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Carpenters: make a loft bed?


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Looking for somebody with carpentry experience that can make a loft bed for my kids bedroom. Ideallywould fit a full-size mattress that we already have. Benefit would be ability to put desk and bed in same floor space. Might be interested in 2 beds.


The prices for store-bought crap, and flatpack IKEA options are a little ridiculous. Pic for reference.




PM me if interested with design, pricing and timeline (no rush). Thanks!

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Clay, My son has one very similar and loves it. Just make sure when you measure to watch for the ceiling fan if you have one. It made placement options a little limited in my sons room.
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Sorry man, I'm booked up with projects for the foreseeable future. Good luck. Just know that something like that will not be cheap. Just the raw materials will be hundreds of dollars. I sold one on Craigslist years ago that was my sisters in college. Think I got a couple hundred for it, but I know we had much more invested in the materials than that.
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Just know that something like that will not be cheap. Just the raw materials will be hundreds of dollars. .


Agreed. I looked into getting a bunk bed built for my son last year and talked to a number of different shops / woodworker friends and even with a friend discount, it was far more expensive then pre-made beds you can buy. We ended up just getting a sturdy one from iKea as that was the most cost effective one for a decent, durable bed.

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I looked at a similar setup for my daughter this year at Ikea. It was something like $480. We had to pass on it because she has a ceiling fan in her room that would interfere with the bed. Still, I don't think you can build one for that.
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I built one in a weekend following some basic plans I found online. The girls thought it was cool for like 3 months.


Sorry this doesn't help you...




Both of my kids had one also, hated it after a few months. Begged to go back, so be sure or keep your old bed just in case.

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