by the constitution as much as you me or anybody else. 27% of the US population are recent immigrants, 2.4 million people immigrated to the US alone in 2016, and yet acts of terror committed by immigrants are the fewest number of acts of terror committed in the US (White supremacists are #1). He didn't come here specifically to do this - the immigration argument has sailed.


You are willing to accept a body count for a perceived "right" that nobody gave a shit about until black people started arming themselves, but you are not willing to accept a body count for how this country continues to shit on the rights of others?


you want to make a fair comparison: this isn't any different than what happened in Charlottesville, just the flag is different. Same conditions lead to the same conclusions and immigration had nothing to do with it. Funny how Ohio had to do with both though and is also a state struggling with racism and human rights issues. If you are going to accept a body count for 2A, you have to accept a body count from vehicular terrorism as the cost of having cars.

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Ah...misunderstanding of the constitution...the refuge of any modern scoundrel.


Let's start with your dumbest statement:


How much do you really know about this individual? How about this let me walk you through some highlights:

- he's been here for 7 years.

- he had prior family here (most of whom live in Miamisburg and Cleveland)

- He held a commercial Truck driver's license

- he was an uber driver

- he passed many background checks

- he owned his own business in the past (selling cars)

- every single person interviewed who knew him describes him as "hardworking"

- he has a wife and kids.


You made my point. Nothing he's brought to us is worth a damn. We don't need any more immigrants to come here and drive trucks or work for Uber. I think we can and do cover those needs just fine with American born citizens.


I'll be honest....I'm not reading 88 page replies any more nor responding to them. Use bullet points and a single 4x6" sized area on your screen to keep your answers within reason.

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You made my point. Nothing he's brought to us is worth a damn. We don't need any more immigrants to come here and drive trucks or work for Uber. I think we can and do cover those needs just fine.


It's statements like these that make me glad you don't work in politics and aren't anybody that can shape public policy. Fortunately your opinion is objectively shit - if he held a job (and he did) and paid into our economy he has the same value as any other American doing the same thing. You just don't like him because he's a brown immigrant from a country you can't spell.


We need less ill informed angry white guys than we need immigrants.


I'll be honest....I'm not reading 88 page replies any more nor responding to them. Use bullet points and a single 4x6" sized area on your screen to keep your answers within reason.


Then don't say so much ill informed, outright ignorant shit.

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if he held a job (and he did) and paid into our economy he has the same value as any other American doing the same thing. You just don't like him because he's a brown immigrant from a country you can't spell.


I don't like him because of what he did. I hope he lives a long hard life before it ends He is worthless turd who turned on the country that welcomed him and killed innocent people.


I'm sorry but no he doesn't offer our country the same value as any other American as he clearly isn't nor wasn't a true American. Time to fix stupid and stop welcoming just anyone with a heartbeat and stop taking in people without placing a strong value on what it is they will bring to our country/society. Maybe you want that Kerry but I don't. We don't have to agree on it however, the next time your company needs to higher perhaps you can talk them into issuing a lottery for someone from a foriegn land and absolutely no valuable qualifications. I'm sure the mere diversity of your team will make up for quality work.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I'm quite convinced Tim would hate him even if he was a white immigrant. Quit adding color where it doesn't belong.


^^ this. If I hated people of color I'd hate my brother for adopting a black son, my sister for marrying a black man and why not throw in yellow as my best brother in law buddy is from Japan.

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The situation is tragic. I won't say anything other than that. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those lost and to those injured and their families as well.


No, I won't get on a soap box here. It won't sway anyone's opinion since it's just crap flinging and name calling.

Edited by Otis Nice
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The situation is tragic. I won't say anything other than that. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those lost and to those injured and their families as well.


No, I won't get on a soap box here. It won't sway anyone's opinion since it's just crap flinging and name calling.


I couldn’t say it better.

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nothing you said qualifies as a fact. It's all just your opinion. And it isn't focused on sympathy for the injured or dead - but more on your disdain for laws and cynicism toward the current state of the world - no assumptions necessary when your words are as plain as day.


You're such a piece of shit.

Wagner never made it political you fuck wit.

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It's statements like these that make me glad you don't work in politics and aren't anybody that can shape public policy. Fortunately your opinion is objectively shit - if he held a job (and he did) and paid into our economy he has the same value as any other American doing the same thing. You just don't like him because he's a brown immigrant from a country you can't spell.


We need less ill informed angry white guys than we need immigrants.




Then don't say so much ill informed, outright ignorant shit.


This might be some of the dumbest shit I've ever read on the internet. Your clearly a fucking idiot. All tim and others myself included came here to comment and respect those victims, A few "political things" might have come up thats to be expected but you generalize people to fit your own views whether you are picturing them in a negative light, or twisting their words.


I never once saw a post seeing Tim say "Keep all these _______ (insert color "your words btw") " out of our country. He commented that we need harsher immigration laws to prevent randoms from entering our country for no apparent reason.


I'm not saying I agree or disagree but I feel i have a much better understanding of his comment than you. Who wants to sit here and put people up for nomination for the fucking KKK for no reason.


I don't get very political often honestly because if it doesn't directly affect me I don't have time for that (I honestly realize that's not the best attitude but I don't care each to their own) But seeing you come in here generalizing against great law abiding citizens and upstanding people I've personally met even if on occasion and then sympathizing for basically a terrorist is sickening.

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You just don't like him because he's a brown immigrant from a country you can't spell.


We need less ill informed angry white guys than we need immigrants.



We hate him (not dislike) because he drove a FUCKING TRUCK over people and children. I don't give a shit if he's orange from Grove City. This thread more than most shows where the lack of understanding lies.

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not sure why anybody would open this topic and then say stuff like this anywhere but in the kitchen. Way to be insensitive in putting your political opinion ahead of showing concern for victims.


I never get involved in these threads, because IMO, you turn them into your own personal platform for forcing your views (not saying they're right or wrong) down everyone else's throats. But you more often than not, tend to tell everyone else that their opinions and views are wrong, so here's just my suggestion, you don't have to reply to everything that's posted here.

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Kerry likes to make everything about race and discrimination


reminds me of "My Greek Wedding" where the father can tie everything back to the Greek language; Kerry ties everything back to his view on how everything in life is about race.

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