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Texas high school shooting


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Just wanted to throw out my two cents on the situation...


as someone who works in education and currently at a High School, I can honestly tell you that not a day goes by that I don't worry about this very same thing happening at my school. Teens can be extremely irrational these days, but every community is different. The main thing you need to look at in these situations is "what drove this person to come to the conclusion that shooting everyone was the answer?"


I have seen many students come and go that have terrible home lives, terrible parents with no ability to "parent" their children, and parents who could give a damn. Much of the cries for help span from lack of social interaction and perception of how your peers view you. Just last week I noticed a student who was handing out money left and right to random people in the hallway like some modern day Robin Hood, and after investigating where he come across over $150 in cash it turned out that he stole the money from his Grandma who is already dirt fucking poor and wanted to buy friends for the day. Kids will go to great lengths to impress or make people feel like they are "cool". The student in question has no father in his life, mom is always drunk, and grandma does not know what to do with him. We are all EXTREMELY worried at what he might do next. (this is not the first time he has done something stupid.


My point is... I actually get very angry when people cry for gun control in these situations. If someone brought a chainsaw or a sword to school to stab and cut up people, would we cry for control of that as well? My point is, we need to look at HOW the student got to this point. What happened in his/her life that led to these decisions being made? We always say that parents are just as responsible as the teachers and I would love to know if this student had ANY friends or faculty that stuck up for him. You have to look past the "gun" situation and look at how you can prevent these things from happening in the first place... I assure you that banning guns will do NOTHING for school violence.


Our education system itself is in shambles. budget cuts, lack of teacher pay, and a complete divide between what schools are good and what schools are bad. There is a very good documentary that I HIGHLY recommend folks watch called "waiting for superman" it talks about how fucked up our school system is and what leads students down the path they follow. I can't even begin to tell you how passionate I am about one day fixing this god forsaken education system we have.


Here is a link for anyone who wants to watch: https://vimeo.com/115805401

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Probably better suited for a different discussion, but I tend to subscribe to the idea that our educational system isn't broken so much as it is obsolete.


Have you seen this?


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OK..here's an old mans take on all the school shootings.

It's society's fault.

Everyone gets a trophy..they are no longer illegal aliens they are undocumented persons..English as a 2nd language..etc.

Their have been bullies forever but today because Johnny and Susie don't know how to handle failure but in only 1 way, pull a gun and shoot up the place where the insult took place or where they think it took place.

Then we have it reported everywhere and lo and behold the pos is famous and not the loser they are.

You probably don't remember the shooting in the 60s at UofT. There wasn't a call for gun control it was the action of 1 crazy man. Today it's everyone else's fault...no it's not the parent's fault for having guns it the parent's fault for raising a cry ass who can't handle failure.

It's not a video game fault..we used to play army shooting each other and we fell dead but stood back up..we watched daffy duck get blown up and come back.

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Since we've got a concurrent movie thread going in this forum; has anyone seen the pre-show advertisement they've been showing in theaters lately? Dads in Parks or something like that. It was very unprogressivelike. I was quite surprised they showed something like that in public, but I was glad they did. I feel like we need to get more messages out like this.


Found it:

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So, hypothetical situation.

Parents luck up guns. Kids break lock and use guns. However they do this, use your imagination.

Still think parents are an accessory?




I am 100% sure I can secure my weapon in a manor my children could not access it. If they did, I fucked up.


Also, if they went though such means to access it to harm innocent people while they lived in my home and I didnt see the signs (im sorry, none one of these mass-shooters where "normal" people) then again, I fucked up.


Either way, as a father and a productive member of society I have failed.

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I am 100% sure I can secure my weapon in a manor my children could not access it. If they did, I fucked up.


Also, if they went though such means to access it to harm innocent people while they lived in my home and I didnt see the signs (im sorry, none one of these mass-shooters where "normal" people) then again, I fucked up.


Either way, as a father and a productive member of society I have failed.


I would love to see what manner you think a 16 year old could not access your fire arm if they really intended to. Also any fire arm your going to secure like Fort Knox yet again will not grant you access to such weapon in a time of need for defense


Locked up firearms hidden deep in the basement unloaded is not going to help you when someone kicks in your front door

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"Teens can be irrational these days"


Prolly because no parenting has been done in the last decade and a half or so. If i fucked up in the least I got my ass smacked until I couldn't sit. If i did the same thing again Lord have mercy on my asscheeks because I would have blisters.



Even disciplining your child is reason to be expelled from the growing libtard pool. Dont dare even assume the child's gender

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I am 100% sure I can secure my weapon in a manor my children could not access it. If they did, I fucked up.


Also, if they went though such means to access it to harm innocent people while they lived in my home and I didnt see the signs (im sorry, none one of these mass-shooters where "normal" people) then again, I fucked up.


Either way, as a father and a productive member of society I have failed.




Usually many people come out after the fact and say "well he hasn't seemed right for months or years but I didn't say anything."

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Even disciplining your child is reason to be expelled from the growing libtard pool. Dont dare even assume the child's gender


This kid grew up in a conservative (Greek orthodox) Christian house in Texas with a gun-owning father, but somehow it's still hippy libtards to blame?


