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Felix Lace is just a wannabe Alex Jones. there is nothing he says that should be given any credence.


Dude thinks Women are inferior, LGBT people are mentally ill, low IQ and high crime affecting black people makes a case for segregation, and Central Banks are driving immigration to increase the lending pool. I mean it's pretty out there levels of conspiracy theories, and it's all pretty ill informed, poorly researched, and horrible stuff.


I will say this, there seems to be lack of good credible conservative commentary right now. All the usual suspects have kind of taken the fox news model of be controversial for the sake of controversial and run games of whataboutisim and false equalivency (real or not) instead of posing any real conservative plan or position.

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On rape, Lace also claims that "the vast majority of women, when raped, reach sexual climax or orgasm."


Lace believes that women have not evolved to stay loyal to their "tribe", and have brought destruction to Western nations by having exercised their voting rights


Lace is also a supporter of Donald Trump




Sounds like a nutter to me.

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I was talking primarily economics. So the video I posted above has no merit in your opinions?


Nope. He starts off reasonable but then goes pretty wide and unsubstantiated. His tone makes what he says more serious than it is. I don't know that he characterizes Angla Merkle's political relationships well either - he makes it seem like she should be falling into line with the more conservative CSU when in reality she is centrist conservative and allies more with centrist progressives in mission and tone. The CSU and CDU are "sister orgs" because of an alignment of issues and a sharing of resources, but that doesn't mean they both have to fall in line with each other. This is like saying John McCain needs to fall in line with Richard Spenser and the Alt-Right because they are both part of the same party.


Is there something specific that resonated with you? Maybe we can discuss that?


Keep in mind that this guy believes in the International Jewish Conspiracy, and when he discusses Central bankers he means those as part of the conspiracy. It's hard to take serious any economic point he makes in light of that. For what its worth, if he removed the Jewish conspiracy parts of it - he wouldn't be wrong about a lot of it. But that's kind of the problem with anything alt right these days - it starts off grounded in something and reasonable and then makes a hard right turn and expects the credibility and reason for the first part to carry momentum into the crazy part and add legitimacy to things like antisemitism. Just because some of it is technically correct doesn't mean the whole of what he is saying is correct and credible.


I found this article discussing him interesting:


Edited by Geeto67
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I was talking primarily economics. So the video I posted above has no merit in your opinions?


Personally, I agree with some things said in the video and not so much others.


Truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.

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Tariffs are just a tax on Americans, not much else to discuss past that.




How dare you call yourself a conservative and say that global free trade is not a liberal jew conspiracy to turn all the frogs gay.

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I was talking primarily economics. So the video I posted above has no merit in your opinions?


I mean, you did ask for "Thoughts on his content in general." Seems like that's what you got...



As a rule of thumb, Youtube videos are a terrible medium for discourse, he talks soooo slow and I'm not interested in burning 13 minutes waiting for him to get to a point, does this jabroni have any articles I can read?

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Here's what his twitter feed says when posting the video you linked in your OP:


Germany is leading Europe to an uncertain future. It is addicted to exports, migrants & gynocentric geopolitical solutions to intractable global problems. The US is growing tired of their vassal and its childless leader Merkel. See why and how.


I gotta say, this is the first I've heard of the horrors of gynocentrism and childless leaders.


You actually take this guy seriously? What's wrong with you?

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I mean, you did ask for "Thoughts on his content in general." Seems like that's what you got...


Your point eludes me. Did I say somewhere I wasn't receiving thoughts?


Here's what his twitter feed says when posting the video you linked in your OP:




I gotta say, this is the first I've heard of the horrors of gynocentrism and childless leaders.


You actually take this guy seriously? What's wrong with you?


Haven't seen twitter and don't have twitter.


As for your last question, I don't believe I stated either way what I take seriously and what I don't. Thanks for your input, though I'm not understanding how it is meaningful or pertains the content outlined in the video.

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Your point eludes me. Did I say somewhere I wasn't receiving thoughts?


Maybe I misunderstood your post, my apologies.


