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Political Fart Noise Part II


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  Geeto67 said:
If you go back and read what I said, I didn't actually say I had "good parenting" as a privilege full stop. I had parents who had certain skills to help me when I needed them. In terms of my academics I had a few teachers that inspired me more than my folks did (although, to be fair my parents did pay cash for good grades and gave me a job delivering reports for their business when I was 14). I had friends that got that same assistance I got from my parents from other programs and people helping them and went on to do just as well.



For the most part, I was a latchkey kid growing up. I was about 8 years old when their business took off, and they worked long hours 6 days a week. I didn't see them till bed time most days and then Sunday we would do something as a family. I am not about to go out and say my parents were bad parents - but I will say from personal experience that this notion of "good parents" is highly over rated, and when it comes to academics is less effective in some circles than role models at school who have more experience than other people's parents at certain things.


If you are a parent and you have never applied to college, it doesn't matter how "good" a parent you are considered - you aren't going to have the skills necessary to be competitive in the admissions market for getting your child into college. You parents could be "great parents" and very involved and even be college educated, but if you are poor or live in a rural area, you just aren't going to get the same quality of education from the public school system for college prep than someone living in a rich suburb, and therefore won't be competitive in the admissions process.


I am not saying good parenting vs bad parenting is not a factor - it certainly is, esp when we consider "bad parenting" to include abusive relationships, but after a certain level of "good" it just gets to be less and less important.


thinking all of the problems in the US education system can be substantially improved by "good parenting" is just straight up bullshit.




yeah and what's your point? we are talking about the US and it's problems. This drivel is no more relevant to the conversation than discussing how to colonize the moon. Yeah there are worse places in the world, but using that as an excuse for why we shouldn't continue to improve our existing system is not just stupid, it's straight up lazy.


Mr data and facts, making it up as you go, shooting from the hip.


You're just a comb over away from the presidency.

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  Brandon said:
Are you a parent? Raise kids?

yes to both.



  Brandon said:

You have no data/expertise other then your feelings (as you stated) to support this non-sense. Locally Batelle has released data that supports the exact opposite of your fantasy. Parenting is vastly important, more so in the early stages of development then ladder but still hugely important.


Go back through the multitude of pages of this thread. Kickass and I had this exact discussion like a month ago, and there was a ton of data discussed. I don't really feel like revisiting it for a lazy troll like bstowers. esp when his own data bears out some of what I was saying.


  Brandon said:

The irony is you rail against illogical shit everyday in this forum... The assumption that the marginal rate of return for good parenting is horse shit is you jerking off your ego because your feel entitled to that little voice in your head shouting a need to feel justification.


Context is important, If you go back and read what I said, I was very specific to say that the more income a person makes and spends on a child the less "good parenting" makes a difference. That is not the same thing as saying across the board good parenting delivers marginal returns, and I was quite clear to point out that in lower income families it makes a much bigger difference.


I don't consider things you pay other's to teach your kids good parenting, because implicit in that idea is that every poor person is a shitty parent just because they are too poor to afford tutoring and coaches. Maybe you do and you have to live with character flaw. Part of the reason wealthier kids are more successful isn't because their parent's are "better parents", it's because their parents can afford to pay for programs to help them be successful. The federal government used to pick up some of the slack for that in federal spending through things like the TRIO programs and supplemental education services but the money doesn't flow like it used to.


  Brandon said:


fuck you. make me.


  Brandon said:
Mr data and facts, making it up as you go, shooting from the hip.


Run a search you lazy shit.



  Brandon said:

You're just a comb over away from the presidency.

yeah except I am not advocating white supremacy, overt racism, misogyny, or fucking over the poor and working class in this country. Apparently you are in for all those things.

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  Geeto67 said:
yes to both.





Go back through the multitude of pages of this thread. Kickass and I had this exact discussion like a month ago, and there was a ton of data discussed. I don't really feel like revisiting it for a lazy troll like bstowers. esp when his own data bears out some of what I was saying.




Context is important, If you go back and read what I said, I was very specific to say that the more income a person makes and spends on a child the less "good parenting" makes a difference. That is not the same thing as saying across the board good parenting delivers marginal returns, and I was quite clear to point out that in lower income families it makes a much bigger difference.


