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Political Fart Noise Part II


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Hey, I'm just pointing out the double standard that when a black person mugs someone Tim is quick to call them a turd, but a white senator who very likely enabled an environment where someone was aloud to rape and sexually molest athletes in his charge is a "stand up guy" being unfairly burned at the stake.


But please tell me again how Jordan is not a turd? or at least suspected of being a turd?

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Using the race card or gender card for why you're not successful is a sorry excuse. People need to start being accountable for their own lives and stop playing the victim.


Explain this: if employers are less likely to call back and hire based solely on how ethnic a first name sounds - how is that the person with the ethnic sounding name's responsibility? How are they a sorry excuse for the racism of other people?

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Let me ask you this: Do you think White Privilege exists in America?

If yes, then we are just debating to what shade and what root cause. In the case of Brandon, based on what he posts, I don't think he believes it exists at all, which is what prompted the post you are replying to. It's one thing to debate the severity of a known problem, it's another entirely to debate it's existence. based on your comments before about living in South Africa, I belive you think it exists, but base on ones you make here I am not so sure now.


I started typing out a whole thing, then I had to go to a meeting and now I'm not in the mood, but...


Today in America, I do not believe racial privilege exists. There are no laws that say a white person is allowed to have or do something others cannot. I can however point out to laws that say the opposite.


We are all born with privileges and advantages that others do not have. That's life, it's not fair. I wasn't born into a rich family despite being white, I wasn't gifted the same genes that make Michael Phelps a good swimmer, or LeBron sweet at Basketball, or what made Steven Hawking a brilliant physicist.


In South Africa when I was born, I could make the argument that I was a bit privileged based on the fact that for between 1st and 2nd, maybe 3rd grade I had to go to a white only school, where most black schools provided a poor education (not all, and it's still true today). So I could make the argument that I had no privilege at all.


There is a black South African family that lives here in Columbus that we know. They are my parents age, so they lived through apartheid in a way only them and my parents would know. They are wealthier than most people I know, despite having "black-unprivilege". Shit, even the poor, forever struggling Nelson Mandela somehow managed to become a lawyer.

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Today in America, I do not believe racial privilege exists....


We are all born with privileges and advantages that others do not have. That's life...


These are contradictory statements.


There is a black South African family that lives here in Columbus that we know. They are my parents age, so they lived through apartheid in a way only them and my parents would know. They are wealthier than most people I know, despite having "black-unprivilege".


You do know that even during slavery in this country there were wealthy Black Physicians, black sea captains, Black Farmers, black merchants...etc....there are always going to be exceptions and outliers.


Think of it like this - the world is a casino, and white people are playing blackjack, Roulette, or craps table - highest payout and highest odds for winning, but minorities are stuck playing Wheel of Fortune or slot machines - odds of winning are much lower and even when there is a payout it's more likely to be less. Not everyone playing it going to win, but those playing the better games and going to get more opportunity. And they get to play better games because those in charge of the different areas of the casino took efforts to make sure whites play only or mostly the good games and other races don't. And when they were told to stop doing that, they found ways to still do it where it looked ok, but still had the same effect of discriminatory policies.


If you don't think there is inherent racial privilege built into the system, then I can't help you - you are just choosing to willfully ignore some thing that is a fact of life for many Americans, because a few isolated outliers exist. You might as well be saying the earth is flat in how much evidence you are ignoring.

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There is and always will be financial privilege built into any system. It's up to all parties to move forward and create their own future. The ball is always in a persons court to decide what to do to move forward.


Saying that being a successful black male/female is an outlier is you agreeing that blacks are not as successful and continuing that ideology that they are an inferior race. Who is the closet racist now?

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Think of it like this - the world is a casino, and white people are playing blackjack, Roulette, or craps table - highest payout and highest odds for winning, but minorities are stuck playing Wheel of Fortune or slot machines - odds of winning are much lower and even when there is a payout it's more likely to be less. Not everyone playing it going to win, but those playing the better games and going to get more opportunity. And they get to play better games because those in charge of the different areas of the casino took efforts to make sure whites play only or mostly the good games and other races don't.


There is nothing preventing non-whites from going to sit down at the blackjack table. If that was true, there would be not a single non-white at that table. What a lot of people seem to want is to not only let them sit at the table, but give them a payout no matter what cards they hold.


