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Falconry 2020


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My Female Redtail caught her 11th fox squirrel of the season yesterday. Probably one of the most visually spectacular catches on squirrels I have seen, and I was lucky enough to have my good friend and fellow falconer along who recorded it.


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So cool. She seems to really be doing well. What setting was this in?


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A college campus, ha ha.


My buddy just moved here from Seattle and I guess is an Ohio falconer now. He wants to know where to find a red tail? Is marysville honda the only spot?

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Trees and power poles. He can get in touch with other OH falconers and they can guide him to the right areas. Joe Dorrian at the Ohio School of Falconry may be able to help him.


A tree I believe.




WRONG! I frequently see them on telephone poles too. :dumb:



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man, that fall had to hurt like a mofo... just seeing the squirrel twitching before the guy ran over (what was he doing btw?) I get that it's a part of life but damn, I kind of feel bad for the tree rat.


What's happening is the hawk is doing what all hawks do, (hunting) and the guy, (me) is rushing over to help prevent the hawk from taking nasty bites and to quickly dispatch said squirrel so it doesn't get eaten while it's still alive like happens out in the wild when a falconer isn't there to hasten it's passing.

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The last time I saw someone knock a guy off a high perch and jump on him when he was down for the kill was at a dirt-floor bar in Western PA during my college years.


It was funny then...and still amazing to watch now.


I like the second video as well.

Ryan: "Are you OK after falling out of that tree?"

Ahsoka: "Oh sure...this f**king tree rat softened the landing."

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The last time I saw someone knock a guy off a high perch and jump on him when he was down for the kill was at a dirt-floor bar in Western PA during my college years.


It was funny then...and still amazing to watch now.


I like the second video as well.

Ryan: "Are you OK after falling out of that tree?"

Ahsoka: "Oh sure...this f**king tree rat softened the landing."


Ha ha ha

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