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Manhunter bra


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May 14, 2009 1:53 PM PDT

Attention, ladies: Manhunter bra is ridiculous

by Matt Hickey

triumph-konkatsu-bra.jpg(Credit: Triumph International)

I just got back from a trip to California, where I got to be with almost my entire extended family. I'm 33 years old and single, so the whole time I had relatives telling me to hurry up and get married. The pressure was horrible. But now that I've seen, courtesy of talk2myShirt, this "husband hunting" bra concept from Japan, I'm a little relieved.

The bra, by Triumph International, has a built-in digital timer indicating how much time's left before the woman wearing it must get married. If she's not married by the time it reaches zero, she's a "leftover," which is perhaps Japan's version of an old maid. Either way, the social stigma must be daunting.

But there's a solution: an engagement ring fits neatly into a compartment above the timer. Only then can the countdown be stopped, thus giving the useless ring a function beyond labeling someone as "taken."

If they make a man version, perhaps boxer briefs, I will not be getting it. I don't need to be reminded every time I drop trou that I'm still single. Thanks, world.

As a side note: why do I keep getting assigned stories about gadgetized underwear?

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ehhh i dont know, theres some competitors out there. dave with his r6 posts :lol:, and everyone else that's been around longer than i

plus, i have to believe that everyone is a more well-rounded person after reading all the things i post :D

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I'm pretty sure that becoming a "well-rounded" person has nothing to do with the interwebz, asians, or electronic underwear.

haha being well-rounded about having very broad knowledge of things that happen in the world that may or may not include asians, or electronic underwear.

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haha hey if you dont enjoy my random postwhoring, don't click! you have to admit theres some interesting stuff i put up

I wouldn't call it postwhoring... I would say threadwhoring....

I usually don't click but i have to keep scrolling down and down to find a real thread. I guess I just felt like commenting on it for once.

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