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After a lifetime of being told how expensive it is to get stuff - especially people - into space, great to see a creative way to get small objects into low-earth orbit. Some commercial applications and we're adding to space trash, I guess...but cool nonetheless


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Newtons Cannonball




Interesting read, summery Newton theorized this in the early 1700's and we finally got around to proving it.


SpinLaunch is a really cool idea, looks like they are planning to use the ground system to get the payload a really good start on becoming orbital and then onboard rockets will finish the job. It would save tons of fuel and expensive hardware if they can get it to work. They should put a few sites on high mountains to further reduce the required kinetic energy. Might be able to launch heavier or more fragile systems as the first couple miles are the roughest from sea level and then the next real hurdle on the way up is caused by exceedingly high speeds lower in the atmosphere which introduces instability.


They will be a very interesting company to follow for sure.

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