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Lost my key...


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you did check to see that it wasn't in the bike, right?

jacket pocket? check around your helmet, gloves, etc... just tryin to think of the places I leave it.

are you sure its not in a pocket? my friend lost her key last weekend after I had watched her put it in her pocket..

"are you sure its not in your pocket?"

"yes I'm sure! I just checked"

... 5 minutes of looking ...

"found it! .... it was just really deep in my pocket"


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lol yeah man...i remember when i was eating early i felt it in my pocket and was thinking to myself why the hell i have my bike key on me when im cagin it...aynway it has to be at the restraunt somewhere me and my brother gonna back and double check for it...and since everywhere else i went is with a mile of that place just gonna go check all the places i went to...

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lol yeah man...i remember when i was eating early i felt it in my pocket and was thinking to myself why the hell i have my bike key on me when im cagin it...aynway it has to be at the restraunt somewhere me and my brother gonna back and double check for it...and since everywhere else i went is with a mile of that place just gonna go check all the places i went to...
@JRMiii the typical salute i always do to your comments :bigfinger:


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I managed to take the ignition off a friend's bike, when he "lost" the key. I took it and the registration to a good locksmith, and he looked the bike's serial number up in a book, and cut a key. I didn't need the ignition switch off the bike, but it did verify that the key would work. I really didn't want to drag the bike up the stairs to his shop anyway.

I think he lost the bike in a poker game or something. He never did say.

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yeah it fell out while it was in the ignition and bike was running...why didnt i think of that earlier...

Hey I had a real life situation like that when I was a squid....back in college, was coming home drunk (may be few puffs of pot as well) at 3 AM :eek: and turned the ignition key off about 100 yards away from my house to be polite to the neighbors......got off the bike to lock it and yay the key was gone......got a flash light and checked that 100 yards stretch of road (drunk) and never found it.....:o

I am grateful that am still alive....after those days.....

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You aren't going to wear out the "red button" no matter how much you use it. It's not a big deal. I think it's better to have a little muscle memory and be able to tag it when you aren't staring at it. That said.. I don't use mine because I don't want to accidentally forget to turn my key. Now' date=' on to more pressing matters...

Dave, Dave, Dave... SRSLY? You are killing me. I'm not saying you should have a spare key with you at all times but to not have a spare key at all?? Anywhere?? :([/quote']

i never got one...but i did find the 4 digit key code on the ignition so the locksmith said thats all he needs to cut it for me and trust me gonna get 3 keys made...

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