Are all of these other kids who shoot up schools learning how to use AR-15s and getting a hold of them from their tweed-jacket professor-in-gender-studies parents?

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Usually many people come out after the fact and say "well he hasn't seemed right for months or years but I didn't say anything."


And after Parkland everyone was talking about "red flags," but in this case the narrative seems to be that nobody saw it coming. Sure, he wore a trenchcoat and posted pictures of guns and knives on his IG, but that's pretty standard "don't tread on me" conservative fare, isn't it?

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People cannot even drive, without being distracted by a phone and almost killing people on a daily basis. Sit at a restaurant and just people watch, it's rare to see anyone fully engaged in a real convo. Families with children all buried in electronic devices, none of them talking to each other.


There's no easy solution for this madness, but starting with shitty parenting is a good step. Everyone is so disconnected, and constantly looking to blame someone for some issue in their life. Society of humans who can no longer manage simple life stresses. Next would be the gun crazy knuckle dragging parents.



Just over the weekend, a student at my girlfriends school was posting online with an AR and other students sending out group messages about possibly "doing something" None of this made any media, and similar things happen on the regular. None of this ever leaks out...... You wonder how many events could possibly be avoided, but you have to handle everything with velvet gloves these days..

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Since we've got a concurrent movie thread going in this forum; has anyone seen the pre-show advertisement they've been showing in theaters lately? Dads in Parks or something like that. It was very unprogressivelike. I was quite surprised they showed something like that in public, but I was glad they did. I feel like we need to get more messages out like this.


Found it:



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I am 100% sure I can secure my weapon in a manor my children could not access it. If they did, I fucked up.


Also, if they went though such means to access it to harm innocent people while they lived in my home and I didnt see the signs (im sorry, none one of these mass-shooters where "normal" people) then again, I fucked up.


Either way, as a father and a productive member of society I have failed.

100% agree


Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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I would love to see what manner you think a 16 year old could not access your fire arm if they really intended to. Also any fire arm your going to secure like Fort Knox yet again will not grant you access to such weapon in a time of need for defense


Locked up firearms hidden deep in the basement unloaded is not going to help you when someone kicks in your front door

I think we are just thinking about this from two slightly different scenarios. Like any legal issue, it would have to be handled on a case by case basis. You are correct about the storage of a gun and defense. I'm saying that you are responsible to give that up if your kid shows signs of being unstable. Being a parent is a huge responsibility that is too easy to coast through, and 9 out of 10 children will get "enough" guidance to be a somewhat productive member of society.


Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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Things to blame:



--------------------Fatherless home

--------------------Access to guns


--------------------Social Media

--YOU ARE HERE--Psychopath seeking glory from 24/7 news coverage



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I'm just amazed how the rest of the world seems to have solved the problem of 24/7 news coverage while the US lags behind.


bad parenting by liberals causes conservative white dudes to shoot people in mass. Duh. It's not a hard concept. Now quit being logical, this is CR.

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I'm not 100% sure on the law about this but...


Say I own a dog, it runs off and attacks some random kid in the neighborhood, wouldn't I, as the owner, be responsible? Why should it be any different when it comes to your children? In reality you probably have less influence and control over an animal compared to your children.


People cannot even drive, without being distracted by a phone and almost killing people on a daily basis.


Not to go off subject here, but I've been noticing this more and more. Actually this morning for the first time I honked and gestured at someone to get off their phone because they were swerving out of their lane and going 10+ mph under the speed limit on 270 while trying to text. Seems to always be younger females too.

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I'm not 100% sure on the law about this but...


Say I own a dog, it runs off and attacks some random kid in the neighborhood, wouldn't I, as the owner, be responsible? Why should it be any different when it comes to your children? In reality you probably have less influence and control over an animal compared to your children.


Nobody's going to say that gun owners shouldn't maintain positive control over their weapons, especially if there are kids in the house. But I think there's a difference between a coked-out halfwit leaving a loaded 45 on the coffee table while toddlers crawl around the room, and a "responsible gun owner" whose 16 year old figures out how to pry open a safe. Locking up parents who are grieving over the loss of their son following a mass shooting (assuming the shooter commits suicide or ends up in jail for life, which are about the only 2 possible outcomes) seems cruel if the parents didn't behave unreasonably in regards to gun safety. Consequently, I'm not in favor of draconian laws that punish parents regardless of the circumstances; there's already laws on the books that should handle cases of extremely neglect re: gun safety.


That said, 99% of people who think they need guns for home defense, or personal defense, or to protect themselves from the government, or because it's the American thing to do, are delusional, and the NRA pro-gun machine that has convinced a hefty chunk of America that keeping guns in the house is a good thing is something that actually is unique to America and therefore might actually explain why school shootings are a uniquely American thing.


I just wish gun owners would reflect on that more instead of blaming video games or cell phones or liberal parenting practices or the media. If people enjoy shooting for sport, the default model should be to keep their guns at a range. But hey, go ahead and bash me and we'll have this talk again in 2 weeks, should be fun.

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