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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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In not sure what is worse for libs though. Pence as president or Trump as president.


In terms of SCOTUS nominees Trump is probably better for liberals, but in terms of "having an adult in charge of the executive branch" Pence is about 1000x better. I haven't talked to anyone who wouldn't take that trade in a heartbeat.

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No, no... you're defending Trump, YOU get to tell me why he made a decision that undermines his defense advisor so much he quit.


Clearly a stupid political and strategic move. CHANGE MY MIND, Trumper.


You voted for him, not me. It really has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with pulling our troops out of a situation we have no business being in.


You think we should keep troops in harms way for what reason exactly? I’m asking you directly.




Nice "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" answer, junior.


Says the guy who started making assumptions based on nothing and was immediately proven wrong.



Where's the winning economy? (Stock market, trade deficit...)

Where's the country rallying around him?

Where's the international respect?

Where's your precious wall?


I keep getting raises and everyone I know seems to be doing just fine. Economy seems fine to me. Are you assuming a crash is coming or something. We already know you’re bad at assumptions so it would make sense.


I guess if all you do is watch CNN and MSNBC or read the Washington Post then yeah, I guess it does seem like nobody is behind him. You’ve been lied to. Congrats on falling for the narrative against Trump by the shitty media.


What international respect are you referring to that we aren’t getting? Because Trump doesn’t bend over backwards for other countries like bitch boy Obama he isn’t respected? And if he isn’t, who fucking cares! They rely on us, we don’t rely on them. It’s more important they have our respect, not the other way around.


Insults aside, my eyes are open to the world around us everyday, and I want to know how you're measuring his success as the best President ever.


What’s going so poorly that has your eyes wide open? Liberals crying and complaining about a new “flavor of the day” issue? I think Trump is doing fine. Is he perfect? God no. He’s very rough around the edges, obviously but he’s not a political puppet like we’ve had.


I measure his success by


Staying out of unnecessary wars

Putting America first

Creating a new, effective healthcare plan

Job creation

National defense

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I view this is the same as the guy that gets pulled over and is a giant pain in the ass about giving the cops his ID.


So government is too big and has too much power but you should always bow down to authority figures of the government and always do what they say...got it




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I saw a trailer for the new MIB. They added a few females because it’s 2018 almost 2019. I swore it was going to be called PIB (People in black) but they kept the original name. I heard some huffs and puffs from people in the theater when it said MIB at the end.

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I heard some huffs and puffs from people in the theater when it said MIB at the end.


yeah probably because the last two sucked and the world needed another MIB movie like it needs an asshole where it's elbow is. I HIGHLY doubt it was because it wasn't called "people in black" but hey don't let that get in the way of a good story.

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You said "Pitch Perfect" is a great movie/series and defended it against an onslaught of CBros. Your position regarding movies is sketchy at best. :lol:


Have you seen the first pitch perfect movie? No? Then who are you to talk.


I loved the first MIB movie and the second one had enough jokes to keep it interesting, but not even the Mets and Andy Warhol could save the third one from how campy/corney it was.


Still unless Brandon is putting in some after hours time at Axis or Southbend I highly doubt he is running into any people "getting offended" at the title "men in black" because it's not gender inclusive.

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Have you seen the first pitch perfect movie? No? Then who are you to talk.


I loved the first MIB movie and the second one had enough jokes to keep it interesting, but not even the Mets and Andy Warhol could save the third one from how campy/corney it was.


Still unless Brandon is putting in some after hours time at Axis or Southbend I highly doubt he is running into any people "getting offended" at the title "men in black" because it's not gender inclusive.


