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Geeto67's Political Playground


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Holy shit my brain hurts reading all of that, it makes me sad for humanity.


Why are we letting this forum turn to literal garbage by letting people threaten others here? You are being childish (and literally stupid posting things like this on a public forum)


If Brandon was in the military I thank him for his service but fuck if this is what happens when you get out, look at what we are doing to those guys over there.


It's disrespectful to represent your country the way you are right now by saying the things you have said in this thread. I thought you became a man in the military not a little boy.

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I don't like what Dick's is doing. With the exception of the no under 21 thing.


One of the nation’s largest sports retailers, Dick’s Sporting Goods, said Wednesday morning it was immediately ending sales of all assault-style rifles in its stores.


The retailer also said that it would no longer sell high-capacity magazines and that it would not sell any gun to anyone under 21 years of age, regardless of local laws.



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  944s2 said:
Holy shit my brain hurts reading all of that, it makes me sad for humanity.


Why are we letting this forum turn to literal garbage by letting people threaten others here? You are being childish (and literally stupid posting things like this on a public forum)


If Brandon was in the military I thank him for his service but fuck if this is what happens when you get out, look at what we are doing to those guys over there.


It's disrespectful to represent your country the way you are right now by saying the things you have said in this thread. I thought you became a man in the military not a little boy.


Again, point out where I threatened anyone. Fake. Fucking. News.

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Brandon, just stop. You've already lost enough face - the more you prolong this the worse it gets. Just take a break, take a breather, and come back in like a day and put it behind you.


Look, I will fully own I am not proud of some of the comments I made to work Brandon up into a frothy frenzy. I am not apologizing for my original opinion, but it was a weakness of my character to keep pushing his button long past the point where it was funny to do so. That is an ugliness I probably shouldn't have put the CR community through.


Let's not be to hard on Brandon here. He made a mistake and allowed his frustration and anger get the better of him. He's a kid in his 20's, I don't know a single person living today (including yours truly) that wasn't a raging asshole full of poor judgement in his 20's - it comes with the territory. He's reached out to me via PM, and I am going to work it out off board with him, let's just put it behind us and get back to calling each other ignorant morons for our political opinions in a harmless fashion like we did before.


My final note on this has to do with this recent attitude toward victims of tragedies that I see growing in America. With this Hogg kid, nobody is saying you have to like his message just because he was a victim of the recent tragedy in florida. He's a kid who went through some shit, and now he's trying to do something about it. He may not have all the facts, he may not be consistent, he may not be eloquent or using his time on the air in the most efficient fashion. And that's fine. But to attack his status as a victim, to denigrate his character, or somehow state that he is a lesser person because his reaction to a traumatic event is different than how you would have acted or expected others to act is complete and utter failure of your moral character. You are entitled to your opinion, but understand that in sharing that opinion with others you are entitled also to hear how others think you are being an amoral person. In case you are wondering what I am referencing here it is:


  BStowers023 said:
He "survived" a school shooting. Okay, I guess we can call it that. He was interviewing other students while he was supposedly "under attack" about gun control. Do you see where I'm getting at here? He MIGHT have heard gun fire, MAYBE. Was he ever under attack? :lolguy: Give me a fucking break. It's wrong to attack him, but it's also wrong to pretend like he's some victim. He's not that damn upset about it if all he wants to do is talk about gun control. There's an obvious agenda and maybe I could take him seriously if he wasn't interviewing other students about gun control while "under attack." I'm sick of everyone being a fucking victim. If he were actually under attack he wouldn't be fucking around on his phone. He's taking away from the actual victims of this tragedy.



We get that you don't like his opinion, but its his, and he's free to it. But you make a point to say he's not a victim, or he's somehow less a victim, or that his experience is not credible because of his opinion. You even recognize that it isn't moral to attack him but then you do exactly that. I mean this with all sincerity Brandon: a person who would write what you wrote and think nothing is wrong with it is a person with poor fundamental values in my opinion.