Only thing that prevents anyone from sitting at the blackjack table that wasn't born there is not wanting to get up. Don't forget, just because you are born at the blackjack table, doesn't mean you can't bust.

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There is and always will be financial privilege built into any system. It's up to all parties to move forward and create their own future. The ball is always in a persons court to decide what to do to move forward.


Saying that being a successful black male/female is an outlier is you agreeing that blacks are not as successful and continuing that ideology that they are an inferior race. Who is the closet racist now?


Wow, this is a stunning display of logic gymnastics just to get to an ugly conclusion.


Statistically speaking, as a race Black people are not as successful as white people in America. That is a fact of the numbers, their income is less, their overall wealth is less, it's not in dispute.


What you are doing here is saying "the system isn't rigged against them" so the logical conclusion is that they must be the inferior race.


What I am saying is "the system has an inherent RACIAL bias" and therefore they are at a disadvantage. It has nothing to do with them being an inferior race - in fact it would require them to be at least equals in order to be the root cause explanation for the disparity of income/wealth.


I could turn this around and say that you are just saying that black people are more lazy - that is what this statement is inferring:


The ball is always in a persons court to decide what to do to move forward.


Are you saying that? because it would be pretty horrible if you were.


I am not accusing you of racism like you are doing to me (although to answer your question as to who is the closet racist - yeah that's still you), but you are ignoring something that is a fact - the system has a racial bias. A lot of people a long time ago worked very hard to make sure that was true and it is still having an effect today. Just because you lack the knowledge to believe it doesn't make it less true.

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There is nothing preventing non-whites from going to sit down at the blackjack table.


Oh yeah? ever try to register a kid at a school for which he doesn't live in the district? It isn't easy or cheap.



If that was true, there would be not a single non-white at that table.

false conclusion. It would mean there were fewer at the table, which there are. There are always outliers and exceptions. There used to be almost none, and then we started to work on this issue around 1964 or so, so now there are some, but not as many as there should be.


What a lot of people seem to want is to not only let them sit at the table, but give them a payout no matter what cards they hold.


where are you getting this from? From my standpoint what people are asking for are opportunities.


Only thing that prevents anyone from sitting at the blackjack table that wasn't born there is not wanting to get up. Don't forget, just because you are born at the blackjack table, doesn't mean you can't bust.


So black people are lazy then? is that what you are saying? because they don't want to get up to that table?


Again this comes down to whether you believe the odds are different based on race. You don't believe it to be so, and there is a lot of evidence that disagrees with you. Also almost all of American history as well. I can't force you to be more knowledgeable about this issue, but I don't have to accept your opinion as remotely based in fact either.

Edited by Geeto67
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Oh yeah? ever try to register a kid at a school for which he doesn't live in the district? It isn't easy or cheap.


Well so there are 2 things I have to say about that.


First, that's the downside of having a socialistic-ish school system. You need to go to the district that you pay taxes to and if you don't want to you need to go through a whole process, because nothing is free.


Second, that is true for all kids. My GF is going through that right now, her kids have always gone to school in a different district and they might get booted next year.




false conclusion. It would mean there were fewer at the table, which there are. There are always outliers and exceptions. There used to be almost none, and then we started to work on this issue around 1964 or so, so now there are some, but not as many as there should be.


Well there are fewer at the table mainly because they are a smaller % of the population. Maybe there are fewer because it's not something a lot of non-whites and Asians strive for. I'd like to hear from black people on here, but how likely are you to be criticized for acting or talking white, get your ass kicked or made fun of if all you are trying to do is get educated and work towards a successful future?


How many exactly "should" there be?




where are you getting this from? From my standpoint what people are asking for are opportunities. Take the


Affirmative action, Black Economic Empowerment, Land expropriation without compensation. Zimbabwe went through the whole cycle, South Africa is just about there. It always starts with equal...The Ant and the Grasshopper.


So black people are lazy then? is that what you are saying? because they don't want to get up to that table?


No, not lazy. Asian (including Indian) cultures seem to really drive towards working your ass off to get into high paying professions. Next tier I'd throw in white culture, less than Asians but more than blacks and hispanics.


