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Women's Sportbike Rally


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I'll be there!!! Going down Wednesday staying until Monday bringing three of my riding buddies as well! We got a cabin at Fontana. I went last year and had fun and it wasn't all "girl power" annoying crap...just women with most bringing their guys all who love to ride sportbikes hanging out and having fun.

It would be awesome to have more women from Ohio come down. There were a ton of Georgia women last year. They were all really cool, but I'd love to see more from my area come down. :)

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i would love to go down there that weekend, but dont know any girls with bikes..i would possibly be willing to haul our bikes down there and pay for alot of the expenses if any of you girls wanted to take me..?...or what about any groups already going? whats my options here?!

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I'm hoping to go, but have to drive down to Georgia the following week so will have to see about money and if I want to do that much driving in a week!

Screw Georgia. Come to the rally! :D

ousley99, that's a nice little offer you have there. There's gotta be someone that would take you up on that! ;)

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I hope to make it one year but this is not the year! Between the wedding/honey moon and buying a house money and time off is running short! Hope those of you who go have a blast and don't forget to post pictures!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hope to make it one year but this is not the year! Between the wedding/honey moon and buying a house money and time off is running short! Hope those of you who go have a blast and don't forget to post pictures!!

Maybe next year! And fo sho on the photos. I'll be a photo :postwhore: after it's over. Man I love riding Deals Gap almost as much as guys. It's a toss up! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 years later...

Having just come back from this year's event, I decided to do a quick search for previous threads about the women's sportbike rally. I don't know where I found that ho ho ho rly pic four years ago, but it just made me LOL again. :lol:

So seriously though, this event is pretty cool. I'd love to see more women from OR attend next year.

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how do they keep men from attending w/o a woman?

this confuses me...

Almost like "Black bike week." I posted on their forum to make sure my red bike would be acceptable. One guy was amused. The rest of them seemed like douches.

It's really not like that at all. The only things to actually "attend" are the group picture and the party. Those are for registered folks only. At the party they had all kinds of raffles and stuff from their sponsors. Oh and I think they had a dinner thing Friday night. The rides themselves, as I saw it, are pretty much whoever/whatever. We didn't ride with them at all so I don't know the logistics for sure. As I understand it, they broke up into advanced, intermediate, and novice groups and rode pre-mapped routes.

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Weeeellll....we don't encourage cruisers, but we don't keep them from coming either. If they happen to ride a cruiser but love sportbikes too, that's the real idea behind it and it's to hopefully convert a few of the women once they see how many women ride sportbikes. ;)

Thanks for coming guys! Hope your ladies come next year! :D

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