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Fucking drunks...


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Alright, so Friday night I finally managed to fall asleep and then the dog starts barking as though a dozen postal workers are running down the street at 3:00 in the morning. Then my half-sister/roommate knocks on my door and tells me that some low life cunt lick has hit my car, which I keep parked on the side of the street in front of my house. Of course I can't just get up and go outside until I talk Junior down, naturally. Sure enough, a cop is waiting outside and shows me the damage, which seems to be nothing more than a ruined wheel rim, and even that's not too bad since the tire is not losing air. Of course the axle might be bent as well which will be a problem although I won't know for sure. The bitch of it is, is that I refer to it as my car but in actuality it is in my mom's name due to me taking over the payments for her out of the goodness of my heart. Plus it's pretty new with less than 10,000 miles on it.

The car that is mine is out of commission due to a bad starter but being the procrastinator that I am, it's still sitting in the driveway. This is why I decided to help my mom out with her payments and just drive her Kia, since she is paying on two new cars, which is another story in itself. The first thing I asked the cop is whether or not the fuckwit who hit the car was drunk. Today I learned that he was charged with a DUI. See, someone was actually going for a stroll around 2 in the morning and was a witness to this scumbag clipping my car and driving off. He got a flat tire out of the whole deal so it was easy for the police to catch up to him.

I don't normally vent here but this is a very sensitive topic for me. A liberal judge will slap this guy on the wrist and he more likely than not will get behind the wheel again, under the influence. Fuck all those who are stupid enough to put the lives and the property of others on the line because you are driving drunk. Anyone who is caught driving under the influence would be sent to the state pen for one year as a first offence if I had a say in it. That will give those with no regard for others two things. One, a great way to get sober and two, a finer appreciation of owning an anus that is less than 6 inches in diameter.

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I got hit by a drunk in Sept last year while on my bike, he was more the twice over the limit (0.182), 4th DUI in 6 years & as of yet he still has not been sentenced. Just keeps getting put off for stupid reasons.

8 fucking months+!!!! So much for justice.

Fucking drunks getting away with shit for waaaaaaay to long.

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Alright, so Friday night I finally managed to fall asleep and then the dog starts barking as though a dozen postal workers are running down the street at 3:00 in the morning. Then my half-sister/roommate knocks on my door and tells me that some low life cunt lick has hit my car, which I keep parked on the side of the street in front of my house. Of course I can't just get up and go outside until I talk Junior down, naturally. Sure enough, a cop is waiting outside and shows me the damage, which seems to be nothing more than a ruined wheel rim, and even that's not too bad since the tire is not losing air. Of course the axle might be bent as well which will be a problem although I won't know for sure. The bitch of it is, is that I refer to it as my car but in actuality it is in my mom's name due to me taking over the payments for her out of the goodness of my heart. Plus it's pretty new with less than 10,000 miles on it.

The car that is mine is out of commission due to a bad starter but being the procrastinator that I am, it's still sitting in the driveway. This is why I decided to help my mom out with her payments and just drive her Kia, since she is paying on two new cars, which is another story in itself. The first thing I asked the cop is whether or not the fuckwit who hit the car was drunk. Today I learned that he was charged with a DUI. See, someone was actually going for a stroll around 2 in the morning and was a witness to this scumbag clipping my car and driving off. He got a flat tire out of the whole deal so it was easy for the police to catch up to him.

I don't normally vent here but this is a very sensitive topic for me. A liberal judge will slap this guy on the wrist and he more likely than not will get behind the wheel again, under the influence. Fuck all those who are stupid enough to put the lives and the property of others on the line because you are driving drunk. Anyone who is caught driving under the influence would be sent to the state pen for one year as a first offence if I had a say in it. That will give those with no regard for others two things. One, a great way to get sober and two, a finer appreciation of owning an anus that is less than 6 inches in diameter.

When you say "talk junior down"...does that mean what i think it does? :lol:

That really sucks though man.