I don't consider things you pay other's to teach your kids good parenting, because implicit in that idea is that every poor person is a shitty parent just because they are too poor to afford tutoring and coaches. Maybe you do and you have to live with character flaw. Part of the reason wealthier kids are more successful isn't because their parent's are "better parents", it's because their parents can afford to pay for programs to help them be successful. The federal government used to pick up some of the slack for that in federal spending through things like the TRIO programs and supplemental education services but the money doesn't flow like it used to.



fuck you. make me.


Fat fuck is back! Thought you were ignoring me eating cheeseburgers you fat fucking retard :lolguy:

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  BStowers023 said:
Fat fuck is back! Thought you were ignoring me eating cheeseburgers you fat fucking retard :lolguy:


ignore you? nah, just waiting for you to make another chicken shit threat against me again because those are fun. It's super fun when you try to save face and smooth things over in pm too.


self clearance any brake calipers lately?

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  Geeto67 said:
ignore you? nah, just waiting for you to make another chicken shit threat against me again because those are fun. It's super fun when you try to save face and smooth things over in pm too.


self clearance any brake calipers lately?


You're the one that PM'd me you fat loser because you were terrified against a made up threat. You are so terrified of me that you create threats up in your mind lmao. My god dude. All that poor dieting has really raised your estrogen over the years which explains how beta you are. Literally probably the biggest pussy on the internet. Biggest in this case has multiple uses.

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  BStowers023 said:
You're the one that PM'd me you fat loser because you were terrified against a made up threat. You are so terrified of me that you create threats up in your mind lmao. My god dude. All that poor dieting has really raised your estrogen over the years which explains how beta you are. Literally probably the biggest pussy on the internet. Biggest in this case has multiple uses.


meh, TL;DR.

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  Mace said:
..and here is the hypocrisy of the democrats and the extreme left on sex..




OK..defend it





LOL. Right up there with the Eliz. Warren claims and DNA Results. The blow-back on her is about as bad as the blow-back Clinton shot onto Monica.

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  greg said:
Does Trump really think he's a svelte 180?


LOL...I remember years ago when they put the statue of Gov Jim Rhodes up he looked like he lost about 100 lbs.. qfm called the statehouse to ask if rhodes went on a diet for the statue or something to that effect only to get hung up on. All on air..sooo funny..hate laughing my ass off driving.

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  greg said:
I won't. Clinton is a fucking creep and the Democrats haven't done enough to condemn him.






  kickass said:


Can we talk about this for a second. This is literally GOP porn - in that it is both an unrealistic fantasy and probably full of STD's


1) there are three people in this picture who are still alive, The Bushes and Trump. GW and W despise Trump and likely wouldn't be caught dead drinking in a room with him let alone being friendly.


2) Trump in the picture is painted as if having lost a ton of weight, and also HW isn't depicted as the decrepit crippled old man he currently is.


3) Eisenhower and the Rockefeller republicans are politically distinct from Reagan, Bush I and II, trump, and the modern republican party. They are more in line with Lincoln and Roosevelt who would be considered solidly progressive in today's political landscape.


4) Nixon was a political pariah after his resignation. no politician would be in the same room as him.


5) Gerald Ford was also an outcast from the republican party for both pardoning Nixon and changing his position on social issues in the 1990's and 2000's.


6) Three people in the painting, Reagan, Nixon, and Ford, are the architects of modern gun control laws in america.



It's not hard to see why trump likes it: it makes him look skinny and healthy and also it suggests he is historically notable and not infamous. It makes it seem like Roosevelt and Lincoln are his peers and equals when in reality he's probably closest to Nixon.


From a taste perspective this is the definition of tacky. But I don't really expect taste from a guy who decorates everything in gold.

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U.S. Is World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade

Country regains top spot in World Economic Forum rankings thanks to strong economic growth; report says room for improvement on social issues



The winning just never stops

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  BStowers023 said:


U.S. Is World’s Most Competitive Economy for First Time in a Decade

Country regains top spot in World Economic Forum rankings thanks to strong economic growth; report says room for improvement on social issues



The winning just never stops


Continuing the growth trend of the obama administration, so....literally...thanks obama.


from the article:

However, “recovery remains vulnerable to a range of risks and potential shocks,” the authors warned. They cite a brewing trade war between the U.S. and China as a possible hindrance to growth that could potentially derail the recovery and deter investment.


