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armslist nut job


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So I have a weapon on armslist and get an email from a guy and here it is:


Have I already talked to you about trading for an A-Rex Delta? 9-mm


my response is:

No you haven't, thanks for the interest but no thank you


his response:

Have you ever seen or handled a Rex delta?


my response:

i read several reviews about them..seem like a nice weapon, just not interested in it


his response and here is where he gets crazy:

So the only thing you know about it is what somebody else said? And you're going to go off of that instead of actually seeing yourself and I'm pretty sure that's how it is when it comes to knowing what's going on in the United States huh? The only thing you really know is what other people tell you instead of seeing it for yourself................. wow. No wait you saw it on TV so it must be true..... Let me ask you a question seems I'm running into this a lot forget the gun let me ask you this do you know what the Constitution is do you know anything about it do you know why they wrote it do you know who wrote it do you know anything about the Constitution at all? Is it even important to you Does it affect you in any way whatsoever?


At that point I told him not to text me any longer and step away from the caffeine..I then blocked his email...WTF I've sold a lot of things but never had anyone go looney like this.

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I mean who are you gonna trust, the mainstream liberal gun review media or this goddamn patriot who loves the Constitution. Have you even read the Constitution?


Rock flag and eagle, man. Rock flag and eagle.


This individual appears to display the same warning signs.

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It’s actually kinda common. The typical Armslist prowler is looking for a deal in their favor. Always trying to trade you something. And believes they are the smartest person in the world. And plenty of instances where they live in their own little world and crazy.



Imagine it like this.... go to a CBUS gun show.... those people are the people who check Armslist daily and ping all new things that interest them.

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greg...you're killin me...lol


CBUS gun show ..my son has wanted to go there several times but I've always resisted now I know why


As far as the constitution, I've never read it in depth but I don't seem to remember anywhere seeing where I have to trade to an apex delta...a little help here if I missed it

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greg...you're killin me...lol


CBUS gun show ..my son has wanted to go there several times but I've always resisted now I know why


As far as the constitution, I've never read it in depth but I don't seem to remember anywhere seeing where I have to trade to an apex delta...a little help here if I missed it


It's in the Preamble.

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I have had several looney toons dealing with Armslist. I once had someone want to trade an item down in Hilltop at 10pm. Not happening. I’ve always said Armslist is another version of CL. 10 wakadoos for every 1 serious buyer. Stay safe.
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I guess now that I think about what a guy said to me the last time I sold a gun on there.

He asked the condition and I told him very good..he then said something like well what if i get there and i don't like it. I told him you don't like it, I leave with the gun and you leave with your money. He went ..oh..ok.

I get it now !!

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I noticed he doesn't want to come off any of the tin foil he's accumulated during the pandemic.

He's privy to the fact that the rail cars to the fema camps come right after the "vaccine" Probably seen pictures of the UN tanks at the mexico border.

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