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Political Fart Noise Part II


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Speaking of food, the boy is looking LARGE. He needs to lay off the Big Macs.


What did you expect him to do really?


I was on vacation last week...didn't even realize there was a Helsinki summit until Thursday. My expectations bar is set low, but I was shocked at the knob-slobbing. He'll try to let this blow over but I won't forget and I hope others won't either: give international validation to dictators and not get anything in return.


I'm watching The Vietnam War series on Netflix and some of the same global posturing LBJ did to sell the War to the American public is going on right now with Trump. Politicians gonna politic but geez...this is ugly.

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Speaking of food, the boy is looking LARGE. He needs to lay off the Big Macs.




I was on vacation last week...didn't even realize there was a Helsinki summit until Thursday. My expectations bar is set low, but I was shocked at the knob-slobbing. He'll try to let this blow over but I won't forget and I hope others won't either: give international validation to dictators and not get anything in return.


I'm watching The Vietnam War series on Netflix and some of the same global posturing LBJ did to sell the War to the American public is going on right now with Trump. Politicians gonna politic but geez...this is ugly.


LBJ and Trump have a lot in common. Before we had the 24 hour news cycle, and the press had some understanding of decency, LBJ used to give press conferences on the toilet, and he more than once showed his dick to reporters (and actually many staffers, anybody who asked, and many who didn't). He fucked anything that moved and did not try to hide it (bragged about it actually), had a terribly fragile ego, and his people had to work extra hard for him to appear remotely presidential. He was paranoid about his critics and the press and labeled any opponent the enemy of the state (sound familiar?). That thing where people call communists un-American, well it wasn't started by LBJ but it was popularized by him.


The main difference between LBJ and Trump is cause and personal philosophy. Despite his flaws, and they were many (vietnam, not leaning into civil rights soon and early enough), LBJ never sought once to profit or even appear to profit from the office of the president. He was fastidious about that and would not tolerate even the appearance of impropriety in any person he appointed to do a job in government. He felt his true mission in office was to combat poverty, disease, and ignorance because those were unquestionably morally right things to try to solve for. On those fronts he did more for the American people than he predecessors, and changed the overall landscape of American culture.


I keep waiting for Trump's inner LBJ to surface, the compulsion to do the right thing, but I am disappointed at every action. I just don't see any silver lining to his presidency at all - not one single positive change he can actually take credit for. I hope there is one, but we are almost to the halfway mark and still none in sight. The office of the president is no stranger to crass, unpolished, presidents - but morally bankrupt, self enriching, exploitative douchebags aren't usually tolerated well by history.

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President Donald Trump says he meant the opposite when he said in Helsinki that he doesn’t see why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections.


Back at the White House on Tuesday, the president told reporters that he said he meant he doesn’t see why Russia “wouldn’t” be responsible.




Fucking Trump :lol: :lol:


He is literally the WORST

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I honestly believe he didn't "Intentionally" collude with Russia, it would be literally impossible for him to keep that a secret. That doesn't mean the Russians, having met him, didn't interfere to install him anyway because they knew he was king midas in reverse --> everything he touches turns to shit.

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I honestly believe he didn't "Intentionally" collude with Russia, it would be literally impossible for him to keep that a secret. That doesn't mean the Russians, having met him, didn't interfere to install him anyway because they knew he was king midas in reverse --> everything he touches turns to shit.


I'm with you on this, I don't think he's smart enough to collude. The Russians figured that out pretty early.


Could some of his actions be due to blackmail for a pee-pee tape? absolutely possible. Most are probably just based on greed, ego and ignorance.

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I'm with you on this, I don't think he's smart enough to collude. The Russians figured that out pretty early.


Could some of his actions be due to blackmail for a pee-pee tape? absolutely possible. Most are probably just based on greed, ego and ignorance.


Still feel like the pee tape is a red herring. Trump's business has had Russian investors in the past, specifically Bayrock group which was founded by Russian/Turkish Dual citizen Tevfik Arif and was managed by noted Russian gangster Felix Sater. Aras Agalarov spend millions with Trump to bring the Miss Universe pageant to Russia.


The public doesn't actually know how much he owes to Russian investors because his company is privately held but it is entirely possible that he owes significant amounts of money to Russian oligarchs, mobsters, and even government officials (like Putin). By the way, some of this information could have been derived from tax returns so that may be one of the reasons why he is so resistant to releasing them.