Again this comes down to whether you believe the odds are different based on race. You don't believe it to be so, and there is a lot of evidence that disagrees with you. Also almost all of American history as well. I can't force you to be more knowledgeable about this issue, but I don't have to accept your opinion as remotely based in fact either.


People are too afraid of sounding racist than to accept the facts for what they are. We can all agree that the data shows that black people have a lower income, but we can't seem to agree to why that is. Would you deny the figures that show that countries with high white and Asian populations have higher IQs than countries that dont? South Africa has an average IQ of 70...excuse my language but that's just about fucking retarded. No wonder it went from being a top level function country, with great infrastructure to just another failed African state in 20 years.



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Kerry there are all kinds of privileges that individuals in this country have that others do not. There is nothing wrong with that.


The problem with society is many try and make out privilege as a bad thing and it is not. They do so by trying to spread it across large swaths of people when in fact it really impacts us each as individuals not as groups.


Everyone in life has a different starting place and a different set of variables to deal with. Welcome to the world


Jim Jordan hasn't been proven guilty of shit. Contrast that the criminal in your example where once again you lead with race, yes he's a turd and I don't give a fuck what color he is.


If the crap that Jim Jordan is being accused of associating with was important than it should have been brought up during the statute of those limitations. To wait all those years and bring it up now is bullshit. Yes, I question the timing of it all.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Well so there are 2 things I have to say about that.


First, that's the downside of having a socialistic-ish school system. You need to go to the district that you pay taxes to and if you don't want to you need to go through a whole process, because nothing is free.


Second, that is true for all kids. My GF is going through that right now, her kids have always gone to school in a different district and they might get booted next year.


Ok, then factor in segregation, redlining, housing discrimination, racist covenants, etc.... and you can see how it gets to depriving people of good education quick.


here you can read this book:



and this:


and this:



and it still goes on today:



Housing discrimination is a defacto form of education discrimination. Education is a significant factor in opportunities for success.




Well there are fewer at the table mainly because they are a smaller % of the population. Maybe there are fewer because it's not something a lot of non-whites and Asians strive for. I'd like to hear from black people on here, but how likely are you to be criticized for acting or talking white, get your ass kicked or made fun of if all you are trying to do is get educated and work towards a successful future?



I am not talking fewer overall, I mean fewer percentage wise relative to their population.




How many exactly "should" there be?


The standard that usually gets discusses is an equal percentage in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example if there are 100 white kids, 20 black kids, 20 Hispanic kids and 60 other races and 50% of them go to college then your class should be 50 white kids 10 black kids, 10 hispanic kids and 30 other races - and that's ok because they are all 50% of their respective population. Where it gets troubling is when you look at enrollment and it's 80 white kids, and 5 black kids, and 2 hispanic kids, and 10 others because now you have 80% white, 25% black, 10% hispanic, and 30% other races - not an equal proportion.


here, have some fun reading:



and we are talking about enrollment, we aren't even talking about completing the program which also seems to disproportionately affect non-whites:







Affirmative action, Black Economic Empowerment, Land expropriation without compensation. Zimbabwe went through the whole cycle, South Africa is just about there. It always starts with equal...The Ant and the Grasshopper.


I don't think you understand Affirmative Action. It isn't a handout or a requirement to hire an unqualified person. It actually stems back to FDR's administration as a way to prevent employers from blacklisting union employees. I am not super thrilled at Affirmative Action because it is a band aid fix for a much larger systemic problem, but it does work as a shortcut to get QUALIFIED minorities opportunities that would more often go to their white counterparts.


By the way one positive legislation that favors opportunity to minorities is a drop in the bucket to the thousands of laws that were written to disadvantage minorities for hundreds of years.


No, not lazy. Asian (including Indian) cultures seem to really drive towards working your ass off to get into high paying professions. Next tier I'd throw in white culture, less than Asians but more than blacks and hispanics.


Asian cultural success is a myth. As in not true. It's one of those stereotypes that people who want to ignore racial disparity in this country choose to believe but the numbers seldom bear out.




