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To the police officers on the site


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Well piss on it. I'd figure most of the people on here......being sport bikers.....would want to have a friend who is a cop who could be a sounding board for issue that came up. Well, I was wrong. Forget it. Take your chances.

Bro, if that's the case cool. No matter where this thread goes I'll drink a beer with ya, but by the general tone here I wouldn't expect any sort of sympathy. Not the person I would go to. Just my impression, and I understand things get charged in here pretty quick so you're on the defensive. However, I get the feeling you're not even reading the posts.

We as the citizens have how much control over how these things are handled? Not much, and as you can see we're pretty pissed about that.

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Bro, if that's the case cool. No matter where this thread goes I'll drink a beer with ya, but by the general tone here I wouldn't expect any sort of sympathy. Not the person I would go to. Just my impression, and I understand things get charged in here pretty quick so you're on the defensive. However, I get the feeling you're not even reading the posts.

We as the citizens have how much control over how these things are handled? Not much, and as you can see we're pretty pissed about that.

+1 nothing personal here. theres alot of people im friends with that i dont agree with them on alot of things but when you're hangin out, it doesn't really matter, put stuff to the side. if i were to let all that bother me, life would be so much more rough than it already is without needing to be

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I got another one for you guys....

What the hell is the difference between a red light and a stop sign, if there is NO TRAFFIC.

Every f'king night I come home from work, there is a red light that is 5 f'king minutes long, when I am getting off the interstate, at 1am, and there is absolutely no cars in either direction.

WHY THE F'K should I have to sit at RED LIGHT, with NO TRAFFIC in an EMPTY INTERSECTION for 5 MINUTES!

Humans are smart enough to check for cars at a stop sign and turn left, what the hell is the difference...

There is none!

I can guarantee you the cop siting at the gas station is just smiling and waiting for someone to pull over for running that light too.


Something else I've noticed!!!!!!

Intersections that are getting red light cameras, I have noticed they are starting to LOWER THE DURATION OF THE YELLOW LIGHT.

Not all of them, but I have noticed at least a few like this, now that is some scamming bullshit!

You make a huge assumption when you say humans should be "smart enough". People run red lights in heavy traffic. You can't trust many things to the general population. Because, sadly, they are "generally" stupid.

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Hey Max. Are you proud of your job?

I am proud of the fact that I pin on a badge and don a uniform to go out an protect the citizens from the anarchy that would rule if cops weren't there.

I trained hard to do this job. I train even harder to stay in this job.

I don't really care if others on the board are proud of their badges or not. If they want to hide in the shadows, so be it.

No, I don't see others pointing to their jobs in their sigs. The sig was meant to be funny. To show that I have a sense of humor. If it offends you, sorry.

I chime in on cop related threads when people ask questions. If I know the answer, I do. Then get nailed to a cross for it.

Well piss on it. I'd figure most of the people on here......being sport bikers.....would want to have a friend who is a cop who could be a sounding board for issue that came up. Well, I was wrong. Forget it. Take your chances.

I dont think the others are hiding in the shadows. I think they dont feel the need to make absolutely sure that everyone knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are a cop. Why? because it doesnt matter. I also dont think anybody else would disagree that you sig is douchy. Sorry pal, it makes you seem like you have a chip on your shoulder. Does the fact that you are a cop mean that I will treat you any different than anyone else? Hell no. I have no more or less respect for you than an accountant or a fry guy.

That being said, I just want to say that I also dont hate cops. My brother is CPD, my cousin was a sherriffs deputy and my great uncle was the sherriff of franklin county. Being related to several cops, I have been exposed to many who have rather large chips on their shoulder. Unfortunately, there are a lot of those types out there. I hope you are not one. We have plenty.

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at night time, does the cop have to have lights on in order to be out doing radar?

Why I ask:

I was going down I-675 south a couple exits before I-75 south. It was about 10pm, and dark outside. I clearly saw a police officer at the bottom of the hill, with the police car door open, and him leaning on it, shooting radar. All of the car's light's were off, including the siren's. His interior dome light was on. Maybe even a map light. But nonoe of that was visible until I was directly across from the car.

If he would have gotten someone for speeding, would it have been legal?

