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where did I say I know more than him..you are soooooooo wrong..again

and as usual all the libs have avoided what was posted


Do you seriously get your news from Instagram? Is that a smart place to get news?


Fuck facebook.


eta: Here, read about Fauci's un-fucking-paralleled career on Wikipedia, which is a pretty lackluster source but is about 18 million times better than getting your information from Instagram. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest honor, by noted lib GW Bush for his selfless, decades long efforts combating HIV.


Here's a quote from that wiki page:


Political commentator Helen Andrews defended Fauci's actions during the epidemic in a 2021 article, writing:


The idea that Fauci was "wrong" about A.I.D.S., which some of his contemporary opponents repeat, is unfair. His most notorious error was a 1983 paper suggesting "routine close contact, as within a family household," might spread the disease, but it was an understandable mistake given what was known at the time and he corrected it within a year, lightning speed by the standards of academic publishing. He behaved more responsibly than some of his peers when it came to speculating about a heterosexual A.I.D.S. epidemic around the corner. He was not one of the hysteria-mongers—though he did benefit from the hysteria when negotiating budgets with Congress.


Do you have a rebuttal to that? Helen Andrews' take seems pretty reasonable to me.



Goddamn I can't wait for this thread to get nuked with all of CR.

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where did I say I know more than him..you are soooooooo wrong..again

and as usual all the libs have avoided what was posted


Generally speaking people don't mock people whose opinion they value and whose knowledge and intelligence they recognize as being greater than their own. Other than to call him names and ask if people are still listening to him, you haven't really addressed anything he has said in substance nor provided any proof for your comments.


Also what is it that I am avoiding that was posted? you want me to opine on your statement that he is Alfred E Newman?

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so ok..it took him a year to make a change...once the science came about..but at that time the science apparently indicated what he said...so we are what 16 months into the science on this ?


What happens if in several years the science changes?


A lot of ppl are making big bucks from this..yes I believe that is a driving factor in this thing.


Again it isn't a vaccine it's a shot.


and greg..if this thread gets you panties in such a bunch why do you get into it??


Don't let a thread do that to you..life is too short

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so ok..it took him a year to make a change...once the science came about..but at that time the science apparently indicated what he said...so we are what 16 months into the science on this ?


What happens if in several years the science changes?


Science is constantly changing. That's how science works - it adapts to new information and adjusts accordingly.



A lot of ppl are making big bucks from this..yes I believe that is a driving factor in this thing.


Yes a lot of people are making big bucks from this. The Scientists at the CDC are not. Most of the people making the big bucks, Amazon, Walmart, etc..., don't have access or even interaction with the scientists working with the politicians on the public response plan (unless you have some out there conspiracy theory that they do, in which case you should have lead with that).


There is a difference between being opportunistic and being in charge.


Again it isn't a vaccine it's a shot.


A vaccine is a type of medicine. A shot is a delivery method for medicine. So they are both. Based on everything you have said, you don't really seem to understand anything about a) how vaccines work, b) how they are administered, and c) basic concepts of medicine.

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one more thing...


A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. . from Wikipedia


SO again this is not a vaccine it is some medicine to kinda help you with covid..it doesn't prevent you from getting it(immunity) nor does it prevent you from dying from it

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one more thing...


A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins, or one of its surface proteins. . from Wikipedia


SO again this is not a vaccine it is some medicine to kinda help you with covid..it doesn't prevent you from getting it(immunity) nor does it prevent you from dying from it


congrats, you know how google works. now use it to look up medical immunity.


Edit: This is going to take too long, EVERY vaccine is some kind of medicine to help you with the the thing it is vaccinating you from. Immunity is a resistance, which means the harmful disease still enters your system - your immune system has just been trained to fight it more efficiently.


Since you brought up an alcohol shot, just like everyone has a different tolerance to alcohol, people have different tolerances to vaccines. For most their immune system gets really good at killing the disease as soon as it enters their system. For Some it is not as efficient and they might experience symptoms, for a few, the symptoms will be quite severe, and for a very small amount Death could still be the outcome. In every case, those people were still better off vaccinated than not - just as someone who is a regular drinker will have a higher tolerance than someone drinking for the first time. This is true for EVERY vaccine in the history of human kind. No vaccine mechanically, chemically, or physically blocks the disease from entering your system, every one of them trains your immune system to kill it quickly before it can become a raging infection. This is also why vaccinated people have shorter contagious periods as well.


The problem isn't the vaccine, it's you. You don't understand immunity and what you think it is laughably unrealistic.

Edited by Geeto67
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