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Photive Speaker Strikes Against @$$hole Neighbors and Prevails Again


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Last night, it's about 915-930 and the wife and I are getting ready to hit the hay because, well, we have adult things to do in the morning, like job, manage kids, etc. While finishing up our show (Re-watching Breaking Bad, not that it adds anything to the story) we hear loud voices. At first we thought one of the kids was crying from the other end of the house, but upon inspection, it was not them. It was the people behind us (not the original a-hole neighbors, but the people beside them as our back yard basically backs up to two different back yards). Upon discovery of the voices, we also heard loud music with heavy bass. The wife is already pissed. I'm more of an "it's not 10pm yet, Fort Worth noise ordinances don't kick in until 10pm, so lets just go to bed and hopefully they will quiet down" kind of guy. I turn our white noise maker on to try to drown it out and we go to bed.


Well, the music and the voices are just enough to keep you from falling asleep. Right where as you'd start to doze off, the one cackly b*tch with the shrill voice in the group would "woo-girl" scream about something, and pull you right back to consciousness. Finally around midnight, the music is louder, the bass hits harder, and that b*tche's voice is too much. I tried for a few hours to avoid this, but this is where we are now.


I get my trusty Photive weatherproof bluetooth speaker, walk out back, set it on a 5gal bucket in the yard facing their property, get on my phone and opent the frequency generator app, set it to 8700-8800mhz, and start turning the volume up.


After a couple min and me working the volume up to high, the high pitched sound is just cutting through the music like a hot knife through butter. I hear them start asking each other, "do you hear that?" "WTF is that?" "Is that the speakers?" And they would turn the volume down, and as they would, I would turn the volume on my speaker down accordingly. Up and down we went for a few min. Then the voice of one of the guys starts talking about how I did something like that to them while they were at their neighbors in the past. Cackly bish yells out loud, "fk em, they can call the cops!"


Nah bish. I ain't a snitch. You picked the game, lets play.


One of them says they can hear it coming from two different places. Lulz. They start peaking through the cracks in the fence. One of the guys says he see wires running along the fence. "I can get some wire cutters and reach over and cut them." he says to other cackly bish. (They weren't wires. They were 1/4" irrigation hoses I had previously used to run air from an air pump to air stones in my hydroponic lettuce growing setup). I hear their back patio door open then close. A couple min later it opens again. I hear some shuffling along the fence then the sound of the lines being cut. Jokes on them. Those lines need to go in the trash anyway. Noise continues.


While this is going on, cackly bish exclaims, "I can't stand this sound!." Big smile across my face. After the "wire" cutting failed, and the sound continued, they finally turned the music way down to an acceptable level, then a little while later, turned off their patio lights and went to inside. It was a little after 1am at this point.


I feel like ass today running on only a few hours of sleep. But I do have a little smile that this little speaker and this free app worked their magic again.


I am pissed at the audacity of the individuals who feel it's appropriate to destroy property in other people's yard for doing exactly what they were doing. I play your game, you get pissed because you don't like the way I play your game, so you break my stuff. OK you entitled asshat. It was too dark to get any kind of video unfortunately.


I get it, they were college kids, (I know because I heard cackly bish talk about college), and it's spring break, but the adults here have responsibilities. Go be loud elsewhere.

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Man, you have some shitty neighbors :lol:


If you live in a neighborhood, and it's a Tuesday night, have some common decency and don't make a lot of noise after 10pm. Is that too much to ask? People are so fucking stupid

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Man, you have some shitty neighbors :lol:


If you live in a neighborhood, and it's a Tuesday night, have some common decency and don't make a lot of noise after 10pm. Is that too much to ask? People are so fucking stupid


College kids on spring break. What terrifies me is that I essentially did exactly what they were doing, and that somehow in their mind justified them breaking my property. This is the future of America right here. People that think this way.


I love reading these stories, however, why don't you call the cops? its fucking midnight. let the cops try and sort it out, if they don't then put them on blast


Cuz I ain't a snitch! Ha ha. I usually try to resolve issues myself before getting LEO's involved. Being that it was a noise complaint and not a murder, my guess is it would have taken the LEO's about as long to finally get there as it did for me to solve the issue. That, and I don't know if the LEO's would have heard the music from the street out front as the way the houses/neighborhood is designed, the sound can be pretty loud from the back, and barely audible from the front.

