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Pingin' Big Chief


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right. he said he was apartment shopping but first day working there was last week

he hasn't moved yet. He is still in columbus. He still watches the site but doesn't really post anymore.


Tell him I said "Hey" & was askin' about him & good luck

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I'm alive, I think that is........ There's been so much going on and so little time to doodle around on the site that I normally jump on look over the home page and jump off. My job has completely been messing with me and they are telling me either I move to Chicago or I'm jobless. I went two weeks ago and looked around and its so freaking expensive they are really trying to put the rush on me getting there but I just don't have the motivation to really jump there ASAP. I guess that's all I really have to say about that.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm gonna be joining the jobless parade for a little while here shortly if something doesnt pan out. They didnt offer me much more at least to move to a city like chicago when I hate big cities. Especially with my family and friends all being in ohio I dont need to start over. Hell I might actually get up the balls to buy a bike and ride the rest of summer if that happens.

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