This is all I am going to say on the Hogg matter for now. I don't really care to hear your response, or whatever you are going to say to save face here. I'm going to go back to treating this thread like the burning dumpster fire of civil political opinions it is.


  kickass said:
I don't like what Dick's is doing. With the exception of the no under 21 thing.




So, this is what it looks like if you leave it up to the private sector to be the engine of change instead of the government. Popular opinion right now isn't in support of these types of weapons or the events they are being tied to, and the people have been looking to the government for a long time now and it's clear the government is deadlocked and not going to make progress - so it falls to the private sector and the marketplace. It's their right to do it, and honestly good for them. Large companies like this rarely do anything without a financial analysis so they wouldn't do it if they remotely thought it would hurt their business. For those proponents of the "free market" this is what free market sometimes looks like when it crosses the political spectrum.

Edited by Geeto67
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  Geeto67 said:
So, this is what it looks like if you leave it up to the private sector to be the engine of change instead of the government. Popular opinion right now isn't in support of these types of weapons or the events they are being tied to, and the people have been looking to the government for a long time now and it's clear the government is deadlocked and not going to make progress - so it falls to the private sector and the marketplace.


It's their right to do it, and honestly good for them. Large companies like this rarely do anything without a financial analysis so they wouldn't do it if they remotely thought it would hurt their business. For those proponents of the "free market" this is what free market sometimes looks like.


How do you know this without your CDC research?

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  Geeto67 said:
So, this is what it looks like if you leave it up to the private sector to be the engine of change instead of the government. Popular opinion right now isn't in support of these types of weapons or the events they are being tied to, and the people have been looking to the government for a long time now and it's clear the government is deadlocked and not going to make progress - so it falls to the private sector and the marketplace. It's their right to do it, and honestly good for them. Large companies like this rarely do anything without a financial analysis so they wouldn't do it if they remotely thought it would hurt their business. For those proponents of the "free market" this is what free market sometimes looks like when it crosses the political spectrum.


It's their right, for sure. I'm just saying that I don't like it, and I won't be going there to get my baseball tee's anymore.

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  RedRocket said:
How do you know this without your CDC research?


I didn't say the popular opinion was rational or data driven.


To ignore the public outcry right now about school shootings and wanting the government to do something is to stick your head in the sand. To think that the media is inflating a minority opinion is to fail to understand that those opposing gun control in this county have a minority opinion in and of itself. There are more people wanting something, literally anything, to be done than are willing to accept this as the cost of freedom.


Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean the majority of people in the country agree with it.

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  kickass said:
It's their right, for sure. I'm just saying that I don't like it, and I won't be going there to get my baseball tee's anymore.


ok, so what about it don't you like? Why is it influencing your normally economic based decision? They haven't stopped selling all guns, just ones they feel probably don't add much to their profitability and fall outside the aim of their brand to promote sporting activities?

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  Geeto67 said:
ok, so what about it don't you like? Why is it influencing your normally economic based decision? They haven't stopped selling all guns, just ones they feel probably don't add much to their profitability and fall outside the aim of their brand to promote sporting activities?


Please, if it wasn't profitable they would've stopped selling it a while ago. It's just a PR move. Like I said, that's fine. I won't support them, just like I stopped supporting Chick-fil-a when they came out with their religious, anti-gay bullshit.

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  kickass said:
Please, if it wasn't profitable they would've stopped selling it a while ago. It's just a PR move. Like I said, that's fine. I won't support them, just like I stopped supporting Chick-fil-a when they came out with their religious, anti-gay bullshit.


I didn't say it wasn't profitable, but it probably wasn't a large portion of their sales, and they could probably make up the revenue other ways.


But you dodged my original question: What is it about their decision you don't like? What's the moral objection you specifically have?


If you read their CEO's statements on the matter, their records indicated they had sold a firearm to Nicholas Cruz, and it was only by his preference he didn't use it in the shooting - seems like a pretty compelling reason to change their attitude and shift more toward sporting goods.