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Hey VMX12C I am agreeing with you!! I even copied part of the ORC that says you are excluded from traffic laws when you are responding to an emergency and have lights and sirens on. I guess if those conditions are not met you have to drive like the rest of us


At least you checked into the law. You're mistaken, but it showed initiative. According to state law, emergency vehicles fall under a different definition than "Motor vehicles" and are exempt from most traffic laws. To answer your question in the same tone as it was asked. Yes, you will see my vehicle parked along side the road with it's lights out. Yes, I am pulled off of the pavement......I have a great spot designed just for this. Yes, if you speed through town at mach three you will be pulled over. Yes, you can fight the ticket.....but be prepared to shell out some extra cash for court costs. I've only ever lost one ticket and that was due to the violator being close friends with the judge. The judge even admitted it to me. Crappy but there.

Spin the wheel and take your chances. Good luck in court.

You are right there are lots of exceptions for emergency vehicles those exceptions usually only apply when they are responding to an emergency call and have their lights on I did bold one line in the following ORC and it is a pretty standard disclaimer.

Since you by your own admission pull off of the pavement, out of what could be the path of a vehicle in distress that may have to exit the road quickly you are doing nothing wrong. You are not putting anyones safety at risk and I applaud that.

The cops on the shoulder of the highway with their lights off and engines running have some BIG HUGE NUTZ that is scary, it would have to suck to get a blow out and to pull off to the side quickly only to smash into a police cruiser and kill a cop.

4511.041 Exceptions to traffic rules for emergency or public safety vehicle responding to emergency call.

Sections 4511.12, 4511.13, 4511.131, 4511.132, 4511.14, 4511.15, 4511.202, 4511.21, 4511.211, 4511.22, 4511.23, 4511.25, 4511.26, 4511.27, 4511.28, 4511.29, 4511.30, 4511.31, 4511.32, 4511.33, 4511.34, 4511.35, 4511.36, 4511.37, 4511.38, 4511.39, 4511.40, 4511.41, 4511.42, 4511.43, 4511.431, 4511.432, 4511.44, 4511.441, 4511.57, 4511.58, 4511.59, 4511.60, 4511.61, 4511.62, 4511.66, 4511.68, 4511.681, and 4511.69 of the Revised Code do not apply to the driver of an emergency vehicle or public safety vehicle if the emergency vehicle or public safety vehicle is responding to an emergency call, is equipped with and displaying at least one flashing, rotating, or oscillating light visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of five hundred feet to the front of the vehicle and if the driver of the vehicle is giving an audible signal by siren, exhaust whistle, or bell. This section does not relieve the driver of an emergency vehicle or public safety vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons and property upon the highway.

Effective Date: 05-20-1993

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at night time, does the cop have to have lights on in order to be out doing radar?

Why I ask:

I was going down I-675 south a couple exits before I-75 south. It was about 10pm, and dark outside. I clearly saw a police officer at the bottom of the hill, with the police car door open, and him leaning on it, shooting radar. All of the car's light's were off, including the siren's. His interior dome light was on. Maybe even a map light. But nonoe of that was visible until I was directly across from the car.

If he would have gotten someone for speeding, would it have been legal?

:lol: JT, this is what the thread is all about. It's been torn to pieces in this thread man.

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Kind of off topic but I do have a question.

In all honesty. If you will be so kind. ;)

Do you or your fellow officers frequent internet websites, like this one here, to find route plans to mark and patrol the route and pull over riders you are convinced will be there and speeding?

I know it's the web and a honest answer is doubtful. Anyways what you got?

I can see going to some stunter forums to stalk them. Due to the fact that many of the times they are putting many people in danger by doing stunts in traffic in order to be scene and get attention. But not a forum like this. Call me crazy but I think you all should have better shit to do. Like pull over drunks that go to the same bar everyday and drive home drunk everyday without a care in the world.


Absolutely not! I am here because I like to ride and like the company of others while I'm doing it. In fact I have NEVER (my 4 years) cited a motorcycle for anything... not saying that will be true forever, but at least to this point. Mid-Ohio sports car course is very close to my city and when its super bike week I just sit back watch and laugh, and in some very unfortunate situations pick up the messy pieces.

Just because you don't like police don't lump us all together, we are all people and everyone is different.

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This thread just gave me a magnificent idea. I've been trying for weeks to think of a grad present for my little bro, I finally figured it out . . . radar detector :lol:

I have 1, definitely worth what i payed for it (would have gotten several citations without it i'm sure)

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Since we cant argue about politics anymore, we may as well argue about cops and the law, lol. I found this thread interesting but I think no matter what, a cop is going to be right (or the judge will side with the cop) 9 times out of 10.