People are too afraid of sounding racist than to accept the facts for what they are. We can all agree that the data shows that black people have a lower income, but we can't seem to agree to why that is. Would you deny the figures that show that countries with high white and Asian populations have higher IQs than countries that dont? South Africa has an average IQ of 70...excuse my language but that's just about fucking retarded. No wonder it went from being a top level function country, with great infrastructure to just another failed African state in 20 years.




What facts? you haven't proposed any facts other than to state that you believe there isn't a racial disparity and you believe a lot of stereotypes.

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Kerry there are all kinds of privileges that individuals in this country have that others do not. There is nothing wrong with that.


Nothing wrong with racism built into our legal and justice system? really?


The problem with society is many try and make out privilege as a bad thing and it is not. They do so by trying to spread it across large swaths of people when in fact it really impacts us each as individuals not as groups.


Nobody is saying privilege in a vacuum is a bad thing. It isn't. Privilege that comes at the suppression of someone else and that blocks people from seeing injustice is when it gets to be a problem in not good. If you use your privilege to do good in this world and have a positive impact more power too you. If you use it do bad, well that's bad. If you pretend it doesn't exist in order to keep perpetuating a system that was designed to disparately impact a racial minority - that's pretty shitty.


I happily own that I have white privilege. I happily used it to fight for civil rights for people when I lived in Louisiana, I happily use it for consumer protection in my current role. What do you do with yours?


Everyone in life has a different starting place and a different set of variables to deal with. Welcome to the world


yes but for a lot of those people that starting place was artificial. And their path is more difficult because it was engineered to be more difficult out of hate and fear, and it perpetuates because there is a large segment of the population who chooses to ignore the road for certain groups was paved with broken glass and pretend like it's all their fault they can't run at the same pace as other's whose path is not paved with broken glass.


Jim Jordan hasn't been proven guilty of shit. Contrast that the criminal in your example where once again you lead with race, yes he's a turd and I don't give a fuck what color he is.


At this point he is "suspected" of it - you are correct. But I wouldn't exactly call him a stand up guy in light of the sheer number of students (up to 100 now) who were in his care and the faculty he worked with that have come forward to say that he knew. And honestly he isn't to shoulder the blame for all of it either - complaints were made to the university and it didn't get any traction either.


But, you are always quick to call people turds when it is just the news report of a mugging and they are not convicted yet either. YOu complain about a court of public opinion that you contribute to.


If the crap that Jim Jordan is being accused of associating with was important than it should have been brought up during the statute of those limitations. To wait all those years and bring it up now is bullshit. Yes, I question the timing of it all.


Unless there is a culture to hide it, which it seems there was. Complaints were made to the university, and it looks like OSU didn't do shit either, and guess what, JJ was a part of that engine and that culture. How much he contributed to it is what's at issue. If he knew, then he was a part of the coverup as much as anyone, if he didn't, then he is a victim of it as well.


But let's put this into context - large organizations are really good at hiding evil and suppressing victims. The catholic Church did it for over 70 years (and may still be doing it) to the point where new statutes of limitations had to be passed in order to take action against some of it.


This is just victim blaming/shaming, and honestly it contributes and empowers the suppression of victims. It's a shitty attitude. People are embarrassed by being victims of sex crimes without any pressure to suppress, add in the people in power not doing anything about it, and you with your "well it's your fault for not saying something sooner" and it's a wonder anybody comes forward at all.


As for the suspect timing - well Larry Nasser happened. And because the rapist Dr. Strauss was employed for a period that is within the statute of limitations for sex crimes OSU has some real liability and desire to investigate in the wake of Larry Nasser (and there is a class action suit as well). IIRC the SOL of sex crims is 20 years, but aiding and abetting crimes is 6 (I didn't look it up - top of head). To allege it is some deep state democratic plot Tim just makes you sound like a kook.


Which is more likely:

- A verdict is handed down expanding the liability of organizations that have sports programs and those organizations begin investigating ones they knew and forgot about because they took no action? or


- a bunch of politicians spent thousands of man hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars to get 100+ people to make false allegations?

Edited by Geeto67
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Nothing wrong with racism built into our legal and justice system? really?


Privllage isn't racism. But feel free to conflate actual racism in various scenarios with basic normal differences between individuals. Continue to leverage race in just about every topic you discuss as the irony by doing so grows stronger every time. You bring up and add skin color to more things than anyone here including those that are likely black.