Last year DJT Jr said that Russia was a significant resource for the Trump businesses despite not having any significant real estate holdings or businesses in the country.


The Pee tape is for housewives that read US Weekly and not really anything that can "leverage" at this point. I like to think him and his whole family being murdered by Russian operatives for welshing on a debt to an oligarch investor carries a lot more blackmail potential - if it can be proven.

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Trump fucks up the market with tariffs, redistributes wealth to farmers in order to ensure they keep supporting him. Welfare is OK when Republicans get it?


you got it. (because they're white)

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I can't believe this guy was willing to legally give up all his male privilege.


A Canadian man legally changed his gender to female so he could take advantage of better car insurance rates offered to women and save up nearly $1,100 Canadian Dollars



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That goes back to "Chuck & Larry" back in '07 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0762107/


The concept that you can take advantage of social- or group-program benefits by changing your societal categorization (gender, race, sexual preference, etc...).


Slippery slope, when the benefits to underserved groups get abused.

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True patriotism is social media outlets censoring people because they hurt their feelings.


Aww...is someone but hurt because their favorite bigoted asshole can't spew his hate rhetoric on someone else's civillian platform? should I call you a whaaaambulance?



I know this joke has been made already but it sounds like Alex lost his Info war. LOL






oops...wait that is the wrong article about this shit bag getting whats coming to him, that's about how he is getting sued by the people he openly lied about....wait I'll get it right this time....




oops...nope, that's just his ex-wife talking about his domestic abuse....wait maybe this is it....




nope...still missed it...that's about him being such a shit bag that his actions are actually going to fuck up how americans think about "free speech".....oh wait here it is:






Seriously Fuck this guy. It is not an opinion - it is objective fact: if you listen to and agree with Alex Jones you are stupid. I mean he doesn't even believe the crap he says:





oh, and if you are dumb enough to somehow tie this to patriotism, you are extra stupid. Remember these are private companies - free speech doesn't apply to them and this is literally the "free market" at work because they are dumping something because it hurts their ability to make money. BStowers - I thought you loved the free market? Should the government manipulate the market by forcing social media to adhere to a regulation that doesn't apply to them? Sounds Unamerican.

Edited by Geeto67
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Everyone gets an opinion or nobody does. Moving one step closer to facism everyday. Kerry is pumped!


Everyone is free to their own opinion. Nothing about that has changed. Nobody is taking away Alex Jones opinion, they just don't want to participate in his nonsense anymore. He can still be a hate tank of intolerance and bigotry, he just has to find a new megaphone.


You can't force your opinion on me, and you can't force it on private sector companies who are not the government. To do so would be facisim, surprised you don't know that. Oh wait, it's because you listen and believe Alex Jones (see previous post), so I am not surprised you don't know that.


Just because you have a shitty opinion doesn't mean the rest of us have to put up with it. You are confusing the right to have an opinion free from government restriction, with the dumb idea that others have to support your shitty opinion which isn't a right or a privileged, or a requirement of any kind. I am pretty sure Alex Jones didn't change his opinion - they banned him and he didn't suddenly say "I'm just kidding" (no that took his ex-wife's divorce attorney to do that, lol... what a chickenshit), no he doubled down and leaned into that garbage:



he still has his opinion, he is still broadcasting on the open web, you just now have to work a little harder to get your daily dose of unhinged nonsense. Boo fucking hoo


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Everyone is free to their own opinion. Nothing about that has changed. Nobody is taking away Alex Jones opinion, they just don't want to participate in his nonsense anymore. He can still be a hate tank of intolerance and bigotry, he just has to find a new megaphone.


You can't force your opinion on me, and you can't force it on private sector companies who are not the government. To do so would be facisim, surprised you don't know that. Oh wait, it's because you listen and believe Alex Jones (see previous post), so I am not surprised you don't know that.


Just because you have a shitty opinion doesn't mean the rest of us have to put up with it.


What exactly is my shitty opinion?


So you agree that Facebook should allow pages like...

-Fuck the USA

-Fuck White America

-Fuck Trump and Republicans

-Why can't white people shut the fuck up?


Didn't Zuckerburg go on stand and say that Facebook does not lean a political way left or right? If so, why do troll pages like Alex Jones get banned but not pages like the one I mentioned? Why did multiple social media forms collude and ban Infowars at the same time?

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