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Absolutely not! I am here because I like to ride and like the company of others while I'm doing it. In fact I have NEVER (my 4 years) cited a motorcycle for anything... not saying that will be true forever, but at least to this point. Mid-Ohio sports car course is very close to my city and when its super bike week I just sit back watch and laugh, and in some very unfortunate situations pick up the messy pieces.

Just because you don't like police don't lump us all together, we are all people and everyone is different.

I didn't lump you all together. :confused: Chill, I don't care either way. If I get caught, I get caught. Do the crime, pay the fine or do the time!

BTW I have no problem with police. As long as they are doing their job and not letting the power go to their head. Like that POS Cleveland cop that came fling up my ass when I was coming home from Cleveland that day I took pictures. I was going 30 in a 25 in the hood (e.105 and lakeshore) Minding my own business and he lights me up, I pull over, he pulls up next to me, looks over and takes off laughing. I just went on about my business.

This type of thing pisses me off!

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since we cant argue about politics anymore, we may as well argue about cops and the law, lol. I found this thread interesting but i think no matter what, a cop is going to be right (or the judge will side with the cop) 9 times out of 10.


Nick, I have fewer posts per page, I never changed it.

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I didn't lump you all together. :confused: Chill, I don't care either way. If I get caught, I get caught. Do the crime, pay the fine or do the time!

I wasn't being specific to you, lol, I just quoted you because you asked the question. LOL I think all of this is funny, I'm not mad or upset. I feel the same way if I get a ticket I get a ticket, I'm nothing special.

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So here is a question I have wondered about. About 6 years ago I had a bike accident on rt 800 out near barnesville. No property damage or other car/bike involved just my bike loosing traction in a corner and low sided. Was waiting for a friend to bring a truck down to load the bike in, when a ems unit came by. They asked if I was ok I said yes didnt need medical help had to sign a paper stateing so. While waiting for the truck a state trooper comes rolling up lights on. Gets out asks for all my info, ins card and what not. Then proceeds to put me in the back of his car, while he ran my info? Lets me out issues me a ticket for failure to control. Then lectures me and my riding buddies on safety before he leaves. WHY THE HELL did I get a ticket? Found out the ems was the ones who called the trooper.

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WHY THE HELL did I get a ticket? Found out the ems was the ones who called the trooper.

cause you failed to maintain reasonable control of your vehicle...


because the cop wanted to be a d*ckhead, and add insult to injury.

similar thing happened to me when I was 17. I left my kickstand down on the 77, and tried to make a left...

stand pinged off the pavement, and I left the roadway. Nobody else involved, no other issues aside from a thrashed fairing, and a scratched helmet...

cops showed up along with EMS and i was written my first citation ever...f*cking *sshat

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^^ haha That sux man.

Just to say, Im not here to try and bash cops, I have met a few cool cops, But every time I get pulled over they are complete assholes. I am very polite, have a calm attitude, give no problems or anything, theyre complete asses. Ive never had a warning, always a citation, and its usually for just barely going over the speedlimit. I understand, break the law pay the fine, but cant some people just give a warning? I would think since Ive never been in an accident they would be slightly more lieniant and issue a warning.

^^ just a small rant.

Anywho, to the cops that have posted answers on here, thank you. And if I am to get pulled over, I hope its by one of you, you sound like you are alot nicer than the others Ive been pulled over by.

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I don't understand why cops try to pull over motorcycles for insignificant infractions. Most people I know just take off whenever the red and blue lights come on. So these cops are willing to risk peoples lives over a few mph over the speed limit? What are they trying to prove, the only people they are going to catch are the people who are trying to abide by the law. But how can you fault the person who runs away whenever the lights come on? Most police cars won't do over 130mph my bike will do more than that in second gear. So if you can just take it easy to a highway you are gone with no big fine, if you pull over you are risking loosing your license and paying a big fine.

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i don't understand why cops try to pull over motorcycles for insignificant infractions. Most people i know just take off whenever the red and blue lights come on. So these riders are willing to risk peoples lives over a speeding ticket? What are they trying to prove, the only people they are going to catch are the people who are trying to abide by the law. But how can you fault the person who runs away whenever the lights come on? Most police cars won't do over 130mph my bike will do more than that in second gear. So if you can just take it easy to a highway you are gone with no big fine, if you pull over you are risking loosing your license and paying a big fine.


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What are they trying to prove, the only people they are going to catch are the people who are trying to abide by the law.

The last time i was pulled over on my bike, the cop told me "you shoulda run, I wouldn't have bothered chasing you" then proceeded to write me a citation.

good idea! punish those who have some respect for the law...:nono:

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