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He's a kid, he's not a pro speaker. What were you doing at his age? Literally his only claim to fame is that he survived a tragedy at his school long enough for some internet trolls to call him nasty names and people like you to show literally 0 empathy for him.


He "survived" a school shooting. Okay, I guess we can call it that. He was interviewing other students while he was supposedly "under attack" about gun control. Do you see where I'm getting at here? He MIGHT have heard gun fire, MAYBE. Was he ever under attack? :lolguy: Give me a fucking break. It's wrong to attack him, but it's also wrong to pretend like he's some victim. He's not that damn upset about it if all he wants to do is talk about gun control. There's an obvious agenda and maybe I could take him seriously if he wasn't interviewing other students about gun control while "under attack." I'm sick of everyone being a fucking victim. If he were actually under attack he wouldn't be fucking around on his phone. He's taking away from the actual victims of this tragedy.

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He "survived" a school shooting. Okay, I guess we can call it that. He was interviewing other students while he was supposedly "under attack" about gun control. Do you see where I'm getting at here? He MIGHT have heard gun fire, MAYBE. Was he ever under attack? :lolguy: Give me a fucking break. It's wrong to attack him, but it's also wrong to pretend like he's some victim. He's not that damn upset about it if all he wants to do is talk about gun control. There's an obvious agenda and maybe I could take him seriously if he wasn't interviewing other students about gun control while "under attack." I'm sick of everyone being a fucking victim. If he were actually under attack he wouldn't be fucking around on his phone. He's taking away from the actual victims of this tragedy.


Yeah, and like, the guys in the Humvee 3 vehicles back from an IED explosion have no business getting PTSD. I mean, it was their friends who died, and it's not like they were ever in any real danger.

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It's wrong to attack him, but it's also wrong to pretend like he's some victim.


It's a good thing we don't have to pretend. He's an actual victim. No imagination necessary.


He's not that damn upset about it if all he wants to do is talk about gun control. There's an obvious agenda and maybe I could take him seriously if he wasn't interviewing other students about gun control while "under attack." I'm sick of everyone being a fucking victim. If he were actually under attack he wouldn't be fucking around on his phone. He's taking away from the actual victims of this tragedy.


You are literally human garbage. Please do us a favor and let whatever PTSD you might be battling from your time in the sandbox run it's course and remove yourself from the population. Don't let your friends and loved ones try to tell you different - you are exactly the awful person your own private self loathing says you are.

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Yeah, and like, the guys in the Humvee 3 vehicles back from an IED explosion have no business getting PTSD. I mean, it was their friends who died, and it's not like they were ever in any real danger.


Here's the difference, the guys 3 humvees back saw, heard and felt the explosion and guess what? The next day had to go back out into the danger again for months, maybe a year and possibly multiple tours. Terrible comparison.



It's a good thing we don't have to pretend. He's an actual victim. No imagination necessary.




You are literally human garbage. Please do us a favor and let whatever PTSD you might be battling from your time in the sandbox run it's course and remove yourself from the population. Don't let your friends and loved ones try to tell you different - you are exactly the awful person your own private self loathing says you are.


So it's normal to interview other students about gun control while supposedly "under attack?" You TRULY believe this kid was under attack? Dodging bullets, taking cover while 5.56 rounds went flying past him? Why don't we acknowledge the real victims of this tragedy. The ones hurt and killed and the ones who actually witnessed it along with their families.


Go fuck yourself you fat piece of garbage. Very typical to disrespect a combat vet. I would expect nothing less from you. You insult me for calling the kid out and call me a literal piece of garbage, well what the fuck does that make you, fat fuck. I can't wait to see you at cars and coffee this year. I hope to fucking god you say that shit to my face.

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Go fuck yourself you fat piece of garbage. Very typical to disrespect a combat vet. I would expect nothing less from you. You insult me for calling the kid out and call me a literal piece of garbage, well what the fuck does that make you, fat fuck. I can't wait to see you at cars and coffee this year. I hope to fucking god you say that shit to my face.


Combat vet? Fake news. How can you even prove it. For all I know you were at a desk in a US station. Heck, for all I know you were never in the military. What proof do you have?