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  Geeto67 said:
I didn't say it wasn't profitable, but it probably wasn't a large portion of their sales, and they could probably make up the revenue other ways.


But you dodged my original question: What is it about their decision you don't like? What's the moral objection you specifically have?


If you read their CEO's statements on the matter, their records indicated they had sold a firearm to Nicholas Cruz, and it was only by his preference he didn't use it in the shooting - seems like a pretty compelling reason to change their attitude and shift more toward sporting goods.


The age thing alone would've stopped it. They will continue to sell other rifles, just not the particular one shithead used to shoot up the school. He might have bought a pair of running shoes there too, are they going to stop selling running shoes and only sell boots?


The issue I have is that it's a dumb, pointless thing that's fueling the hatred/misinformation of a certain type of rifle. As well as the magazine thing, fucking idiotic. He had extra magazines on him that went unused. No where in the school shooter handbook does it say "you are only allowed to bring one magazine, so make sure it holds as many rounds as possible"

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On the one hand, you're absolutely right that this is a bullshit PR move.


On the other hand, I think you're going to far in saying this will "fuel hatred of a certain type of rifle." Hatred?


The NRA has done a masterful job over the last 15 years of making suburban men feel like owning an AR-15 is wholesome and patriotic, evoking imagery of dads teaching their kids to plink with a .22 on the back 40. But when I was a kid, owning an AR-15 with a bunch of 30 round magazines was fucking weird. And I think that's how it should be. Like people who own ferrets. Good for you that you want those stinky little fuckers crawling all over your house, but let's not sell them at every corner store and pretend like its normal. I want fewer ferret owners in my country, not more.


So I think fueling hatred is a bit much, but certainly this move (and others like it) will make it less mainstream, and that's the exact culture change I'd like to see in this country.

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There are plenty of places to buy AR-15's other than Dick's. They are free to do as they please. Logically, they should stop selling hand guns if they're actually concerned about guns being used by criminals. Unfortunately, like a lot of company's now, they want to appear to be a part of certain political agenda and this is their way of showing "we care."
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  BStowers023 said:
There are plenty of places to buy AR-15's other than Dick's.


That's right...until the next company follows Dick's, and the next, and the next.


And it's not just AR15's, it's "assault rifles".


wtf is an assault rifle anyway? Is that like a rape whistle? Nobody needs a whistle that rapes!

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  LJ said:


I wonder what the sales ratio is between the two. I know lots of people who own AR-15s, the only reason I've ever heard of the mini-14 is from gun debates.

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  Geeto67 said:
I didn't say the popular opinion was rational or data driven.


To ignore the public outcry right now about school shootings and wanting the government to do something is to stick your head in the sand. To think that the media is inflating a minority opinion is to fail to understand that those opposing gun control in this county have a minority opinion in and of itself. There are more people wanting something, literally anything, to be done than are willing to accept this as the cost of freedom.


Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean the majority of people in the country agree with it.


Neither did I.


I'm asking how you KNOW that popular (read: Majority) opinion is anti-AR15? What data can you cite? You, yourself, have stated that the CDC is not allow to collect data on such things due to the Dickey amendment. So how do you know it's the majority opinion? I imagine if you are to poll the people you tend to hang around, then yea, it probably sounds like the majority of people are anti-AR15. However, if we were to do the same around the folks I tend to hang around, then it would seem the majority of people are pro-AR15.


I'm not ignoring the public outcry; I'm ignoring the Left's outcry. And there usually tends to be a lot of it. And again, how do you know the minority opinion is anti-gun control?


Should we use the same polls that OVERWHELMINGLY predicted the 2016 election? I hear they were pretty accurate in their pro-Left assessment.




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  greg said:
I wonder what the sales ratio is between the two. I know lots of people who own AR-15s, the only reason I've ever heard of the mini-14 is from gun debates.


No question. The AR-15 is the most popular rifle because it's essentially America's rifle. Go to Russia, you'll find the AK47 is theirs. Go to Belgium, you'll find the FAL is theirs. And so on. Just because it's popular doesn't mean its the only one out there.

