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Go Pro video


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If anyone is interested:

We sell them here: Go Pro Camera & Accessories: http://www.tobefast.com/gopro-m-2866665.html

Low Price Guarantee: http://www.tobefast.com/low-price-guarantee.php?productid=2787459

Team McCoy MotorSports

Ohio Riders Forum Sponsor

Phone (606) 432-1556



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If anyone is interested:

We sell them here: Go Pro Camera & Accessories: http://www.tobefast.com/gopro-m-2866665.html

Low Price Guarantee: http://www.tobefast.com/low-price-guarantee.php?productid=2787459

Team McCoy MotorSports

Ohio Riders Forum Sponsor

Phone (606) 432-1556



You guys have great prices and lotsa shit!

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Ok, mine is the older 3Mpixel GPro. It shakes. The newer 5Mpixel Go Pro apparently has some anti-shake circuitry in it. With some other improvements also. And the new one is available either wide angle or regular. The anti-shake is probably worth going out and getting another one.

Is the wide angle better? I'm not sure. Seems like a bit too much distortion.

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I don't know for certain if wide angle or regular is better and nearly ever video on their site is wide angle. Wide angle is definitely used a great deal when shooting a lot of action and motor sports.

Personally I prefer the wide angle for this sort of thing at 170 degrees as opposed to the normal which is only 54 degree angle of view. I think the normal would be almost be too restrictive for a fixed point camera for this sort of thing, not to mention the proximity of some of the action around the rider requiring a wider field of view.

I've been looking to see if I can find any decent normal angle footage for this camera, but everything so far looks like it was shot with the wide.

I did notice on their site that they are releasing a software update that will support a 4GB SDHC card which is pretty cool.

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i would love to do that but would be worried about the clearance when braking w/ suspension flex... would be a sweet spot.. i will mount mine on one of the sides because i have a dark smoke screen and cant hardly see through it should work fine!

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That's exactly what I'm worried about. I'm going to play around with it a bit tonight to see if there's enough room. Other wise I'm going to try and find another spot or two that I can use the suction cup on. There's very few places on it that I'm willing to use the 3M tape clips on. I am going to put one on the front of the car though I think.

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So I took advantage of the CBRs flatface and stuck the suction cup to the front and used an additional piece to turn it the correct direction. Definitely too bumpy like that but I really like the perspective. I'm considering sticking one of the bases to the lower portion of my ZeroGravity windscreen and seeing how that works. I'm not sure how I feel about having that stuck there.

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