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"Nearly 74% of Americans are open to getting a COVID-19 Vaccine Passport App to Travel, according to our new survey"


I'd like to know where the F they got these numbers.

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The survey was conducted by SurveyMonkey so presumably it was an internet survey. It was paid for by a travel website, but it doesn't that the survey was conduct among the website users, so it could be the internet population at large?


All the numbers I'm seeing are that somewhere between 50 and 60% of Americans are refusing the vaccine outright, so I don't think those survey results can be extrapolated.


eta: According to the byline the travel website is run by a former math professor and is devoted to a statistical analysis of travel data, but I stand by my statement above that the real number must be much smaller.

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well not everyone is weak ....soooooooooo


You're a tater.....




Vaccines Protect Your Community

Did you know that when you get vaccinated, you’re protecting yourself and your community?

This concept is called community immunity, or herd immunity. And it’s an important reason for you and your family to get vaccinated — so you can help keep yourselves and your community healthy.

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well not everyone is weak ....soooooooooo


Damn you are so strong! I wish I could be as strong as people like you.





When are you people just going to die off so the rest of us can live in a disease free world

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I'd get the vaccine, i'm not afraid of it at all. I just doubt it's efficacy and I don't want to be a digital passport.


I think that's my concern about this passport idea. I don't doubt the vaccines' efficacy in the period studied, because those studies show that they're effective. But the period studied is still short, we don't know how long immunity will last, and we don't know what happens after a few months if a vaccinated person gets COVID again. Is it worse? More virulent somehow?


Once I get the vaccine I plan on continuing to limit my activities until the country has control of the spread. We don't need a bunch of dumbasses out there thinking they're invincible because they got a vaccine 6 months prior and starting this whole thing all over again.

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Damn you are so strong! I wish I could be as strong as people like you.


I'll bet





When are you people just going to die off so the rest of us can live in a disease free world


Just like any other virus and you either catch or you won't...you get better or you won't

Disease free world..that's the stupidest statement I've ever read...not ignorant as that means you don't know....where is this disease free world....maybe you haven't heard of colds, flu, ebola, sars...etc...

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Just like any other virus and you either catch or you won't...you get better or you won't

Disease free world..that's the stupidest statement I've ever read...not ignorant as that means you don't know....where is this disease free world....maybe you haven't heard of colds, flu, ebola, sars...etc...


Smallpox: you won't catch it. Come back when you've figured out why.

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Just like any other virus and you either catch or you won't...you get better or you won't

Disease free world..that's the stupidest statement I've ever read...not ignorant as that means you don't know....where is this disease free world....maybe you haven't heard of colds, flu, ebola, sars...etc...


This is all nonsense, just so there's no confusion.

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Smallpox: you won't catch it. Come back when you've figured out why.


OK..you got me..but I have a very good immune system I catch the flu when I would burn the candle at both ends..now I'm going to curse myself but I haven't had it in about 14-15 years.

Also I stay away from sickness as much as possible. Yes I wear a mask in public, and wash my hands frequently


The joint replacements I caused myself..tried to twist my left leg off in a mc accident in '79.

Played lots of ball, competed in weightlifting so my shoulders were shot, plus an accident really f'ed up my left one.

So greg, i know why and i knew you who you'd side with..no surprises there and then not agree with the rest of my statement...as I said before you'd make a great spin doc

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OK..you got me..but I have a very good immune system I catch the flu when I would burn the candle at both ends..now I'm going to curse myself but I haven't had it in about 14-15 years.

Also I stay away from sickness as much as possible. Yes I wear a mask in public, and wash my hands frequently


The joint replacements I caused myself..tried to twist my left leg off in a mc accident in '79.

Played lots of ball, competed in weightlifting so my shoulders were shot, plus an accident really f'ed up my left one.

So greg, i know why and i knew you who you'd side with..no surprises there and then not agree with the rest of my statement...as I said before you'd make a great spin doc


Lol yes, pointing out the great 20th century successes of global vaccination campaigns is "spin."


Look, smallpox isn't gone because weak people got the vaccine, smallpox is gone because everyone got the vaccine. Those with strong immune systems especially, because the vaccine works especially well in people with robust immune systems. In fact... that's the whole point, really. Vaccines DO NOT WORK on people with weak immune systems, because there's not much to stimulate.


So please, get the vaccine, don't be a selfish chode. Show the world how tough your immune system really is by building up the biggest, toughest immune response SARS-COV-2 has ever seen and ensuring you'll never be a carrier.

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Just like any other virus and you either catch or you won't...you get better or you won't

Disease free world..that's the stupidest statement I've ever read...not ignorant as that means you don't know....where is this disease free world....maybe you haven't heard of colds, flu, ebola, sars...etc...


This is what happens when you huff paint.


Don't be like Mace fellow Humans

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I think that's my concern about this passport idea. I don't doubt the vaccines' efficacy in the period studied, because those studies show that they're effective. But the period studied is still short, we don't know how long immunity will last, and we don't know what happens after a few months if a vaccinated person gets COVID again. Is it worse? More virulent somehow?