I call you a literal piece of garbage because you are in fact a literal piece of human refuse. Look at you getting all tough guy, why wait for cars and coffee, we live in the same neighborhood, I see you around the area often enough. Next time you are out, go ahead and stop me and I'll tell you to your face, And then what? you just gonna stand there and cry? gonna soak your underroos? You gonna try and convince me how you deserve respect when you don't seem to comprehend basic human decency? we both know you aren't going to do shit tough guy, so keep puffing that chest.

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Combat vet? Fake news. How can you even prove it. For all I know you were at a desk in a US station. Heck, for all I know you were never in the military. What proof do you have?


I call you a literal piece of garbage because you are in fact a literal piece of human refuse. Look at you getting all tough guy, why wait for cars and coffee, we live in the same neighborhood, I see you around the area often enough. Next time you are out, go ahead and stop me and I'll tell you to your face, And then what? you just gonna stand there and cry? gonna soak your underroos? You gonna try and convince me how you deserve respect when you don't seem to comprehend basic human decency? we both know you aren't going to do shit tough guy, so keep puffing that chest.


I'll bring you some cheeseburgers. At least I don't need a mirror to see my dick you fat tub of lard. The only thing I'd be worried about with you is you falling on me, because although I consider myself fairly strong, I don't think I could lift 500lbs of pure fat off me. You're a laughing stock on this board. Nobody besides Greg fucking likes you and I'm sure that's the same in real life if you act anything like you do on here. I don't have to do anything to you to be effective, you do it to yourself. You eat your sorrows away and you've probably got less than 5 years to live (I'll have a beer in celebration when you're no longer here). I'm sorry man, it must suck to know you don't have much longer to spew your stupid ass shit on here and to whoever else you spew it to. I'm sure nobody will be at your funeral except for your loser family, if you even have one. If you have kids, I doubt their yours. I don't think a guy with your health could possibly reproduce and if you can, I hope that kid doesn't end up like you.

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I'll bring you some cheeseburgers. At least I don't need a mirror to see my dick you fat tub of lard. The only thing I'd be worried about with you is you falling on me, because although I consider myself fairly strong, I don't think I could lift 500lbs of pure fat off me. You're a laughing stock on this board. Nobody besides Greg fucking likes you and I'm sure that's the same in real life if you act anything like you do on here. I don't have to do anything to you to be effective, you do it to yourself. You eat your sorrows away and you've probably got less than 5 years to live (I'll have a beer in celebration when you're no longer here). I'm sorry man, it must suck to know you don't have much longer to spew your stupid ass shit on here and to whoever else you spew it to. I'm sure nobody will be at your funeral except for your loser family, if you even have one. If you have kids, I doubt their yours. I don't think a guy with your health could possibly reproduce and if you can, I hope that kid doesn't end up like you.



ooooh... I'm, so scared I made the midget angry. What happened to me saying it to your face? where did all that thunder and fury go? you want me to PM you my address so you can come to my house personally to collect that in insult in real life? Come on, tell me what happens next once I tell you you are human garbage IRL?


What a coward. You know stolen valor is a crime, you should probably stop telling people you are this big bad military dude when it's clear you are just a massively bleeding vagina.

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ooooh... I'm, so scared I made the midget angry. What happened to me saying it to your face? where did all that thunder and fury go? you want me to PM you my address so you can come to my house personally to collect that in insult in real life? Come on, tell me what happens next once I tell you you are human garbage IRL?


What a coward. You know stolen valor is a crime, you should probably stop telling people you are this big bad military dude when it's clear you are just a massively bleeding vagina.


Sure, what's your address? I won't threaten you over the internet. We'll just see what happens when I show up in front of your house.

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- Owns multiple guns

- Quick to anger

- Dares people to "say it to his face"

- Targets a public event with lots of potential victims


Maybe we should report this to the FBI, this is the sort of stuff that will come out after the fact and we don't want to look like we didn't take action

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- Owns multiple guns

- Quick to anger

- Dares people to "say it to his face"

- Targets a public event with lots of potential victims


Maybe we should report this to the FBI, this is the sort of stuff that will come out after the fact and we don't want to look like we didn't take action



Owns multiple guns - Check


Quick to anger - How do you know?