Haven't seen twitter and don't have twitter.


Neither do I but I do have google, I googled Black Pigeon Speaks and his twitter was the first thing that came up for me so I clicked on it. What does your not having a twitter account have to do with anything? Does the stuff he posts on twitter not count because you choose not to look at it?


As for your last question, I don't believe I stated either way what I take seriously and what I don't. Thanks for your input, though I'm not understanding how it is meaningful or pertains the content outlined in the video.


State it then, do you take this jabroni seriously?

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Haven't decided if I take him seriously or not, which is why I posted it here to get some other constructive feedback on the topic discussed in the video and weigh information that both supports and refutes his claims.


But it seems as usual on CR, people are chomping at the bit to get butthurt and lash out :/

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Well that's the thing, "his content in general" which you claimed to want to discuss in the OP is clearly wackadoo. When presented with that opinion, you claim to actually want to discuss some specific topic present in a specific video. But if there's some specific thing you want to discuss, why not find a non-wackadoo source for it? Maybe make a synopsis of the video and discuss it without linking to the wackadoo guy, or find an article we can read without watching 13 minutes of a wackadoo talk as slow as possible.


Do you honestly thing you'd be getting this reaction from CR if you'd posted a National Review article by a respected author, gave a 3 sentence summary, and asked us to discuss?

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  • 2 weeks later...

<Posts a video without any commentary>


<Refuses to summarize the video or highlight any specific points he agrees with, even when pressed to do so>


<Doesn't even know yet if he likes the video in question or its author>


<Complains about a lack of eloquence in the thread>


Sounds like CR indeed.

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Nope. He starts off reasonable but then goes pretty wide and unsubstantiated. His tone makes what he says more serious than it is. I don't know that he characterizes Angla Merkle's political relationships well either - he makes it seem like she should be falling into line with the more conservative CSU when in reality she is centrist conservative and allies more with centrist progressives in mission and tone. The CSU and CDU are "sister orgs" because of an alignment of issues and a sharing of resources, but that doesn't mean they both have to fall in line with each other. This is like saying John McCain needs to fall in line with Richard Spenser and the Alt-Right because they are both part of the same party.


Is there something specific that resonated with you? Maybe we can discuss that?


Keep in mind that this guy believes in the International Jewish Conspiracy, and when he discusses Central bankers he means those as part of the conspiracy. It's hard to take serious any economic point he makes in light of that. For what its worth, if he removed the Jewish conspiracy parts of it - he wouldn't be wrong about a lot of it. But that's kind of the problem with anything alt right these days - it starts off grounded in something and reasonable and then makes a hard right turn and expects the credibility and reason for the first part to carry momentum into the crazy part and add legitimacy to things like antisemitism. Just because some of it is technically correct doesn't mean the whole of what he is saying is correct and credible.


I found this article discussing him interesting:



This sounds exactly like what you post. I guess it takes one to know one.

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I can't say I've ever seen the term "wackadoo" used that many times.


I used to hear that word tossed around by my grandfather's old WWII veteran buddies. My father still uses it from time to time. It's old language for sure but highly amusing. Good on Greg for keeping it alive.


This sounds exactly like what you post.


whomp whomp


you left out the "except for blaming the jews for everything". Pretty sure I don't blame my own people for income inequality and the predatory nature of lending.


It's ok, I don't expect much from you, I get it - reading comprehension is hard.

Edited by Geeto67
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What other old people insult terms have you guys been hiding from us young whippersnappers that prefer to listen to audio editorials as opposed to reading 13min worth of editorial?


I don't know many old school insults.

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I used to hear that word tossed around by my grandfather's old WWII veteran buddies. My father still uses it from time to time. It's old language for sure but highly amusing. Good on Greg for keeping it alive.




whomp whomp


you left out the "except for blaming the jews for everything". Pretty sure I don't blame my own people for income inequality and the predatory nature of lending.


It's ok, I don't expect much from you, I get it - reading comprehension is hard.


That’s funny, because I expect much more from you than you can give. I take that back, you don’t even start off reasonable before veering off.

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