Were you there? If the answer is no then fuck off fat boy

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Really, it's Schrodinger's Wall at this point. It hasn't been built yet, but it's mostly finished; it's both a Concrete Wall and a Steel Slat Barrier; Mexico will pay for it, Mexico has already paid for it, it's paying for itself with NAFTA which has now been repealed, the Democrats must pay for it, it'll be paid for with "Shutdown Money" saved from the shutdown that's more expensive than the Wall will ever be, which is supported by federal workers who are mostly Democrats but also want Trump to keep it shut down until the Wall is paid for; it's needed to stop the Caravans that have already been stopped, and there are no more Caravans coming even though word is there's one on the way right now; and if there's no wall, we're going to have to shut down the entire border with the wall that does not exist.


The Wall currently exists in a state of quantum flux where attempting to observe it only changes its nature.


(stolen from another site I'm on)

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I like how certain people are acting like this is the first ever shutdown. Not that I agree with the shutdown but people crying a river about it didn’t seem to be too upset when Obama did it


That's because Obama didn't "do it". The government shut down that happened in 2013 under his administration was caused by senate republicans who didn't want to pass the ACA. It wasn't "Obama's" vote that held up the funding resolution, Obama signed it once the senate came to a resolution, unlike now where the senate has come to a resolution and Trump is refusing to sign.


And at the time people on both parties were furious about it, and some of that lingered into to 2016 election. Just because you weren't outraged at the time doesn't mean people weren't "too upset" when it happened in 2013.


By the way, this current shutdown is the Third under Trump's administration and the third one in a year. Up until now government shutdowns happened twice a decade. There is only one other time another president held up passing a budget resolution and that was Clinton in 1995-96. The Republican congress at the time had not budgeted properly for education, healthcare, and the environment and Clinton vetoed it twice. People were furious then too, I was in my first year of college and I remember the protests outside federal buildings to end the shutdown.


Please try to be more fact based in your comments, it hurts us all when you just regurgitate the stupid.

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or when Obama along with other democrates stated we needed a wall and/or boarder security


Um...no... https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/apr/23/mick-mulvaney/fact-check-did-top-democrats-vote-border-wall-2006/


Let's be clear, people aren't against border security, and NOBODY is advocating open borders. Being against a 5 billion dollar government works boondoggle project that statistically has very little merit toward addressing the problem is just something people don't want to sign up for. Any prior plans for border security did not cost this much, were more effective, and were cognizant of the legal boundaries the US had to work with.


Up until this point Trump hasn't gotten anything right on immigration. His restrictions were slapped down multiple times by the courts, his administration separated families with no plan to reunite them....who would support anything future plans he has regarding immigration? His administration is reckless in the area - and also...wasn't another country supposed to be paying for this?

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Obamacare..what a joke..you mean what pelosi said when asked what's in it..her reply..you'll have to pass it to see....

I was ready for it as my in-laws owned their own business and paid everything out of pocket.

It was all good until my sister in law needed a specialist. She called everyone within a 50 mile limit on a list given to her from the obamacare group. Not one would see her because they weren't getting paid...yes refused care because of obamacare. They had paid their premium but got nothing. So I guess it was a good shutdown as the working class with company paid health care are getting screwed.


The courts were liberal courts that pushed down immigration.


Oh we are back to seperating families..why did the adults leave their children??

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It was all good until my sister in law needed a specialist. She called everyone within a 50 mile limit on a list given to her from the obamacare group. Not one would see her because they weren't getting paid...yes refused care because of obamacare. They had paid their premium but got nothing. So I guess it was a good shutdown as the working class with company paid health care are getting screwed.



It's still getting worse. I only wish my brother in law in Oregon and my Sister in Law in Athens could chime in with the details. I hear about the crap they are going through and it's amazing anyone would ante up to see patients on those plans. They flat out don't and the one in Athens is moving to a full consulting and teaching practice in January (her own business) because private insurance is following the same path as the gov't plans now and it's just plain not worth the money they pay for the work she has to do.



Perhaps Kirk will chime in.

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and no i do not have a plan


Well you have that in common with all Republicans. Good thing they wasted money on that shutdown though, just to show everyone how angry they were about Obamacare. And then got elected in large numbers over that anger. And then dropped the issue because they had no other ideas. Tax dollars at work.

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