I was almost charged with a Dui, almost 3 years ago. About a week before my 21st birthday. A bunch of us were diving to Chillicothe to see a band play, and i was supposed to be the DD. Being under 21, i said ok...but it was hard...what guy doesn't love beer? Long story short...a friend passed me a beer and said it was cool if i wanted a couple. I drank one, trying to be somewhat responsible. Start to drive my 2 completely trashed female passengers to another party where i can drink and we all can crash for the night. Big blue lights come on, not even 5 min out of the parking lot. Said i was following too closely. I guess i was because i WAS following someone. However, the female dog who was driving the other car was brake checking me (found that out later) because she didn't like the girls in my car. She was drunk, but the the patroleman...just lets her go. No...its cool lol.

I explain to mr. Asshole...i only had 1 beer. Obviously he doesn't believe me. I guess with 2 drunk chicks in the car laughing, giggling hysterically... ...that would be hard to believe for anyone lol. He pulls me out of the car, makes me do all the "drunk test" bs...of course he failed me. I knew i was gonna fail before i even got out of the car. I'm arrested...(on a weekend) spend a day and a half there. Don't get much sleep, finally wake up to the cell door hanging wide open...and the chatter of all the inmates. 3 floors of inmates, but no guards anywhere...again cool lol. Make my one phone call the next day to my brother, which i barely get out because they require you to have some sort of credit card in jail...wtf!?

Parents finally find out where i am. Use my money to bail me out. Get my car out of impound. Tow truck driver fucks up my muffler, scraping it across the ground. Fucking genius. :nono:

I hire a lawyer to fight the charges. (The free one) All the tests i took in jail come back...far more than clean. There is a drinking limit for under 21, look it up. After paying everything, bail, court fees, impund fees. It was the most expensive fucking beer i ever drank! About 500$. None of the charges even came close to sticking, because there was absolutely no way...i was drunk. Just a young patroleman...with nothing better to do.

Obviously what happened to you is messed up. Can't deny that. However...stupid shit happens like this every day man. In many...fucked up ways. Example ^^.

Did you have insurance on the car? What's your plan of action on having a running cage?

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Yeah drunks suck. Back when we lived in a apartment complex, some drunk came thru on his way home and slammed into three cars in the side lot next to our apartment, knocked the cars up over the parking blocks, then kept right on driving home. I heard the crash, and thought I knew who it might have been, jumped on my bicycle and found the guy passed out behind the wheel in his (now busted up) truck in his driveway with the engine still running. That was an easy bust when the cops showed up, I just told them where to find him!

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I got hit by a drunk in Sept last year while on my bike, he was more the twice over the limit (0.182), 4th DUI in 6 years & as of yet he still has not been sentenced. Just keeps getting put off for stupid reasons.

8 fucking months+!!!! So much for justice.

Fucking drunks getting away with shit for waaaaaaay to long.

i got t-boned by a drunk driver and got messed up went though theraphy for 2 years she tried to start her car up and leave the seen but she had a newer car where the fuel pumps shut off..lol but she got some time out of it she was i think 60 something years old..

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Everyone involved is insured so no worries there, even the prick who tried to get away. What's scary is when a drunk individual wants to get behind the wheel, irrespective of whether or not they even have a license, they will do it and there is nothing that can be done about it until after something happens.

Nightrider, the best thing to do when you are a designated driver is to not drink at all. That cop does not deserve to be a police officer. I bet he got the shit kicked out of him in high school on a weekly basis by those pesky alpha males and now he gets to play "policeman". Anyways, I always have my CBR for transportation and now I know how well it does in the rain, due to a group ride I participated in last year with a few folks on here...

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Everyone involved is insured so no worries there, even the prick who tried to get away. What's scary is when a drunk individual wants to get behind the wheel, irrespective of whether or not they even have a license, they will do it and there is nothing that can be done about it until after something happens.