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Cuz I ain't a snitch! Ha ha. I usually try to resolve issues myself before getting LEO's involved. Being that it was a noise complaint and not a murder, my guess is it would have taken the LEO's about as long to finally get there as it did for me to solve the issue. That, and I don't know if the LEO's would have heard the music from the street out front as the way the houses/neighborhood is designed, the sound can be pretty loud from the back, and barely audible from the front.


After i posted asking the questions, i thought to myself "he probably resolved it faster than the cops could even show up"

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College kids on spring break. What terrifies me is that I essentially did exactly what they were doing, and that somehow in their mind justified them breaking my property. This is the future of America right here. People that think this way.



what terrifies me is that you think this is a better solution than just knocking on the door and saying "hey, can you keep it down? we are trying to sleep". ok, it doesn't really terrify me, but still it's the obvious solution to the problem - you confront the issue face to face and give them the opportunity to resolve it above board.


You can't run Psy-ops and expect a rational response.

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what terrifies me is that you think this is a better solution than just knocking on the door and saying "hey, can you keep it down? we are trying to sleep". ok, it doesn't really terrify me, but still it's the obvious solution to the problem - you confront the issue face to face and give them the opportunity to resolve it above board.


You can't run Psy-ops and expect a rational response.


Or I could not have to get dressed and drive to the next neighborhood at midnight when I could just walk outside and turn a speaker on. :marc:


Obvious solution? Obvious solution is one that works, which could be multiple solutions, and in my case, did work as usual.

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Or I could not have to get dressed and drive to the next neighborhood at midnight when I could just walk outside and turn a speaker on. :marc:


Obvious solution? Obvious solution is one that works, which could be multiple solutions, and in my case, did work as usual.


100% agreed. Your solution was simple, effective, and entertaining.


Why the fuck would you take the time and effort to put on clothes, drive over there, knock on the door until they hear you, just so you can tell them to quiet down? Sure they would probably say OK and apologize, but by the time you get back home, would be right back at it making noise again.

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College kids on spring break. What terrifies me is that I essentially did exactly what they were doing, and that somehow in their mind justified them breaking my property. This is the future of America right here. People that think this way.


Not that it's acceptable, but in their defense they were probably drunk and making stupid decisions anyhow. Most of us have been that way at least once in our lives. Had they been sober they might have realized what time it was and kept the noise down after 10:00.

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The drunk excuse for prey much anything carries no weight with me. Yup, most of us have done foolish things to one extent or another while consuming alcohol, including myself. And I have always operated with the understanding that whatever repercussions there were as a result were deserved and on me. Period. Nobody old them to get drunk and act like asshats. If you want to do that, fine, but don't complain about the repercussions.


Fortunately, all was quiet last night.

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First thing that goes when you're drinking is your hearing....you get louder as the night goes. Probably weren't even aware of how loud they were being. I've been guilty of it in the past. I live out a ways so no neighbors really to worry about but if I had some I would hope they'd just come over and ask me to turn it down which I would.
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Or I could not have to get dressed and drive to the next neighborhood at midnight when I could just walk outside and turn a speaker on. :marc:


Obvious solution? Obvious solution is one that works, which could be multiple solutions, and in my case, did work as usual.


In a vaccum without consideration for societal interaction, sure it's effective and it allows you to be lazy, but is it the right thing to do?


The whole situation reads to me as massively passive aggressive, which is not a positive character trait, and can inspire retaliation.


If you mean this:"I have always operated with the understanding that whatever repercussions there were as a result were deserved and on me"

then you absolutely deserved to have your property damaged (even if it was worthless) because that is a direct response to your actions. For the record I don't advocate anyone's property being damaged but that isn't an unreasonable response to passive aggressive behavior, in fact it's pretty standard escalation.


you keep justifying your behavior as "playing their game", but eye for an eye rarely ends up any other way than with a whole bunch of blind people.


