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Arguing with the woman


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I like that to MJ, but I don't need to be babied about it. I like to be left alone most of the time unless you're going to make me laugh or something. :)

yes, some people don't need to be babied, and some people do. Some people need to laugh, some people need to vent and just feel like someone is listening and cares, and some people need to pretend like it didn't happen...

maybe in this case she's just looking for someone to say 'i understand'... or maybe she's just a whiner... hard to say.

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:lol: 4 real?

not in school, haha, but i'm generally the peace keeper in my family... its kinda funny bc when people get in fights they'll call me and help em work it out... it is kinda fun for me... maybe i'll get another degree in counseling... hmmm

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if my guy has a bad day, he gets special attention. its just a nice thing to do. if you care about someone you want them to feel better when they're down. if you're the person who is down and your sig other doesn't try to make you feel better, kinda makes you feel like they don't care about how you're feelin

Every day is the worst day of my life. So, I'd get special treatment everyday?

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Every day is the worst day of my life. So, I'd get special treatment everyday?

lol, well theoretically yes, however i dont think i could ever date someone who literally thought ever day was the worst day of their life, so that would last about 4 days i think. yeah. :D

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not in school, haha, but i'm generally the peace keeper in my family... its kinda funny bc when people get in fights they'll call me and help em work it out... it is kinda fun for me... maybe i'll get another degree in counseling... hmmm

Too much money! You'll never truly enjoy the fruits of your labor with forever debt silly wabbit.:rulez:

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Too much money! You'll never truly enjoy the fruits of your labor with forever debt silly wabbit.:rulez:

she seems like a smart chick, I doubt she is paying a whole lot to go to school? I bet its the opposite in fact, how much they payin you to go to school osumj?

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Arguing girlfriends turn into arguing X wives.

Yep, I can attest to that

Let me put it into perspective.....

If you had a bike that always broke down, got flats, etc., etc.......would you keep it or trade it in. I think your "bike" may be high maintenance and about due to be replaced with a newer model if it doesn't shut up.....I mean run right.


GREAT ANALOGY!!! :lol::lol:

Make the best of it and find an uglier girl with a better apartment. Preferably one with self-esteem so low she wouldn't even think about arguing with you for fear she'll never find another non-mechanical boyfriend.

Hellz yeah Justin!! Awesome advice!! :)

i couldn't find a pic of schmuck's license plate but it is full of infinite wisdom and has never let me down. i consult it frequently when faced with a dilemma

Ditto... :sexytime:

WTF!? Don't be so desperate! Fuck that! You shouldn't have to sell your shit to make her happy. She either likes you or doesn't.:nono:


My first wife told me that if I didn't sell my bike she would file for divorce. Just to be sure she was serious I bought another one. Hence the title.. first wife.

Wife' date=' girlfriend, roommate... doesn't matter. Don't take shit from some fucking asshole just because you like to stick your dick in her.

Zero friction, man. That's how you gotta' role.[/quote']

Yeppers, that's how I roll. ;) My "first" wife pulled the same shit and again as IP said , hence the title.. "first wife"

Huh. I would have never figured Justin for emo.

Quoted simply cuz I LOL'd, :lol: and cuz you didn't know Justin was really a closet emo. :D

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Normally I tell people in this situation that bitchy girlfriends make big holes for you and your friends to dig later when they are dead, bitchy, ex-wives.... RUN!

However, I am pussy whipped and my girlfriend says I can't tell you that now... (j/k, run for your life.)

Really though it probably comes to some other stressing agent, like being in your new cohabitation and recently unemployed. (I can relate on this note.. and on the unnecessarily argumentative GF to be honest....) You can either identify and remove the stressing agent/situation, discuss the issue rationally and openly with your girlfriend (yeah, right, I know....) or leave/give an ultimatum. (You have to be ready to actually bolt if you do that last one, otherwise you will find yourself even more powerless than before....)

Good luck, man... bargaining with the Devil is better than reasoning with a female...

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she seems like a smart chick, I doubt she is paying a whole lot to go to school? I bet its the opposite in fact, how much they payin you to go to school osumj?

they're payin me just enough to convince me to stay. that's why i have a second job.

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