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Political dumpster fire Part III Greg and Kerry Vs CR


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It is petty to hear pro-Trump people wanting to talk about Mueller’s investigation, now that its released going “L@@K DUMB LIBERALS! NO INDICTMENTS MEANS EVERYTHING’S FINE!!!1!!” :lol:


The fact that the investigation legitimately happened is shame enough.[/quote

Almost 2 years of msnbc, CNN, nightly news and other media solely reporting with their breaking news.Collusion, criminal,tampering, and other things are all I have heard. Who the hell would want to run this country with all the nonsense, only going to get someone that lifetime politicians allow, which is a big problem. Get to work doing what you are supposed to be doing and attempt properly run the country.

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Almost 2 years of msnbc, CNN, nightly news and other media solely reporting with their breaking news.Collusion, criminal,tampering, and other things are all I have heard. Who the hell would want to run this country with all the nonsense, only going to get someone that lifetime politicians allow, which is a big problem. Get to work doing what you are supposed to be doing and attempt properly run the country.


Can you imagine Obama trying to run the country with a whole bunch of people demanding his long form birth certificate to prove his citizenship, demanding his college transcripts to prove that he wasn't a fraud, etc? Who would want that job, indeed.


Of course, one person's "the media is just holding our leadership accountable" is another's witch hunt. It's almost like people don't have as much of a principled view of things as they'd like to believe, and instead just fall back on partisan lines.


Case in point, public servant Hillary Clinton, who served her country as a US senator and secretary of state, had to endure no fewer than 17 Benghazi investigations (that all came up empty) and a prolonged investigation into her handling of government emails (which also came up empty). I assume you also think it's unfair that she had to put up with all that BS instead of just being allowed to do the job she was elected/appointed to do.


If that's the case, then Republicans haven't gotten the memo, as just this weekend Sen Lindsay Graham, Trump's current favorite ball-fondler, was calling for MORE investigations of private citizen Hillary Clinton as the crowd at Mar-a-Lago chanted "lock her up!"



Did I do it? Did I point out partisan hypocrisy!? Internet points, please.

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It is petty to hear pro-Trump people wanting to talk about Mueller’s investigation, now that its released going “L@@K DUMB LIBERALS! NO INDICTMENTS MEANS EVERYTHING’S FINE!!!1!!” :lol:


The fact that the investigation legitimately happened is shame enough.


The fact that an investigation legitimately happened is absolutely a shame. Just not for the reason you think it is.

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The fact that an investigation legitimately happened is absolutely a shame. Just not for the reason you think it is.


Even though it resulted in criminals sent to jail and their assets rightfully seized for the US taxpayer? Do you want to set the criminals free and give them the money back?

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Even though it resulted in criminals sent to jail and their assets rightfully seized for the US taxpayer? Do you want to set the criminals free and give them the money back?


How much did it cost the US taxpayers over 2 years? Was the ultimate purpose of the investigation to put those people in jail or put Trump in jail? Was the investigation a success?

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How much did it cost the US taxpayers over 2 years?


It cost negative dollars. The investigation MADE MONEY for the US taxpayer.


Was the ultimate purpose of the investigation to put those people in jail or put Trump in jail?


The ultimate purpose of the investigation was very clear and was stated in the SC appointment letter. It was to determine if there were "Any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump," and "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation."


Are the people in jail as a direct result of matters that arose from the investigation? The answer is yes, they are, therefore putting them in jail was the ultimate purpose of the investigation.


Was the investigation a success?


I don't see how you can view it any other way, unless you're pro-crime and don't like the US government getting free money.

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I should point out that this is all BEFORE we even know what it's in the special counsel's report to the AG, which nobody knows at this point (and yet people are already declaring it a "no collusion" victory), and that it's highly likely that the special counsel has referred other crimes to other jurisdictions and that those indictments are likely already written and are simply sealed at this point in time.


In short, the investigation is undeniably a success and we're not even done reaping it's fruits yet.



ETA: Now, if you want to bitch about how the liberal media's breathless reporting of every new development was and continues to be really, really fucking annoying, and that there's no way the sum total output of the Russia investigations can ever live up to the hype, then have at it. I would agree with all of that. But to say that the investigation is a waste, or that Trump hasn't been revealed to be a seriously slimy, dirty motherfucker through all of this is to deny reality.

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Im happy to see what the AG says in the next 24h or so.


Im also open minded enough to say if Trump did anything wrong, he should face the consequences. Unfortunately for the left, there is truth and fact that will drive the outcome of this investigation, not feelings of hate toward trump.


lets see what it says and then discuss.

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Im happy to see what the AG says in the next 24h or so.


The next 24 hours would be nice but I'm not holding my breath for anything


Im also open minded enough to say if Trump did anything wrong, he should face the consequences. Unfortunately for the left, there is truth and fact that will drive the outcome of this investigation, not feelings of hate toward trump.


This is somewhat unrelated but what are your feelings about the Donald J Trump foundation?


On June 14, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a civil lawsuit against the foundation as well as Trump himself and Trump's three adult children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr., alleging "persistently illegal conduct" with respect to the foundation's money


The organization has since been forced to dissolve, the 4 principals named (Trump and 3 of his children) have been prohibited from running or sitting on the board of a charity in NY for 10 years, and the investigations are still ongoing.


Running a sham charity is a despicable thing to do, and it would have ruined any conventional politician's career.


Do you approve of people running sham charities? Do you think this is "feelings of hatred towards Trump" instead of "truth and facts"? Something else?

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Well that's all a load of hogwash. You said "reading the report", I thought you meant the actual report had been released. You meant reading some opinion piece.


What are you referring to where the campaign turned away meddlers? What's your source on that?

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Greg - its on page 2 of the summary, last paragraph.




Its possible I could be reading too far into that, if so, I will retract my statement. It does seem to me that the Russians reached out to coordinate and the campaign turned them down. The campaign may have had the oppo research they wanted already?

Edited by Panduh
spelling errors - also wanted to expand on what I meant
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