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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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Says the guy who just made a terrible assumption. Nice try, Clay. You've become a cuck like your friends Kerry and Greg. Congrats. How does it feel to have a mental illness? Need someone to fuck your wife for you?


Looks like I nailed the "Who is looking stupid" comment.



Brandon, I'm sure you're tired from playing with all the little boys in Thailand. Try using that lame shit on someone else.


Are you backing up Trump so hard because he's the President of your "small hands, tiny mushroom penis" fan club? Serious question.

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Says the guy who just made a terrible assumption. Nice try, Clay. You've become a cuck like your friends Kerry and Greg. Congrats. How does it feel to have a mental illness? Need someone to fuck your wife for you?


Brandon, and I mean this with all seriousness, Clay is not the person you want to fuck with on this board. Not for any scary reason, but more because he's literally the one person almost universally beloved on this board by the people who know him.

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I only take issue with Brandon and Tim because of their stupid-blind support for Trump and his policies...despite the fact that myself and his entire fucking cabinet realize what a terrible job he's doing.


Brandon wants to take my China analysis to a personal level? That's his call to dig his own grave.

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Brandon, and I mean this with all seriousness, Clay is not the person you want to fuck with on this board. Not for any scary reason, but more because he's literally the one person almost universally beloved on this board by the people who know him.


You think I give a shit? It’s a fucking message board.

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I only take issue with Brandon and Tim because of their stupid-blind support for Trump and his policies...despite the fact that myself and his entire fucking cabinet realize what a terrible job he's doing.


Brandon wants to take my China analysis to a personal level? That's his call to dig his own grave.


Yeah we’re doing so bad here in America. Maybe you should go to Paris and see how their socialist policies are doing. That’s what you want, right?

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Who’s gonna spy on me if the Govt shuts down!


I get that it's a joke, but honestly, you. You are spying on yourself by using social media, owning a cell phone, using the internet, owning "smart devices" and doing it all voluntarily.


I am not saying your "spying" fears are unfounded but it really isn't the .gov you have to worry about - it's the fact you can't buy a TV on the market now that isn't "smart" or the jurisprudence stemming from the patriot act that says you don't have an expectation of privacy on the internet that requires a warrant.

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Yeah we’re doing so bad here in America. Maybe you should go to Paris and see how their socialist policies are doing. That’s what you want, right?


Wrong. America is the best, and it should always be getting better. I don't need to go anywhere, and you're a close-minded moron for suggesting otherwise.


Who’s gonna spy on me if the Govt shuts down!


Amazon and Google. You answered my question with a stupid sarcastic comment that wasn't at all funny. You suck.


Let’s see. What do you think about pulling out of Syria?


I didn't know that was part of any strategy for success in working with Syria. Given that Mattis quit the day after Trump announced the pull-out (something your mom should've done), I'm going to side with the SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, and not Trump, on whether that was the right move.


Looks to me like a bitch move made by a guy who's used to quitting and selling the world on it coming from a place of wisdom. You and Trump share a lot in common, Brandon.


Should that make me care more? What’s he going to do, put a hit on me? :lolguy:


Wouldn't even waste the time. If you and I have met in person, you're very forgettable. Your responses show a lack of intellect and understanding. Perspective is reality in this world, and you are lacking.





Trump is my President. I voted for the guy, and I hope the country gets better under his term. However, the moves this guy makes wouldn't win in a game of checkers, let alone chess. He was the "anti-Hillary" choice, but it's stunning how low he's gotten.


You can disagree, but every possible scoreboard keeping track of this guy shows a loss aside from his popularity with the FoxNews faithful.

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Wrong. America is the best, and it should always be getting better. I don't need to go anywhere, and you're a close-minded moron for suggesting otherwise.


I think it is getting better outside of the unrest from the left complaining about being victims.




Amazon and Google. You answered my question with a stupid sarcastic comment that wasn't at all funny. You suck.


Good one!



I didn't know that was part of any strategy for success in working with Syria. Given that Mattis quit the day after Trump announced the pull-out (something your mom should've done), I'm going to side with the SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, and not Trump, on whether that was the right move.


Looks to me like a bitch move made by a guy who's used to quitting and selling the world on it coming from a place of wisdom. You and Trump share a lot in common, Brandon.


K. Give me some good reasons why we are in Syria?



Wouldn't even waste the time. If you and I have met in person, you're very forgettable. Your responses show a lack of intellect and understanding. Perspective is reality in this world, and you are lacking.



We haven't and don't worry I feel the same about you. I also think you're a huge pussy. I'm sure I've been more places and seen more things than you. I am not the one lacking perspective. Maybe look in the mirror, little boy.



Trump is my President. I voted for the guy, and I hope the country gets better under his term. However, the moves this guy makes wouldn't win in a game of checkers, let alone chess. He was the "anti-Hillary" choice, but it's stunning how low he's gotten.


You can disagree, but every possible scoreboard keeping track of this guy shows a loss aside from his popularity with the FoxNews faithful.


Trump is the best President I've had in my lifetime. He's far better than Bush and Obama and he's at least on par with Clinton but I like Trump more. Those 2 wrecked the country. But yeah, let's hear about how horrible Trump is because he's not a PC puppet like you want.

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You want to debate, but when a question is directed at you, you just throw out insults


I agree Brandon from 2017. Dodging debate and lobbing insults isn't something to be proud of.


I also think you're a huge pussy.


Oh. I see.


Well I guess we should update this:


I hear more insults and blind stereotypical assumptions thrown out by hardcore liberals more than anyone



Still waiting for a single example of something the media has blinded me to.

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looks like the Trump administration is going to get another Supreme Court pick with Ginsberg going down. CNN is basically calling her a medical marvel, super human, most amazing human specimen to ever walk the earth.


She is old.....old people get sick and die. She has used about 12 of her 9 lives already. Its amazing she lasted this long. As humans we will all likely reach this same fate. Lets celebrate her for what she has done in her long career. Lets not try to drive the narrative that she is a God like person. It will only make the lefts meltdown even more dramatic when she steps away in the next 8-12months.

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Give me some good reasons why we are in Syria?


No, no... you're defending Trump, YOU get to tell me why he made a decision that undermines his defense advisor so much he quit.


Clearly a stupid political and strategic move. CHANGE MY MIND, Trumper.





We haven't and don't worry I feel the same about you. I also think you're a huge pussy. I'm sure I've been more places and seen more things than you. I am not the one lacking perspective. Maybe look in the mirror, little boy.



Nice "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" answer, junior.



Trump is the best President I've had in my lifetime. He's far better than Bush and Obama and he's at least on par with Clinton but I like Trump more. Those 2 wrecked the country. But yeah, let's hear about how horrible Trump is because he's not a PC puppet like you want.


Where's the winning economy? (Stock market, trade deficit...)

Where's the country rallying around him?

Where's the international respect?

Where's your precious wall?


Insults aside, my eyes are open to the world around us everyday, and I want to know how you're measuring his success as the best President ever.


To Michael's comment about Ginsburg, having a conservative President making SCOTUS nominations is a good thing.

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