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School me on Italy


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A couple of months ago my girlfriend and I got a pretty good deal on flights to Italy, and now we're tasked with deciding what all we want to do while we're there. We are going June 5th-June 15th, with the 5th and the 15th being travel days, so we essentially have 8 full days in Italy.


Personally, I'm thinking:


3 days in Rome

3 days in Naples (1 of which is spent on the Almafi Coast)

2 days in Florence


We don't plan on getting a car, so obviously we prefer things that are "trainable".


What are the MUST do's in each of these cities? As much as I prefer the recommendations, please don't throw out obscure things like "take a train up to Germany for a day to get some sausage"- we'd like to hit these 3 cities and do what they have to offer in the time allotted.




PS: we are doing AirBnB's, no hotels.

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I don't have any advice, but Im interested to hear your trip report. This is on my wife's "want to do" list.


Hopefully this helps! From most of what we've read, most people do either a northern trip (Venice/Milan/Etc.), central trip (Florence/Rome/Venice) or southern trip (Sicily/Naples/Bari). We have chosen the central trip as our first one, even though my family is from Bari.

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If you haven't done so already, spend a little time on the trip advisor forums. I use it every time I plan a trip somewhere Im not familiar with. There is always good advise from locals and or people that know the area well. Its a good way to get tips or help with specific questions, itineraries, etc.
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I have been to the Naples, Almfi Coast, Sorrento, Florence, and Rome. You're going during prime tourist time, Rome will be awful. There is so much to see there 3 days will be hard to get it all in, especially with how packed it will be. It will be hot out so planned accordingly.


Almfi, Sorrento, and Florence are hands down my favorite places. Be careful about Rome and all the "Real Italian food" shit you can get on the streets. The best stuff is down the back roads and off the main drags. I used TripAdvisor for a lot of recommendations when I went out. I visited Rome in December of 17' and it was perfect. 60 degrees and no tourists. I went back again in September, awful. So be prepared for that.


Must do's. That's debatable on what you find important.


Florence we did a city center tour and then a vineyard tour. Ponte Vecchio being a must in Florence.


Rome. Pantheon, Colosseum, Spanish Steps, etc.


Naples. Vesuvius

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If going to be in Rome, highly recommend that you do one of the double decker bus tours. Sit on the top exposed floor which will likely be warm when you go but there usually is a breeze that helps cool you off and be up high enough to get good views of everything.


We spent a week in Italy a few years ago and Rome was nuts busy at the time but we got to see a lot of the sights from up on top of the bus and then get off at a few of the places we wanted to poke around more into. It was pretty neat.


Traffic in Rome is unreal. I haven't been to all the big cities in the US but I've been to most of them and none of them could even bring a candle to the insanity that is driving in Rome especially with all the mopeds and bikes darting everywhere.


Not even having a car is a good call. We ended up parking our rental for the whole four days we were in Rome and just walked or took a bus to wherever we wanted to go in the city itself.

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Been 20 years since I have been but I've been 3 times......


When in Rome, go see the roman ruins. Also eat blood oranges off the tree in one of the groves there. Def go to a nightclub. Visit the Vatican, go to the sistine chapel just so you can say you've seen it in real life. Either be moved or disappointed at the ceiling. Marvel at the enormity and wealth of the greatest criminal organization in the world: the catholic church.


also see this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capuchin_Crypt It's like being on the set of a horror movie.


Naples is the architecture city. It's also known for it's porcelain and it's food is what people think of when they think of "italian food". It's also a good place to get a suit because of neopolitan tailoring, but if you want off the rack haute couture go to Milan instead. If you want a steak go to florence for it, if you want to see what olive garden aspires to be but will never reach - eat anything in naples.



Florence: See all the art. The David is there in the Galleria dell'Accademia as is a large collection of work from the renaissance ninja turtles (Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo). It's also a leather and blown glass city, so if you want those trinkets, it's good to pick them up there. The best leather shoes I ever owned were hand made for me when I was in Florence (20 years ago), plus Prada et al are based there. Most of the small shops have places where you can watch them blow glass or make leather goods, It's fun to watch (and not the same as you see at the renn faire).


Carry lots of small bills in cash. Europe in general works on the grift, so be prepared to grease palms. To that end, be wary of scammers on the street - way more wiley and friendly than you find in the US, downright charming if you ask me, but you'll lose your shirt. try not to be places where there are lots of street urchins or pickpockets.

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions- most of it is in line with our research and sounds like exactly what we're looking for. Keep the suggestions coming!





I haven't been to Italy, but to me just find a remote beach with a nice view and chill.


Sounds great- but I can do that in Hilton Head for free (family owns a condo there and I fly SW for free for 2019). I definitely want to enjoy the specific things Italy has to offer.

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Go to Modena and visit the Ferrari Museum, Ferrari test track is right there too outside the factory. Saw and heard some sweet sounds from vehicles going around the test track. It's insane to be in that city and see Ferrari's like we see Hondas.


Food is good everywhere. Fuck driving in Rome......

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