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Political Fart Noise Part II


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In Soviet America, negative news about party leaders will be addressed. Only positive news will be available. Republican party and Comrade Trump have always been great.


Is this real life?


Is this just Fantasy?

Caught in a landslide

No escape from reality



Has he ever considered that if he wanted to not have bad news reported about him he should probably stop doing batshit crazy stuff?


I thought this was an interesting read to throw on this shitpile:


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The statement of interest filed Thursday by the Justice Department supported the claims made by the plaintiffs, who have sued Harvard for allegedly limiting the number of Asian-American students it admits and holding them to a higher standard than students of other races.


The lawsuit against Harvard was filed in Boston federal court in 2014 by Students for Fair Admissions, a nonprofit whose members include Asian-American students who were denied admission to Harvard. It has become a closely watched battle over how one of the nation’s most selective colleges chooses who gets admitted, and whether the process illegally discriminates on the basis of race.




This is something we discussed a few pages back. I'm glad to see that something is being done about actual racism for once.

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This is something we discussed a few pages back. I'm glad to see that something is being done about actual racism for once.


I don't know if you fully understand what is going on here based on your comments.


What the Lawsuit is alleging: That Harvard's practice of using race as a factor is creating a disparate impact against a specific racial group


What the Lawsuit is NOT alleging: That race is a wholly inappropriate factor to be used in admissions to Harvard.


The outcome of this suit is not going to be that race is an inappropriate factor to consider, only the manner in which Harvard considers it may be inappropriate. The supreme court has ruled that colleges can use race as a factor, but they can't use it to hit a specific targeted percentage number in a class, the justice department isn't looking to overturn that decision but merely enforce it.


Why the restriction on percentages? because they don't want institutions like Harvard turning away racially disadvantaged minorities because their "quota" was full when they have an abundance of qualified applicants. However, they don't want to keep a college from offering admissions to a specific race of people where there qualifications are tied to race based activities or their inclusion would add a unique perspective to the incoming class.


Systematically giving a specific race a low personal score on a subjective metric because of race alone looks and functions a lot like a quota.

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If only this were really the end:




On Thursday, Twitter permanently banned Alex Jones, after the prominent conspiracy theorist violated the platform’s policies on abusive behavior by tweeting out a video of himself heckling the CNN reporter Oliver Darcy.
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Alex Jones got banned for "targeted harassment".


Is this the video?




"Targeted harassment" sure seems similar to criticism. I don't think I've ever heard people criticizing Fox News reporters on Twitter, because if they did, I'm sure they would get permabanned too, right? :rolleyes:


I agree that it is pretty aggressive and not how a normal person should behave.

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Alex Jones got banned for "targeted harassment".


Is this the video?




"Targeted harassment" sure seems similar to criticism. I don't think I've ever heard people criticizing Fox News reporters on Twitter, because if they did, I'm sure they would get permabanned too, right? :rolleyes:


I agree that it is pretty aggressive and not how a normal person should behave.



I don't know, I haven't seen the video in question....but I think "targeted Harassment" actually goes deeper than just the isolated incident of his attendance at the hearing and attacking various people like Marco Rubio, Oliver Darcy, and Jack Dorsey. Jones announced beforehand that he was going to "confront his accusers", then he actually showed up and did that thing - which rises to the level of violating the policy.


It's not the content that he yelled, it's that he kinda acted like a stalker, which is consistent with Dorsey's claim that they look at behavior and not content.


Almost all of the lawsuits involving Jones, and in some ways his most controversial characteristic is that his audience is known to dangerously harass the targets of his rants. He was a contributing factor to the comet pizza shooting and he shared the personal identification information of Sandy Hook Victims parents to his audience who continue to harass those people by the thousands.


His act of saying he's going to go disrupt the hearing and then doing it sends the message to his audience that the form of IRL harassment that infowars encourages is acceptable. There had to be some price to pay and the permaban was pretty much all that twitter could do to respond.



or if you are a conspiracy theorist: he pissed on Jack's leg when Jack was bending over backwards to accommodate him and that was the last straw. Jack Dorsey went through a lot of effort and took some heat when he chose not to join the social media de-platforming of Infowars, and Jones still went after him for this stupid shadowbanning nonsense.

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Libruls are so dum they'll probably drown.



In less funny news, the deficit increased this year by $222 billion to nearly $900 billion (so far, still 1 month to go to hit 10 digits!) thanks to Republican tax cuts and Republican spending increases. Fuck you, American children! And Trump pulled $10 million from FEMA right before a big fuggin hurricane to pay for deportations. With a broader request of $200 million to do the same. Who knew importing all them damn illegals would be so complicated?


Your tax dollars at work. Or rather, your children's.

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This topic hasn't had a good churn in a while...




how long before the conspiracy theorists come out of their dark holes to claim this was a government "Honeypot" setup?

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Ok, so if I'm assuming everyone on there is and adult, you're assuming that everyone on there is an adult...why wouldn't he?


you can assume everyone on a "dating" site is 18 like you can assume everyone in a bar is over 21. Also, the site sounded a lot more like prostitution than "Dating", which isn't exactly legal in every jurisdiction.


Plus there is this from the press conference:


“The charge is sexual assault, and the statute says a victim under 17 is considered a child,” Cmdr. Officer said. “My detectives have interviewed and spoken with this victim, and in their opinion if someone mistakes their age, it’d be because she’s younger not older.”


There are many points where this dude had a chance to say "maybe paying a 16 year old girl for sex isn't such a wise idea" and walk away but he didn't.

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