Dares people to "say it to his face - Check, because I know Kerry is a big pussy and he won't


Targets a public event with a lot of potential victims - How am I targeting a public event? Who are the victims? What are you assuming?


Go ahead and do your duty, Greg. I'll be waiting on the FBI's phone call or knock at my door.

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- Owns multiple guns

- Quick to anger

- Dares people to "say it to his face"

- Targets a public event with lots of potential victims


Maybe we should report this to the FBI, this is the sort of stuff that will come out after the fact and we don't want to look like we didn't take action


He's not going to do anything IRL. This is all playing to him, he told me himself last time I saw him at CCC. He's just another 20 something dipshit that thinks he has something to prove, but in reality the only thing he has to prove is that's he's got no follow through. He's the real crisis actor in this conversation.


On the off chance he has follow through, he only proves he's exactly the human garbage I am claiming him to be because there is no moral high ground he can take for violence against my verbal judge of his character. For the record I have made no physical threat against him. I have stated my opinion, and will gladly restate it again if he really needs to hear it with his own ears. I don't know why, he's not illiterate - I've written it several times here.


It must be nice for him to walk around being a person devoid of any empathy or moral compass and a genuine piece of shit and still think he's entitled to respect. You want proof of a millennial's sense of entitlement - there it is.


This shit is boring. Brandon, It's going to be real disappointing seeing you in real life and watching you do nothing.

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He's not going to do anything IRL. This is all playing to him, he told me himself last time I saw him at CCC. He's just another 20 something dipshit that thinks he has something to prove, but in reality the only thing he has to prove is that's he's got no follow through. He's the real crisis actor in this conversation.


On the off chance he has follow through, he only proves he's exactly the human garbage I am claiming him to be because there is no moral high ground he can take for violence against my verbal judge of his character. For the record I have made no physical threat against him. I have stated my opinion, and will gladly restate it again if he really needs to hear it with his own ears. I don't know why, he's not illiterate - I've written it several times here.


It must be nice for him to walk around being a person devoid of any empathy or moral compass and a genuine piece of shit and still think he's entitled to respect. You want proof of a millennial's sense of entitlement - there it is.


This shit is boring. Brandon, It's going to be real disappointing seeing you in real life and watching you do nothing.


Still waiting on that address...

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Yes please.


you are dumber than you look. And you look pretty fucking stupid.


Sure, what's your address? I won't threaten you over the internet. We'll just see what happens when I show up in front of your house.


You have to be pretty fucking stupid to think a throwaway comment meant to mock your absurdity of needing this in person means I would actually want an unstable piece of human garbage on my doorstep threatening my family.


Also, how you do not seem to grasp that even insisting that I give you my address and continuing to make threatening and menacing statements confirms that my character judgement is correct - human garbage is what ye be. You aren't the good guy here, nobody is on the side of the home invader.



Go take a time out tough guy, you are clearly in over your head. See you in real life soon.

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You have to be pretty fucking stupid to think a throwaway comment meant to mock your absurdity of needing this in person means I would actually want an unstable piece of human garbage on my doorstep threatening my family.


Also, how you do not seem to grasp that even insisting that I give you my address and continuing to make threatening and menacing statements confirms that my character judgement is correct - human garbage is what ye be. You aren't the good guy here.



Go take a time out tough guy, you are clearly in over your head.



Says the human garbage disposal :lolguy:


I think you're a little in over your head, big boy. Clearly, I must scare you for you retract your statement like that. I have no idea why, I just wanted to talk ;)

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Says the human garbage disposal :lolguy:


I think you're a little in over your head, big boy. Clearly, I must scare you for you retract your statement like that. I have no idea why, I just wanted to talk ;)


I don't want to talk. I think you are human garbage and if you really need to hear it from me in person, fine I will oblige you. I don't know what other discussion you need. I don't think you are coming to my house to talk. Considering the masked threats you have made here I do not believe for one moment that if you indeed show up on my doorstep that you are there for a benign reason. If that is unclear let me make it clear: If you show up on my doorstep I fully believe you are there to do me and my family harm. <---still feel like a hero? Still think you are the good guy?


PM sent.

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