I happily own that I have white privilege. I happily used it to fight for civil rights for people when I lived in Louisiana, I happily use it for consumer protection in my current role. What do you do with yours?


I don't see skin color as a privilege nor a hindrance in life. Ones race is what it is and the way they choose to live and succeed in life has more to do with them as individuals than others around them and how they react to one single aspect of who they are such as their race or skin color. You choose to see the opposite and honestly that's sad as you seem to always be a negative Debbie Downer about shit. Maybe it's the company you keep. In my life I have plenty of successful non white people around me. Most of which take offense to being lumped in with your victim mentality view.


yes but for a lot of those people that starting place was artificial. And their path is more difficult because it was engineered to be more difficult out of hate and fear, and it perpetuates because there is a large segment of the population who chooses to ignore the road for certain groups was paved with broken glass and pretend like it's all their fault they can't run at the same pace as other's whose path is not paved with broken glass.


Welcome to life dude. Plenty of differences in how whites grow up too. Not everyone has a silver spoon in our mouths as kids. Look at it negatively if you wish but I prefer to hang with winners who overcome life and see it more about what happens because of them vs walking around like a loser thinking shit is always happening to them and playing victim all the time. Plenty of each in this world and the latter isn't going to get a free ride or have a pity party anytime soon.


But, you are always quick to call people turds when it is just the news report of a mugging and they are not convicted yet either. YOu complain about a court of public opinion that you contribute to.


Because in most every case it's some crack whore loser in the shit hole areas vs a successful congressman contributing far more ro society as a whole than the dregs of people you like to hold up as the perpetual victims of everyone else's actions. Again, choose to hang and defend them if you wish. That's your circle to hang with I guess and i suppose if anyone is to do it then let it be you.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

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Privllage isn't racism. But feel free to conflate actual racism in various scenarios with basic normal differences between individuals. Continue to leverage race in just about every topic you discuss as the irony by doing so grows stronger every time. You bring up and add skin color to more things than anyone here including those that are likely black.


Privilege can be created by racism. Privilege is just an advantage granted to people and it can be granted along race lines by racist policy/laws/system. We are still today living with the effects of racist policy that has roots 100 years ago and was only very recently (as in both out lifetimes) starting to change.


Why is it irony? because I am white? That's pretty stupid logic.


I don't "add" race to things here - there is a differential in society divided along race lines and you either recognize it or you ignore it, but ignoring it has a danger - it allows the inherent racism baked into the system to continue.


I don't see skin color as a privilege nor a hindrance in life. Ones race is what it is and the way they choose to live and succeed in life has more to do with them as individuals than others around them and how they react to one single aspect of who they are such as their race or skin color. You choose to see the opposite and honestly that's sad as you seem to always be a negative Debbie Downer about shit. Maybe it's the company you keep. In my life I have plenty of successful non white people around me. Most of which take offense to being lumped in with your victim mentality view.


Lets be clear about something, even the most extreme liberal does not sees "race" as being 100% detrimentally effected - as in all people of X race are destined and predetermined to fail. The problem you have is that you see it as as all or nothing proposition - It has to give a clear advantage 100% of the time along race lines or it doesn't exist and that is just a fallacy. It effects people differently at different socioeconomic strata in different degrees - however there is a baseline and the baseline is different based on race. I am not saying black people can't overcome adversity, but it is harder for them to do so, and it is harder by design stemming from events put into motion that predate us both. Why should it be harder for someone to overcome adversity because of race? why do we have to accept that when it was artificially created to begin with? Skin color is not inherently anything other than what it appears to be, but it is our society that ascribes privileges and detriments and it does so intentionally.



Welcome to life dude. Plenty of differences in how whites grow up too. Not everyone has a silver spoon in our mouths as kids. Look at it negatively if you wish but I prefer to hang with winners who overcome life and see it more about what happens because of them vs walking around like a loser thinking shit is always happening to them and playing victim all the time. Plenty of each in this world and the latter isn't going to get a free ride or have a pity party anytime soon.


