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Political Fart Noise Part II


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I missed this earlier because I wasn't up to speed on this latest cringe-worthy insult from the incel red-pillers. Guess I don't spend enough time on 4chan. I'll cop to not really understanding the intent behind this totally intelligent additional to our public discourse.


Is it simply to dehumanize the opposition? Like they're not real people, they're just NPCs, so when the Proud Boys start fights or white nationalists inevitably resort to mass shootings like they do, nobody will feel as bad about it?


Or is it implying that us liberal soy-boy beta faggot cucks aren't actually thinking for ourselves and are just following along with society's programming? Like, only a whole bunch of edgelord freethinkers are smart enough to sign lease paperwork on the exact same car.


It's a mystery.


You got it, skippy!

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U.S. steel costs are more than anywhere else in the world,” Joe Hinrichs, Ford’s president of global operations, said Monday at an event marking the start of Ranger pickup production at a factory west of Detroit. He added that Ford is talking to the administration about the tariffs: “We tell them that we need to have competitive costs in our market in order to compete around the world.”...



...Domestic hot-rolled coil -- the benchmark price for American-made steel -- has gained 28 percent in 2018 as the Trump administration implemented tariffs on imports. The levies helped push prices to about $920 a metric ton earlier this year, the highest in a decade. U.S. steel currently costs about $260 more per short ton than steel in China, which accounts for more than half of global demand.


Is this what winning feels like? because it sure feels the same as loosing.

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#MeToo seems pretty quiet about Corey Booker being accused of sexual assault.


still waiting for a credible news source to actually report on it. so far all you have is one anonymous twitter post and every right wing loon pontificating on it.


You know something is suspect when even fox news won't touch it. I think Laura Ingraham even said this was bunk.


If you are getting your news from places like "americanthinker.com", "zerohedge.com" or "thegatewaypundit.com" - chances are you are the problem and not Booker.

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still waiting for a credible news source to actually report on it. so far all you have is one anonymous twitter post and every right wing loon pontificating on it.


You know something is suspect when even fox news won't touch it. I think Laura Ingraham even said this was bunk.


If you are getting your news from places like "americanthinker.com", "zerohedge.com" or "thegatewaypundit.com" - chances are you are the problem and not Booker.


The accuser is also accusing Twitter of shadow banning his Tweets.




Hypocrisy is strong with this one. An accuser steps forward and now we want to see more evidence. For Kavanaugh the accusers word was enough though.

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The accuser is also accusing Twitter of shadow banning his Tweets.




Hypocrisy is strong with this one. An accuser steps forward and now we want to see more evidence. For Kavanaugh the accusers word was enough though.


Let me know when this accuser actually steps forward.


I don't know that I've ever said "believe all accusers." I think "take all accusations seriously" is about as far as anyone would go. If you want to argue that the appropriate authorities should be looking into this, I'm all for it. Personally, I believe people who seem credible, and I don't believe those who don't. Is that too outrageous a position?


In any case, I'm sure Republicans will be lining up to defend Corey Booker from these accusations and not using #metoo to score political points. Because weaponizing #metoo for political gain is bad.

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Because weaponizing #metoo for political gain is bad.


and they certainly wouldn't try to weaponize #metoo by digging up an already known incident out of his past to try and re-litigate it in the court of public opinion because that would be going too far, right? oh wait....





oopsie....looks like they did exactly that.


here is the problem with being a conservative and trying to point out some dubious moral activity with the other team - everybody knows you guys don't really care about the #metoo movement, or government corruption, or any number of other trumped up moral quandaries. This sort of whataboutisim is obvious and frankly stupid - it doesn't immediately impute credibility to the person saying "what about clinton" or "what about booker" it is just a flag waving "douchebag here". If any conservative really cared about #metoo then they wouldn't have made the choice that "president open sexual assault" was the lesser of two evils.




So tariff's and ford huh.....? nobody has an opinion? Where's Proud Boy Brandon to tell me that nobody buying Us steel is actually winning and then call me fat?

Edited by Geeto67
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and they certainly wouldn't try to weaponize #metoo by digging up an already known incident out of his past to try and re-litigate it in the court of public opinion because that would be going too far, right? oh wait....





oopsie....looks like they did exactly that.


here is the problem with being a conservative and trying to point out some dubious moral activity with the other team - everybody knows you guys don't really care about the #metoo movement, or government corruption, or any number of other trumped up moral quandaries. This sort of whataboutisim is obvious and frankly stupid - it doesn't immediately impute credibility to the person saying "what about clinton" or "what about booker" it is just a flag waving "douchebag here". If any conservative really cared about #metoo then they wouldn't have made the choice that "president open sexual assault" was the lesser of two evils.




So tariff's and ford huh.....? nobody has an opinion? Where's Proud Boy Brandon to tell me that nobody buying Us steel is actually winning and then call me fat?


You could literally replace that with "Here is the problem with being a liberal."


It's so funny to see you and greg tip toe around and say conservatives push narratives to make political gain and don't care about the actual issues. Hey, moron, that's EVERY fucking issue liberals bring up. They also DO NOT care about the issue at hand, they only care about the power they will gain.

