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@that dude


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sights ... no scope

what are you shooting? If you ever make it to columbus, we could do AR's, open sites on paper from 25-300 yards if that sounds better. Im Im not mistaken, you have to qualify at 300 meters in the service right? I only have a 16inch AR but Im willing to give er hell. :) Any excuse to get to the range is a good one. By the way, if you have an AR, you should consider getting one of these just for fun.. I got mine last week and its pretty fun to plink with.

Spikes Tactical 22lr conversion kit. (I hope its here by this weekend.) If you have an AR, I would highly suggest considering getting one of these. .22LR conversion kit for AR-15 [.22LRconvKit] - $199.99 : Spikes Tactical


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ill do AR , but prefer 200 to 500 could do up to 1,000. i do not have a rifle owned by me at this time. wife went gun nuts when we had our daughter. but i can get ahold of a Mini 14 , ar or 223 single shot. old weapons that moved on for safekeeping with relatives.

and also ruger 10/22 it was built for comp.

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this thread got weird... but I am gonna say, when I signed up, I remember at least one person with a hot chick as an avatar...

I remember this someone as well... Now they just have a bike as an avatar. Lame :)

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looks nice , but wont that kill projectile twist? and in the Marine Corps you Battle sight zero at 36 yrds then Qualify at 2 ,3 and 500 yards ... and comp shoots start at 1,000. M-16 is good on man target till about 1,500( for high experts otherwise they have hard time after 550 or so). M-16 a2 barrel is a hair under 20 . 19.9 inches think it lists at 19.5 (508mm)

what are you shooting? If you ever make it to columbus, we could do AR's, open sites on paper from 25-300 yards if that sounds better. Im Im not mistaken, you have to qualify at 300 meters in the service right? I only have a 16inch AR but Im willing to give er hell. :) Any excuse to get to the range is a good one. By the way, if you have an AR, you should consider getting one of these just for fun.. I got mine last week and its pretty fun to plink with.

Spikes Tactical 22lr conversion kit. (I hope its here by this weekend.) If you have an AR, I would highly suggest considering getting one of these. .22LR conversion kit for AR-15 [.22LRconvKit] - $199.99 : Spikes Tactical


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looks nice , but wont that kill projectile twist? and in the Marine Corps you Battle sight zero at 36 yrds then Qualify at 2 ,3 and 500 yards ... and comp shoots start at 1,000. M-16 is good on man target till about 1,500( for high experts otherwise they have hard time after 550 or so). M-16 a2 barrel is a hair under 20 . 19.9 inches think it lists at 19.5 (508mm)

The M16 is definitely not good on a man target at 1500 meters. I can assure you of that. At 1500, you will be very lucky to hit a Truck sized target with an M16.. I will bet money that with 2-3 full mags (60-90 rounds), you would probably get under 5 shots on an IBS sized target which is 42"x42" at 1500.

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Man Ive been working my ass off all week in detroit and just got back and saw the thread for thatdude and the first thing I thought of was the av's and that I had seen some of them on the net before.. I wasnt posting it to be a dick, it just made me remember and i wanted to post quick before forgetting. :cheers:

Dont get me wrong.. I love your Av's... Just wish the hi res ones were available as well. :)

HAHA.. i just noticed your sig... fucking priceless. :D

i knew you would like it bro- yea you have missed some good shit on here the past few days..i wasnt being a dick either, hence my smiley face :p

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The M16 is definitely not good on a man target at 1500 meters. I can assure you of that. At 1500, you will be very lucky to hit a Truck sized target with an M16..

no 1800 meters on area. cant assure me of something the rifle team does regularly. if you look just above the parking lot you will see the 1,000 yard line. its not as noticable becauses its seldom used . at 1,000 yards they will get 10 for 10 with tight groups . ill find a 1,500 pic if not blocked. most rifle ranges are on base, this one is off due to the base size, and the fact bazillion dollar birds all around Yuma. it is still on Gov. property . follow road to right and after the bend is a blocked out area called AUX II , blocked for security reasons. Yuma does not have a 1,500. those are comp ranges. the 1,000 is there for Marines to Qualify to TRY to become comp team.if they make it they go elsewhere to finish training.


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no 1800 meters on area. cant assure me of something the rifle team does regularly. if you look just above the parking lot you will see the 1,000 yard line. its not as noticable becauses its seldom used . at 1,000 yards they will get 10 for 10 with tight groups . ill find a 1,500 pic if not blocked , nost ranges are on base . this one is off.


You dont seem to realize that I shoot past 1000 yards on a fairly regular basis as well as I know what the world records are at 1K, the types of guns, ammo, skill that it takes to reach that. By the way, I shoot with the world record holder for best 5 shot group at 1K to give you an indication of the people I shoot with.. I also know what it takes to reach 1500+ and Im telling you that you are full of shit on this one. Im not saying you are lying, Im just saying you are very mis-informed. 1500 meters is just under 1 mile and you are out of your fucking mind if you think people are placing consistent shots on a man sized target at that distance with a M16 (.223.) I know what it takes to reach out to that distance and like I said. You have been severely mis informed.

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flounder were gonna settle this like men.i will bring my piece to c bus and show you whats up. targets are soup cans at 10 yards...just gotta go get some ammo, ran outta bbs

I will bring my sheridan blue streak.. that thing is a tack driver. :) We will need music though. :violin:

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believe what you want . dont look at civilian spec rifles look at the DOD speced m -16 and WHAT they teach. and the 1,500 yards is usually shot with the M-1 or 14...... but the 1,000 qualifier is with the M-16 ,

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basic unworked m-16 in the hands of a non shooting pizza box carrying marksman ,

read the guide set on it 550 man 800 area ... thats the general rule based on someone that shoots like shit..... your a comp shooter and know records , then i guess you know a Marine Sniper got a kill over 1800 meters in iraq with the M 14 also. but then again the Military doesnt keep records. and i did not say 100 percent accuracy at 1500. might take a couple well placed shots. but i t can reach that distance.

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This really smoking hot chick. I dont know if youve met her. No only is she hot...She is very accomplished as well. Hmmm who is this mystery lady?

I don't know who you're talking about.

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basic unworked m-16 in the hands of a non shooting pizza box carrying marksman ,

read the guide set on it 550 man 800 area ... thats the general rule based on someone that shoots like shit..... your a comp shooter and know records , then i guess you know a Marine Sniper got a kill over 1800 meters in iraq with the M 14 also. but then again the Military doesnt keep records. and i did not say 100 percent accuracy at 1500. might take a couple well placed shots. but i t can reach that distance.

No offense man but you keep changing your story.. First is was that an M16 was good to 1500, now your talking about M14's and shots to 1800 meters.

Lets set the record straight.

A lucky shot at 1500 is not repeatable... ITS LUCK.

Quick talking about consistant and accurate hits with the M16 to 1500, because your dead wrong..

Here ya go, taken from Pg 3 of your manual you posted

Max effective range:

500 meters (individual/point targets)

600 meters (area targets)

Why are you now trying to argue different caliber weapons now.. I know what shot your talking about and it was closer to 1700 if memory serves me and it was taken with a 7.62 and not a fucking M16, M4 or any other variant which uses the 5.56. Even the guy that took the shot said it was pure luck and a shot that he could probably never repeat.

cough cough bullshit cough cough.. one of the dumber things I have heard

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