Do you believe in luck? IT seems like you choose to hang out with lucky people more than you hang out with "winners". https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/the-role-of-luck-in-life-success-is-far-greater-than-we-realized/


This is the one thing I truly despise about you Tim, you have no problem with victim blaming and victim shaming. Its a real character flaw. I can understand and support the idea of positive mental attitude, and ambition, and completely get behind positive environments produce results - but there are limits to this. Using positivism to assign blame to people for things that are beyond their control is shitty.



Because in most every case it's some crack whore loser in the shit hole areas vs a successful congressman contributing far more ro society as a whole than the dregs of people you like to hold up as the perpetual victims of everyone else's actions. Again, choose to hang and defend them if you wish. That's your circle to hang with I guess and i suppose if anyone is to do it then let it be you.


Guilty until proven innocent, eh? So congressmen should get a pass on their crimes because you personally value them more? I thought you hated the government and all politicians are liars? this isn't about contributions to society or value it's just about you being a hypocrite and rooting for your political team. The "crackhead" (who I am 99% sure you just assume is a crackhead or a loser without actually knowing) can't help your political party so you are free to call them a turd, and it's really easy to do because they don't resemble you in any way.


I have to tell you, JJ isn't the only person in congress critical of the Muller investigation, he's not even the most outspoken - Louie Gohmert is way more visible, but he is somehow the only one where there is an outstanding scandal? come on man - don't let your inner Alex Jones out of it's cage and cloud what's left of your logic and reason. Whether you like it or not, dude was there, he worked for OSU, and student athletes in his charge were molested/raped. None of that is in dispute, not even by him (although he loves victim blaming too about the timing). Either he was too stupid to see what was going on, or he chose to ignore it - take your pick, neither of these seem like stand up guy qualities to me.

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All the dirt poor whites in Appalachia should cash in their white privelege checks.




be smarter, will ya. This was written in 1988, and it's still relevant.


and if you have a hard time relating it to poor white Americans: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/gina-crosleycorcoran/explaining-white-privilege-to-a-broke-white-person_b_5269255.html

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I am not talking fewer overall, I mean fewer percentage wise relative to their population.


Right, but you see it as the whiteman holding everyone down, where I see it as not everyone wants to go get an education, take the time to learn a skill, do what is considered by western standards a successful person.


I was shooting the shit with a buddy of mine who owns a big concrete company here in Columbus. He was telling me how it sucks for them to get reliable help. From what he was saying, they pay well and offer benefits which is supposedly rare in that line of work, yet they have to stop providing direct deposit to a lot of employees because once the money hits their account at midnight on Friday, they decide to not show up for work and you might not see them again until Monday or Tuesday. So forcing them to come in on Friday to pickup their checks prevents them from saying fuck it, I have some cash now lets get fucked up at the bar all weekend. He'd love to just fire them all but it's hard to find people.


My point with that little story is that a lot of people just don't give a shit, or don't have the ability to think about the future. They live in the now. They have a paycheck, now its time to spend it, when the money is low or gone, then they'll put just enough effort in to get another check.


I hate to even use the term SJW, but SJWs like to always be on about how we need to celebrate diversity, yet to want to put in rules, regulations and laws to level everything and go against nature and ignore diversity.



The standard that usually gets discusses is an equal percentage in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example if there are 100 white kids, 20 black kids, 20 Hispanic kids and 60 other races and 50% of them go to college then your class should be 50 white kids 10 black kids, 10 hispanic kids and 30 other races - and that's ok because they are all 50% of their respective population. Where it gets troubling is when you look at enrollment and it's 80 white kids, and 5 black kids, and 2 hispanic kids, and 10 others because now you have 80% white, 25% black, 10% hispanic, and 30% other races - not an equal proportion.


So the equal proportion thing is just madness, and it sounds like you aren't fully on-board with that idea, which is good. It's whats in-place in SA as BEE. All it has done is drive small businesses either out of the country or forced them to shut down (My cousin's design agency moved with him to the Americas, my uncle just said fuck it and closed his post-retirement electronics repair gig). Large corporations (private or government) are so in dept and rife of corruption because they aren't managed by people who deserve to be there. It also causes a brain drain out of the country, which goes back to that average IQ of 70 thing.




I don't think you understand Affirmative Action. It isn't a handout or a requirement to hire an unqualified person. It actually stems back to FDR's administration as a way to prevent employers from blacklisting union employees. I am not super thrilled at Affirmative Action because it is a band aid fix for a much larger systemic problem, but it does work as a shortcut to get QUALIFIED minorities opportunities that would more often go to their white counterparts.