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You could literally replace that with "Here is the problem with being a liberal."


It's so funny to see you and greg tip toe around and say conservatives push narratives to make political gain and don't care about the actual issues. Hey, moron, that's EVERY fucking issue liberals bring up. They also DO NOT care about the issue at hand, they only care about the power they will gain.


right on que, it's like you are almost.....programmed....

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You could literally replace that with "Here is the problem with being a liberal."


It's so funny to see you and greg tip toe around and say conservatives push narratives to make political gain and don't care about the actual issues. Hey, moron, that's EVERY fucking issue liberals bring up. They also DO NOT care about the issue at hand, they only care about the power they will gain.


I care about children being separated at the border from their parents just to appease a bunch of ignorant, xenophobic morons. You have to be deep, deep into conspiracy moron land to think that Democrats are doing it because they want the 10,000 votes for Democrats from illegals and not because it's inhumane to put kids in cages.


I know in your world that's "fake news" and didn't actually happen, and isn't still happening. Which is pretty sick.

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I care about children being separated at the border from their parents just to appease a bunch of ignorant, xenophobic morons. You have to be deep, deep into conspiracy moron land to think that Democrats are doing it because they want the 10,000 votes for Democrats from illegals and not because it's inhumane to put kids in cages.


I know in your world that's "fake news" and didn't actually happen, and isn't still happening. Which is pretty sick.


Sounds like you’re talking about 2 separate issues. Which should I respond to? Maybe you can be more clear about what you’re arguing for.


So we should let 10,000 immigrants in because, poor them? Seems to be working out well in Europe. Sure! What could go wrong?

Was conspiracy moron land also where the Russia is the reason Trump won created?

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Are they BOTH naked political ploys that Democrats only pretend to care about for the votes? Pray tell.


If you think Democrats care any more than Republicans about people in this country or not in this country for that matter then you’re still stuck in Moron land. Everything is a ploy for votes one way or another. Don’t tell me you’re this fucking naive

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Trump has hastened along the slide of the conservative platform. First Snopes would come out and fact check Republican bullshit about Democrats during the Bush years, so to reconcile Snopes had to be biased liars.


Then the rest of the "mainstream media" started fact checking Republican bullshit, so all of the news was biased liars.


Then scientists, academics, and economists started fact checking Republican bullshit, so anything remotely intellectual had to be biased liars.


Then basic human decency started fact checking Republican bullshit, and rather than stop and think, "Wow, what the fuck are we doing? Jailing children and turning away refugees. Are we the baddies?" No, then reality has to be a biased liar.



When did being a decent fucking human being become a political position? Why can't I say "I want people to have health insurance and not to be thrown in jail because they wanted to leave a horrible country" without being accused of being a partisan hack?! I just want to be nice to people and reduce the suffering in the world.



If you think Democrats care any more than Republicans about people in this country or not in this country for that matter the you’re still stuck in Moron land. Everything is a ploy for votes one way or another. Don’t tell me you’re this fucking naive


You're so far gone, man.

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Let's assume you're right, though. Let's assume that every Democratic politician is a mindless robot who wants to stop jailing children at the border because they think it will keep them in power, and not because jailing children at the border is wrong.


Great, I want them to stay in power. If they "accidentally" do the right thing by humanity because they want my vote, they can have it.

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When did being a decent fucking human being become a political position? Why can't I say "I want people to have health insurance and not to be thrown in jail because they wanted to leave a horrible country" without being accused of being a partisan hack?! I just want to be nice to people and reduce the suffering in the world.


Disregarding at that nonsense in your post, because it’s really not relevant and we can pull examples of “democratic bullshit” from anywhere as well and we will revolve around in circles like we always do.


In regards to your above statement. That’s the same argument a socialist would make. I’m not calling you one, but you’re sounding like one. You want to force create equality in an unequal world. How do we fix the issues all over the world? Trust the Government and blindly throw money at it? How much will that cost us?


Now go hide behind your “being a decent human” argument while only considering the lives of the immigrants and nobody else’s.

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Let's assume you're right, though. Let's assume that every Democratic politician is a mindless robot who wants to stop jailing children at the border because they think it will keep them in power, and not because jailing children at the border is wrong.


Great, I want them to stay in power. If they "accidentally" do the right thing by humanity because they want my vote, they can have it.


Were immigrant children jailed at the border under Obama? Maybe you can refresh my memory

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Were immigrant children jailed at the border under Obama? Maybe you can refresh my memory


Only as a last resort. Trump made it part of an immigration deterrence policy. "Zero tolerance." I'm informed, sorry.


Now go hide behind your “being a decent human” argument while only considering the lives of the immigrants and nobody else’s.


Yeah, I'm going to keep "hiding" behind being a decent human being. Oh no.

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Yeah, I'm going to keep "hiding" behind being a decent human being. Oh no.


Like a wolf in sheeps clothing. God forbid we hold individuals responsible for their lives. Personal freedom and liberty? Psh, the Government will take care of us. TRUST THE GOVERNMENT! Oh yeah and I HATE TRUMP AND HIS ADMINISTRATION! am I doing it right?

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