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Geeto67's Political Playground


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Can't it be both? or does your binary thinking prevent you from even considering that?


I think it's more of a mental health issue. But I think there are measures we can use to help prevent this.


Whoa, who said anything about the government confiscating all of its citizens guns? I certainly didn't. Are you having this discussion in good faith, because that's not a good sign.


So what exactly is your point? You're clearly blaming guns. Okay, now what?

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I'd point out that your intellect has again run out of road so you revert to what worked for you in kindergarten, but let's be honest... that happened like five posts ago.


enjoy your cuck life. Hey I hear this is worth talking about as well:



maybe you have opinions about how political correctness is ruining cinema:



You really struggle with being wrong. I certainly am not a cuck but I have a feeling you don't have a choice given your size. You probably haven't seen your dick in years and I'm sure penetration with your wife has become impossible so you have no choice but to watch non morbidly obese guys go to pound town on her. I would offer, but I'm sure she's far below my standards given she married you :lolguy:

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I think it's more of a mental health issue. But I think there are measures we can use to help prevent this.


Better not let the NRA or any of it's supporters hear you concede that access to guns has at least some partial responsibility to this - it might affect your membership since that isn't their line.


Realistic solutions please

Sounds like you have one, so let's hear it.

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You really struggle with being wrong. I certainly am not a cuck but I have a feeling you don't have a choice given your size. You probably haven't seen your dick in years and I'm sure penetration with your wife has become impossible so you have no choice but to watch non morbidly obese guys go to pound town on her. I would offer, but I'm sure she's far below my standards given she married you :lolguy:


wow, the drugs you take must be amazing. where can I get some? do I need a prescription?


At the end of the day you don't know what satire is. That's so hilarious I literally don't know how to process both laughing at and feeling sorry for you in such great magnitude:



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Better not let the NRA or any of it's supporters hear you concede that access to guns has at least some partial responsibility to this - it might affect your membership since that isn't their line.



Sounds like you have one, so let's hear it.


For school shootings? Increase armed and well trained security at schools. Make the school more difficult to get into.


wow, the drugs you take must be amazing. where can I get some? do I need a prescription?


At the end of the day you don't know what satire is. That's so hilarious I literally don't know how to process both laughing at and feeling sorry for you in such great magnitude:




And you don't understand what defines an article. For some reason you don't think satirical articles exist

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For school shootings? Increase armed and well trained security at schools. Make the school more difficult to get into.


I am going to presume you don't have any children. Do you think people just walk into schools? I can tell you right now that if my kid forgets her lunch it's an ordeal to get in there and bring it to her. I know bank branches that are physically less secure.


The majority of the shootings are perpetrated by individuals with a relationship to the school and familiar with the security protocols. Heck, Sandy Hook's shooter had access to the school being both a former student and his recent mother's volunteer work at the school. Adding more guns to the situation isn't really going to keep them from coming in the door, or exploiting any holes in security that a stranger wouldn't know but they do. Adding more security only deters those who are strangers to the school, and the risk of a stranger perpetrating these acts is extremely low. So it isn't the deterrent you hope it would be. The other thing you have to deal with is adding more fire arms to the situation increases the harm to students through accident by a significant amount, not to mention adding a new class of perpetrator - the insider security guard with a legal firearm who snaps.


But let's assume that you implement more security at schools. That only solves for schools. What about all the other open congregation areas like malls, and parks? for the 45 days in 2018 there have been 30 mass shootings, only 18 were at schools. Ther rest were on open streets, bars, malls, etc..you want to put armed security there everywhere? who is going to pay for that? For someone who likes "small government" and claims to be libertarian, your solutions seem to all end with the US becoming a police state.

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Something that is rarely talked about when gun control comes up, the FBI does not have access to a database that holds information from any forms filled out during a psych evaluation regarding mental diagnosis in the past or present.
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Something that is rarely talked about when gun control comes up, the FBI does not have access to a database that holds information from any forms filled out during a psych evaluation regarding mental diagnosis in the past or present.


yeah, because HIPPA. And privacy, remember that right? the right to privacy?

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Answer the question. Unless you don't really know....


Sure. Since I guess it's not obvious. We're basing this off the assumption that citizens aren't allowed to own guns? So you would be okay with only police and military having guns? You see no potential issue there?

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Yeah guys, what do you want to turn America into, some horrible shithole like Norway?


Give me a realistic approach to get all guns out of citizens possession. Then tell me you're okay with only military and police having guns, or are we disarming them as well?

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Sure. Since I guess it's not obvious. We're basing this off the assumption that citizens aren't allowed to own guns? So you would be okay with only police and military having guns? You see no potential issue there?


The military owns fucking F-16's. Please tell me what your little AR-15 is going to do against a squadron of F16's or F18's or F22s, or B1Bs, etc....


And the Orange45 administration had no problem clearing any restrictions on police purchasing military grade hardware, so.....Again, what's your AR15 going to do against an armored personnel carrier full of armored police carrying fully automatic rifles?


By the way, as a military person I assume you are familiar with the Posse Comitatus Act. Are you? "The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction, and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981."


It carries a prison sentence for pretty much anybody who suggests it seriously in the Executive chain.




This concern you have, many people smarter than both of us have already thought of it, and there are legislative safeguards to prevent it.

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Give me a realistic approach to get all guns out of citizens possession.


There is none. Has my extreme pessimism about America's ability to deal with this not been obvious? School shootings are an unsolvable problem without a sweeping cultural change. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.


Then tell me you're okay with only military and police having guns


Seems to work out OK for most of the world.

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