By the way one positive legislation that favors opportunity to minorities is a drop in the bucket to the thousands of laws that were written to disadvantage minorities for hundreds of years.


I think I understand it, and so do you because you realize that it's a band-aid fix. It might not bring in completely unqualified people, but it's not giving the job to THE BEST qualified person. It's racist and causes problems as I mentioned above.


To fix it requires 2 things IMO. The ethnic groups in question need to first help themselves by realizing the problem and fixing it within their own culture and communities. As a society, we need to provide equal educational opportunities for all those who can't afford it, no matter your race. But the old saying is true, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force them to drink.



Asian cultural success is a myth. As in not true. It's one of those stereotypes that people who want to ignore racial disparity in this country choose to believe but the numbers seldom bear out.




Right out of that article: "As a demographic cohort, they’re 5% of the population, yet 12% of the workforce, and outpace other groups in terms of education and income."


Now I agree it's a shitty stereotype to have because it does create glass ceilings for Asians, you might call it Asian-Privilege. Which is the same problem I have with white-privilege.



What facts? you haven't proposed any facts other than to state that you believe there isn't a racial disparity and you believe a lot of stereotypes.


The facts being the numbers and figures when it comes to everyone's slice of the pie where they sit in society - income, crime, education, etc. Like I said in my "opening statement" (:dumb:), you see those numbers as whitey holding everyone back, I see it as just the way the everyone fits into the puzzle.

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We are still today living with the effects of racist policy that has roots 100 years ago and was only very recently (as in both out lifetimes) starting to change.


Then I guess millions of people have learned to be even stronger and have overcome its impact while others still continue to be the victim. Again, welcome to life.


Why is it irony? because I am white? That's pretty stupid logic.


Because you make everything a race thing yet hate when anything is based on race.


I don't "add" race to things here - there is a differential in society divided along race lines and you either recognize it or you ignore it, but ignoring it has a danger - it allows the inherent racism baked into the system to continue.


You like it both ways we know it. Both sides are racist to a certain degree and both just as much as the other. Like it or not right or wrong, again, its life.


am not saying black people can't overcome adversity, but it is harder for them to do so, and it is harder by design stemming from events put into motion that predate us both.


So what. We all have to overcome issues that stem back generations. The difference is I'm not going to continually apologize for the sins of the past or constantly look backwards. That time has far past its necessity.


Why should it be harder for someone to overcome adversity because of race?


Because there's no magic wand to make everyone's life situation equal and we all as individuals need to begin to stop playing victims and move forward with the hand we have to play now. To continue the fucking around with past matters isn't fixing anything and only making matters worse.


Skin color is not inherently anything other than what it appears to be, but it is our society that ascribes privileges and detriments and it does so intentionally.


Agree but how society and individuals ascribe those things are just factors in life we have to deal with. Laws help but at a core they won't change the fact that inherently racism will still continue within everyone. The successes come from those that recognize that and move on creating success not constantly looking back or playing victim.


Don't want to be a victim of what you see as an unjust legal system the stay the fuck out of trouble. Pretty simple. Fix that broken tail light don't assault cops and stay out of drugs, educate ones self and be a productive person in society.


Do you believe in luck? IT seems like you choose to hang out with lucky people more than you hang out with "winners".


I hang out with people who create their own life experiences and deal with that which they don't control that happens come their way.


This is the one thing I truly despise about you Tim, you have no problem with victim blaming and victim shaming. Its a real character flaw. I can understand and support the idea of positive mental attitude, and ambition, and completely get behind positive environments produce results - but there are limits to this. Using positivism to assign blame to people for things that are beyond their control is shitty.


Likewise in terms of those walking around with the character flaw of being a perpetual victim. What you call victim blaming is really just having an expectation of accountability and responsibility.


People who go around playing victims and those who take control and make their own successes will each continue to achieve what it is they shoot for. May they both enjoy what they get. If not perhaps they will begin to realize the main driving force in the results is based more on what they do for themselves vs what others are doing to them.


Sent from my Galaxy Note 8 using Tapatalk

Edited by TTQ B4U
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