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Back to politics, Jared "middle east peace" Kushner was stripped of his interim security clearance and basically can't do his job anymore because he couldn't pass a background check. Is anyone else in the IC here upset that someone so unqualified and unable to get a proper security clearance was able to access top level classified briefings for so long because of nepotism?
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  greg said:
Back to politics, Jared "middle east peace" Kushner was stripped of his interim security clearance and basically can't do his job anymore because he couldn't pass a background check. Is anyone else in the IC here upset that someone so unqualified and unable to get a proper security clearance was able to access top level classified briefings for so long because of nepotism?


I think all the Russia stuff and everything else is going to end up coming back to Kushner. I think Trump is "New York Businessman" dirty, but Kushner is the "international financial crimes" dirty.

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I gotta admit, I'm surprised they threw in the towel. Like, I have absolutely 0 international connections, so my background investigation basically amounted to making sure I'm not a degenerate gambler. I figured the hold up for Kushner was just the extent of his international dealings, but that they'd throw resources at it and eventually get him signed off. The fact that they're admitting at this point that it just isn't gonna happen makes me think there's something there.
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  RedRocket said:
Neither did I.


I'm asking how you KNOW that popular (read: Majority) opinion is anti-AR15? What data can you cite? You, yourself, have stated that the CDC is not allow to collect data on such things due to the Dickey amendment. So how do you know it's the majority opinion? I imagine if you are to poll the people you tend to hang around, then yea, it probably sounds like the majority of people are anti-AR15. However, if we were to do the same around the folks I tend to hang around, then it would seem the majority of people are pro-AR15.


I'm not ignoring the public outcry; I'm ignoring the Left's outcry. And there usually tends to be a lot of it. And again, how do you know the minority opinion is anti-gun control?


Should we use the same polls that OVERWHELMINGLY predicted the 2016 election? I hear they were pretty accurate in their pro-Left assessment.


I guess this boils down to whether you are so far right that everything looks left, or whether you are actually centrist. If I say generally it's not hard to see the discussion that's occurring in the media around this and your response is "the liberal media" then you are probably just talking out of your ass.


But I also think you are misreading my statements. I said, the popular opinion is that something needs to be done. Not that the specific something is banning assault weapons, or making AR-15's illegal, or anything like that, just that the national discourse is that that people want some kind of movement in this space, and polls and reporint, even the pundits of both conservative and progressive media outlets are showing the same thing.


This particular retailer chose to make a decision based on how they felt as is their right (the fact they are publicizing it is the PR "stunt" but that's par for the course for political statements). Maybe if they had Independent, government funded research they might have made a different decision, and again that is the value of data and research - it helps people make educated decisions instead of those based on emotion.


I have to agree with Greg, this is the way things should be going. There is too much emotion tied up with the government restricting things, so it is (at least in part) going to have to come from the voluntary will of the people. Here we have an entity in the supply chain making a voluntary decision to try to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem, there is nothing wrong with that. Rather than chastise them for doing at least something (even if that something doesn't seem rational), maybe we should get back to providing the marketplace with data so rational decisions can be made.


  greg said:
I gotta admit, I'm surprised they threw in the towel. Like, I have absolutely 0 international connections, so my background investigation basically amounted to making sure I'm not a degenerate gambler. I figured the hold up for Kushner was just the extent of his international dealings, but that they'd throw resources at it and eventually get him signed off. The fact that they're admitting at this point that it just isn't gonna happen makes me think there's something there.


I think this is where we are going to eventually end up with the Russia Collusion. Not that the President overtly planned in conjunction with the Russian government to influence the election, but that Kushner and Trump international were moving money for the Russians through their business dealings in circumvention of the Magninsky act, thus incentivizing Russia to favor the Trump campaign in their election tampering efforts. Remember, the Magninsky act is why the Russians had that meeting with the Trump campaign - The richest in russia (including Putin) are blocked from the international banking system, which means their money is at risk to the corruption they continue to foster in their own country.

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