Nightrider, the best thing to do when you are a designated driver is to not drink at all. That cop does not deserve to be a police officer. I bet he got the shit kicked out of him in high school on a weekly basis by those pesky alpha males and now he gets to play "policeman". Anyways, I always have my CBR for transportation and now I know how well it does in the rain, due to a group ride I participated in last year with a few folks on here...

Yeah, i now know that, and even before that...i knew. I just figured, one beer wasn't gonna do anything to me...which it didn't. All tests came back negative. He said i, and the car reeked of alcohol. Well...i'm sure it did..with 2 drunk people in the car lol. Oh well...lesson learned. I am no longer the dd anymore, so no worries. :D

:lol:I hope you have some rain gear man. I take it, the bike's your only form of transportation now?

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When you say "talk junior down"...does that mean what i think it does? :lol:

That really sucks though man.

I was almost charged with a Dui, almost 3 years ago. About a week before my 21st birthday. A bunch of us were diving to Chillicothe to see a band play, and i was supposed to be the DD. Being under 21, i said ok...but it was hard...what guy doesn't love beer? Long story short...a friend passed me a beer and said it was cool if i wanted a couple. I drank one, trying to be somewhat responsible. Start to drive my 2 completely trashed female passengers to another party where i can drink and we all can crash for the night. Big blue lights come on, not even 5 min out of the parking lot. Said i was following too closely. I guess i was because i WAS following someone. However, the female dog who was driving the other car was brake checking me (found that out later) because she didn't like the girls in my car. She was drunk, but the the patroleman...just lets her go. No...its cool lol.

I explain to mr. Asshole...i only had 1 beer. Obviously he doesn't believe me. I guess with 2 drunk chicks in the car laughing, giggling hysterically... ...that would be hard to believe for anyone lol. He pulls me out of the car, makes me do all the "drunk test" bs...of course he failed me. I knew i was gonna fail before i even got out of the car. I'm arrested...(on a weekend) spend a day and a half there. Don't get much sleep, finally wake up to the cell door hanging wide open...and the chatter of all the inmates. 3 floors of inmates, but no guards anywhere...again cool lol. Make my one phone call the next day to my brother, which i barely get out because they require you to have some sort of credit card in jail...wtf!?

Parents finally find out where i am. Use my money to bail me out. Get my car out of impound. Tow truck driver fucks up my muffler, scraping it across the ground. Fucking genius. :nono:

I hire a lawyer to fight the charges. (The free one) All the tests i took in jail come back...far more than clean. There is a drinking limit for under 21, look it up. After paying everything, bail, court fees, impund fees. It was the most expensive fucking beer i ever drank! About 500$. None of the charges even came close to sticking, because there was absolutely no way...i was drunk. Just a young patrolman...with nothing better to do.

Obviously what happened to you is messed up. Can't deny that. However...stupid shit happens like this every day man. In many...fucked up ways. Example ^^.

Did you have insurance on the car? What's your plan of action on having a running cage?

THAT story sucks. The OSHP are DUI nazis around here. It is always guilty until proven innocent. Its all about $ for the MAN, man.

As for the KIA, its probably totaled. :D If not, insurance will cover it. At least you were not in it and no one got hurt.

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THAT story sucks. The OSHP are DUI nazis around here. It is always guilty until proven innocent. Its all about $ for the MAN, man.

As for the KIA, its probably totaled. :D If not, insurance will cover it. At least you were not in it and no one got hurt.

Absolutely. At the time i was driving a car with chrome rims. Not that it should matter, but the prick probably thought i had money. I saved up to buy that car, i wasn't rolling in money then, and i'm definitely not now.

The sad thing is, there were at least 5 or 6 people pulling out who were piss drunk...but he pulls me over. It was just a sad state of affairs all the way around. Oh well...lesson learned.

Yeah, i know it sucks big time..but it could have been worse. Like Max said, at least you werent injured. Take the small blessings when you can...lol.

Edited by NightRider
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