Once I get the vaccine I plan on continuing to limit my activities until the country has control of the spread. We don't need a bunch of dumbasses out there thinking they're invincible because they got a vaccine 6 months prior and starting this whole thing all over again.

Holy shit, can we AGREE ON SOMETHING!!?? Unpossible!!



I'm not "foil hat" afraid of the .gov, I just don't like databases of info I can't have access to. If there's nothing bad being done with this collected info why can't I see it and what they are doing with it? It's bad enough your health insurer has a database on you that you can't see.

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I had the Covid over the holidays. I got lucky and really didnt have that many issues. No hospital trips or anything.


I am going to say. It's NOTHING like the fucking flu. Any activity including say standing up winded me. Things hurt all over. Fingers, knees, back, head all in constant pain for about a week and half.


I got unlucky. My fiancé got Covid from a co-worker, otherwise we stay at home do the mask thing and tried to do our best not to get it. Her work makes her go in a few days a week, unfortunately.


About the Vaccine, I plan on getting it. I don't ever want to try and fight off Covid again. I know that probably isn't possible, but really, once was enough for me.

I hope more people go the route of getting the vaccine over not, why its not the people who have great immune systems that they will hurt. Its getting Covid and not knowing you have it, and giving it to those who wont be as lucky.


I will say I am skeptical of the rate at which the vaccine was created. No real long term testing has been done. That's scary.

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jewtoys...ahhhh another great statement from a lib scholar


I could ask..no tell you to stfu as you're a stupid asshole but I won't lower myself your level.

Can't refute the statement so tries to be funny


Sorry about your luck is all I can say




Mace, ahh. Another knuckle dragging cave man, who's mind is more brilliant than leading medical experts.


Got it!

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greg ..honestly I just don't do them.. I'm not a maga hat wearing, it's all a hoax, let's storm the capitol crazy. lol


I just don't want it , not the flu , nor the pneumonia, nor the shingles vaccine.


I had the neighbors behind me that I'm very close to contracted it, the wife was in the icu for 10 days but no venitlator, her husband had it was sick but was like a bad flu...and the really weird part is their son didn't contract it.


Also, my neighbors across the street caught it(all 4) the father had again like a bad flu, his wife a mild flu and the 2 teens were sick 3-4 days with like bad cold symptoms.


BUT truth be told I almost did the shingles vaccine as my brother had it and OMG was he sick. So I talked to the doc about it and he said only about 4% of the people that had measles contract shingles AND of that 4% , 1-2% would still contract the virus with the shot.

He said he wouldn't take it..lol

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Holy shit, can we AGREE ON SOMETHING!!?? Unpossible!!



I'm not "foil hat" afraid of the .gov, I just don't like databases of info I can't have access to. If there's nothing bad being done with this collected info why can't I see it and what they are doing with it? It's bad enough your health insurer has a database on you that you can't see.


I'm not willing to do a ton of research on this, but the initiative described in the linked article that kicked off this discussion doesn't involve the gov or a database.


VCI’s vision is to empower individuals to obtain an encrypted digital copy of their immunization credentials to store in a digital wallet of their choice. Those without smartphones could receive paper printed with QR codes containing W3C verifiable credentials.


So when you got vaccinated you'd get a digitally signed certificate using VCI's PKI structure. You could then present that certificate to anyone who wanted to know your vaccination status and they could verify the certificate via VCI, but VCI wouldn't be tracking your certification status.


In other words, this is a digitally signed PDF that only you would have a copy of. I still think it's questionable but the tech is solid and non-creepy.

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I'm not willing to do a ton of research on this, but the initiative described in the linked article that kicked off this discussion doesn't involve the gov or a database.




So when you got vaccinated you'd get a digitally signed certificate using VCI's PKI structure. You could then present that certificate to anyone who wanted to know your vaccination status and they could verify the certificate via VCI, but VCI wouldn't be tracking your certification status.


In other words, this is a digitally signed PDF that only you would have a copy of. I still think it's questionable but the tech is solid and non-creepy.

I believe that about as much as I believe Facebook is good for people. ;)


EDIT: If I have to do it for work, I will but I'm not a fan.

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greg ..honestly I just don't do them.. I'm not a maga hat wearing, it's all a hoax, let's storm the capitol crazy. lol


Maybe not, but... consider my point of view. The smartest public health experts in the world, who want no fame, money, or power, have studied viruses for the whole lives only to say, "If everyone who's healthy gets this vaccine it will save lives. We've tested it to the best of our abilities and believe it to be safe."


That's all I need -- sign me up. I'll do my part, as a citizen of the country I love, to help my fellow human beings.


So when you say, "Meh, I just don't want to get it," what I hear is "I just don't want to do my part as a citizen." If you're not able to articulate a reason why you don't save lives, one that doesn't involve tin-foil hat arguments about not trusting scientists, then maybe you should just get the shot. Then you can go around shaming anti-vaxxers for being selfish twats. It's fun!

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