So it is growing in spite of Trump's actions, not because of it.



Also from the article.

Still, “There is still room for improvement,” according to the authors. While the country’s institutional framework remains relatively sound, there are indications of a weakening social fabric and worsening security situation, it found. The report notes the U.S. homicide rate is five times the average for advanced economies.


When measured on judicial independence and levels of corruption, the U.S. falls outside the top 10.


The country also lags behind most advanced economies in terms of healthy life expectancy, which measures expected years of life in good health. The U.S. figure is 67.7 years, slightly lower than Sri Lanka’s and China’s and three years below the average for advanced economies.


Technology penetration is also relatively low compared to other developed economies, including mobile-broadband subscriptions and internet use. Only 76% of adult Americans regularly use the internet, below the average for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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  Geeto67 said:
Continuing the growth trend of the obama administration, so....literally...thanks obama.


from the article:



So it is growing in spite of Trump's actions, not because of it.



Also from the article.


So, anything bad that happens...




Anything good that is happening


Liberal: Thanks Obama!

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  BStowers023 said:
So, anything bad that happens...




Anything good that is happening


Liberal: Thanks Obama!


No that is what a stupid person would assume. So it is fitting that you articulate it.


A smart person would look at policies and trends. The impact of federal economic policies take time to show up in the market place, but even during the second part of Obama administration, the economy hit the same numbers.


Trump's corporate tax cuts have certainly contributed to the boom economy continuing to roll along, but he is in no way the origin of the growth like you are he are claiming. Same with job growth and long employment rate - he his doing his best to keep the good times going but he and his policies didn't originate the trends.


Just because you feed the dog and groom the dog, doesn't mean you can claim you "made" the dog.


And this nonsense with the tariffs, which we should see the results of sometime mid-late 2019, aren't going to help the economy rolling along.


Whether you like him or not, Obama inherited a seriously fucked economy, fucked by the W administration's deregulation and the greed of the financial industry, and turned it around for this country. That's an amazing feat, and one that continues to bear out a strong legacy, long after he has left office. Trump? it will be 2020 before we really know what his economic legacy will be

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  Geeto67 said:
No that is what a stupid person would assume.


A smart person would look at policies and trends. The impact of federal economic policies take time to show up in the market place, but even during the second part of Obama administration, the economy hit the same numbers.


Trump's corporate tax cuts have certainly contributed to the boom economy continuing to roll along, but he is in no way the origin of the growth like you are he are claiming. Same with job growth and long employment rate - he his doing his best to keep the good times going but he and his policies didn't originate the trends.


Just because you feed the dog and groom the dog, doesn't mean you can claim you "made" the dog.


And this nonsense with the tariffs, which we should see the results of sometime mid-late 2019, aren't going to help the economy rolling along.



Thanks for your input. I'll trust the billionaire businessman.

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  BStowers023 said:
Thanks for your input. I'll trust the billionaire businessman.


yeah the guy that was born on third base but won't shut up about how he hit a triple? yeah he seems trustoworthy:








I will say this - he was right about creating jobs, an entire industry formed around his propensity for bullshit.

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  BStowers023 said:
NPC’s: Cannot compute... ORANGE MAN BAD!


I missed this earlier because I wasn't up to speed on this latest cringe-worthy insult from the incel red-pillers. Guess I don't spend enough time on 4chan. I'll cop to not really understanding the intent behind this totally intelligent additional to our public discourse.


Is it simply to dehumanize the opposition? Like they're not real people, they're just NPCs, so when the Proud Boys start fights or white nationalists inevitably resort to mass shootings like they do, nobody will feel as bad about it?


Or is it implying that us liberal soy-boy beta faggot cucks aren't actually thinking for ourselves and are just following along with society's programming? Like, only a whole bunch of edgelord freethinkers are smart enough to sign lease paperwork on the exact same car.


It's a mystery.

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