With your other neighbors, IIRC there was a history of you doing the right thing and them ignoring you which is a little more palatable because at least you tried to face it head on and prevent retaliation. In this instance you just went to the passive aggressive route as a default.


It is certainly an inventive solution, and it is entertaining, just don't complain when your neighbors retaliate against you, because as you said yourself....repercussions for your actions.


100% agreed. Your solution was simple, effective, and entertaining.


Why the fuck would you take the time and effort to put on clothes, drive over there, knock on the door until they hear you, just so you can tell them to quiet down? Sure they would probably say OK and apologize, but by the time you get back home, would be right back at it making noise again.


I dunno, because we want the concept of "facing things head on like a responsible person" to mean something.

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While this was going on and they were chattering among themselves as to what was going on, and one of the guys referenced the same thing happening when they were partying next door a couple years ago, the non-cackly-woo-girl said, "I get it, it's late." To which Mrs. Cackles responded, "Fuck them, they can call the cops." And then continued to get louder. Her friend tried to bring reason into it. The rest said fk me. OK. You have made your intentions clear despite your friend trying to get you to be reasonable.


Yes, I understand there my be retaliation. That is the way of things these days. Be an inconsiderate entitled butthole, someone does something about it, and somehow they are the "bad guy" and warrant being retaliated against. I understand this is the world we live in.


I wouldn't call it an eye for an eye per se, i'd call it me bringing a gun to a knife fight. I wound up getting the results I wanted with the previous neighbors, and am hoping for the same thing this time around.

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I know, right? I used to be one of the few that would actually agree with Geeto on some of his statements/perspectives, but that statement was ridiculous.


I'll remember that. The next time someone is passive aggressive to me, I'll break their car windows and say Geeto told me this was just standard escalation. Just following protocol ole bloke.

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what terrifies me is that you think this is a better solution than just knocking on the door and saying "hey, can you keep it down? we are trying to sleep". ok, it doesn't really terrify me, but still it's the obvious solution to the problem - you confront the issue face to face and give them the opportunity to resolve it above board.


You can't run Psy-ops and expect a rational response.


Because this is usually how a murder docu starts.


It's texans with alcohol dude, what do you expect them to do when he knocks? Say "sorry y'all"?

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I love reading these stories, however, why don't you call the cops? its fucking midnight. let the cops try and sort it out, if they don't then put them on blast


LOL I I can tell you from experience, if you call cbus police about a noise complaint they are not showing up. Maybe some bored-ass speed-trapping suburb cops would, but not city PD.

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I dunno, because we want the concept of "facing things head on like a responsible person" to mean something.


When I had a (pretty serious) problem with a member of this board, I called him to talk and he was pissed. Didn't want to talk. I was trying to be responsible rather than escalating. Do you remember that?

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When I had a (pretty serious) problem with a member of this board, I called him to talk and he was pissed. Didn't want to talk. I was trying to be responsible rather than escalating. Do you remember that?


you called back to back like 10 times from a blocked number at an inopportune time during the work day, and refused to leave a message. The polite thing to do would have been to leave a message when I didn't answer and wait for a call back. and I would have called you back. Instead you choose to be petulant child until you got what you wanted, anybody would have been pissed off at your behavior, and I still took 30 minutes to talk to you when I did answer the phone. you literally have 0 high road to stand on that ground. You were a bully on this board and a bully in real life.


Do you really want to kick over this hornets nest? or do you want to let sleeping dogs lie?

Edited by Geeto67
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Point proven. You know damn well that’s not what happened.


Don't lie about it.


I will fully own that when we spoke I was in a screaming rage, but I had every right to be. I was in a meeting when you first started calling and I couldn't answer (also I don't answer blocked numbers). You kept calling back so often that management asked me to leave the room and take the call so it would stop.


You want to lie and pretend like you didn't call an obscene amount of times to my cell from a blocked number? It's bullshit, you did that shit and own it. Yeah I was livid about it and in no mood to be patient and reasonable with you, I was furious. I still am pretty pissed off just thinking about it now.


I am not diminishing how you felt and your feeling of urgency, I just think your method was beyond shitty and also badly timed, and a part of me thinks you enjoy knowing that.

Edited by Geeto67
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