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To the police officers on the site


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fixed that for you

The last time i was pulled over on my bike, the cop told me "you shoulda run, I wouldn't have bothered chasing you" then proceeded to write me a citation.

good idea! punish those who have some respect for the law...:nono:

Stupid thing for him to say and definitely dick of him to write you a ticket after saying something like that.

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I had a state highway patrol tell me i should have run one time when me and a friend where out on our quads. I didn't know where we where and my buddy pulled over the cop said he wouldn't have chased if we would have ran and went on to tell me about how everybody else who has ran on quads from him got away. so whats ftfy

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No you didnt fix it for me I meant what I said.


FTFY is what you do after you quote someone, and change their quote to be either.


2.More correct


4.Various other reasons..


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so what have we all learned here? I think this can be easily related to something I have been telling women for years "Its only cheating if you get caught"

There is ORC that conflicts with what the cops on this board have said, but good luck proving it. Wether it is legal or illegal the judge doesnt give a fuck anyways.

To the LEO's on this board thanks for your insight, we got a bunch of different points of view but they all led to the same conclusion which is, good luck proving it. I have no hard feelings toward anyone here and i guess the next time i get pulled over we will find out if the feeling is mutual.

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To everyone who posted, thank you.

To everyone who speeds, Thank you for my job. LOL, just kidding.

If you ever have any questions, just ask.

To the one who said more or less it is shame on the police for pulling over the law abiding bikers who actually pull over, WTF! Those that run are the douche bags, not the officers. When your bike gets stolen, be happy officers stop bikes for odd reasons other than speed. Sometime bike theives aren't speeding.

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I thought it could be classified as obstruction of justice or some shit like that. Is that an absolute no or a "no, but it might depend on the cop and judge", whose had a bagel and who didn't get any last night

While I know that many cops get upset by this behavior, it is not illegal. A prick cop "could" try to make the obstruction charge, but it'd be kicked by most judges that I'd been before.

So what, I miss a speeder because they got warned that I was there. At least they slowed down. That's my whole purpose anyway. If I don't have to interact with them and they modified their mis-behavior so much the better.

Personally I don't have a problem with it. Other cops may. But they'd have to "stretch" a law to get you for it. More likely they'd follow you and find something else that is an infraction to get you for. Either way, if you get a cite for this the cop is a prick.

At my department, I'd seriously frown on one of my officers writing a cite for this. There are many more serious infractions that they should be dealing with. I also frown on front license plate and rear license plate light cites. They are okay to use for a PC stop, but not okay to write a cite for. If used for PC, you can normally find a much larger infraction such as Driving while suspended or DUI. These are stuff that I would cite for.

Happy motoring.

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Bro, if that's the case cool. No matter where this thread goes I'll drink a beer with ya, but by the general tone here I wouldn't expect any sort of sympathy. Not the person I would go to. Just my impression, and I understand things get charged in here pretty quick so you're on the defensive. However, I get the feeling you're not even reading the posts.

We as the citizens have how much control over how these things are handled? Not much, and as you can see we're pretty pissed about that.

That's why I told Max "Love you too".

I don't take offense at where the conversation goes, just when I get attacked. I still like all of you......except maybe Nick.......Nah Nick's okay too.....LOL

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Most laws are in place for the reason of protecting the public. You argue that speeding laws do not protect the public? Most traffic crashes are due to excessive speed of the offender. The person who was struck by the speeding offender through no fault of their own now has a financial burden placed upon them.....if not actual injury. This is no harm? That is why speed limit laws are in place....not as you obviously believe to generate revenue. Quotas are a fabrication of the liberal media. They do not exist. It is illegal to have a quota. Now productivity on the other hand is different. If I have an officer out for 8 hours and he doesn't pull over anyone for speeding....or other offenses, he's plain not doing his job. It's not a quota, but at some point neglect of duty will become an issue.

If you don't want a ticket, slow down. Simple as that.


Your a just another complete douchbag cop who thinks he's out their saving the world one ticket at a time! Tell me you have never gone over the speed limit!?!? Do us all a favor, get off the site and go hang out with Simone! :bigfinger:

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Your a just another complete douchbag cop who thinks he's out their saving the world one ticket at a time! Tell me you have never gone over the speed limit!?!? Do us all a favor, get off the site and go hang out with Simone! :bigfinger:

I think the Newb with 8 post better calm down before something bad happens...

Oh and I have a question, I haven't read all the post in this thread so I hope it's not a re-post... What is the consequence for getting caught on the highway with just your temps?

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Simone is one hell of a cop. You must be a douche squid. That guys been shot, stabbed and hit by a car. He is a hell of a cool dude.

he does his job, but can be pretty absurd in his duties at times. go get pulled over by him doing 60 in a 50 ...... and make sure you have a ride home. dont present a son of cop badge or any type of fop card. he tows quick , just be calm cool collected and hope that right on red at 3:59 did not piss him off enough to tow ya.

he has Vietnam Demons the Civilians must pay for. i respect his thoroughness in criminal activity. but he can be pretty hard on those that make simple little mistakes in traffic.

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you would have to deal with him a little more to know him , sure he does alot for the City , but hes killed when he didnt have to also several times . i grew up in Cleveland . Go ask people in 2nd district how they feel. law abiders cant wait till he retires. hell Cops cant wait.

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