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Preaching To The Choir... Right!?


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I just want to share a little story with you all about last weekend (6/13). As my wife and I were traveling from Columbus to Cleveland, I was trying to convince her that riding a motorcycle was not as dangerous as everyone thinks… well that argument was moot after the first ten minutes on the road.

First, we were passed by two riders travelling at least 90 MPH on 270 weaving in and out of traffic. They did not signal nor did they pay attention to what was going on around them. STRIKE ONE!

Next, we see another group of riders just all over the road positioning for tricks and racing. Half of them were not wearing helmets. The other half was not wearing leathers and there were a few who had nothing on. (Future organ donors)! STRIKE TWO!

And lastly, I wished that I had my camera out for this one… I saw this guy TEXTING while riding. He was on a road travelling about 45-50 MPH. I could not believe what I was seeing… STRIKE THREE!

Now I know that all of these incidents came about because I wanted to calm my wife about me riding again, but man what is going on out there? People are taking their lives into their own hands with little concern about the results of their actions.

There were a ton of great examples of riders out there as we got further into our trip and that seemed to keep her mind open, but it only takes a few to ruin it for the rest of us!

See I work in the media and I have covered and seen my fair share of fatal motorcycle accidents in Central Ohio, and I know the impact it has on all of those who are involved. PLEASE be careful out there and use you God given sense when it comes to your ride and skills. I do not want to show up to a scene and see an OhioRiders bumper sticker on a bike involved in an accident where the rider was trying to be cute.

We all want to have fun and enjoy the “freedom” of riding our bikes when and where we want to, but understand, the choices and decisions you make could be your last.

I know that the majority of us are safe and courteous riders, but I think that we should take the effort to talk to those who cross our paths to remind them that we would like to see them practice safe riding techniques. (I know we all like to twist the throttle, but use your common sense.)

Enjoy the rest of the summer and see you around,


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the only time i let my kids use bad words without retribution is when i find it appropriate... what you have described is a perfect example... when we are stopped at a light with people on bikes waiting next to us and wearing no gear -- no helmets, in wife beaters or flip flops..... i'll let my kids roll their windows down... and like a good mom, if they want.. all three of them can wave to the dumbass....everybody wave to the dumbass with no helmet! its sounds facetious and crass, but let me tell ya, my kids dont even think about riding without pants, full foot coverage, helmet and a riding jersey

i just want my kids to know since we are raising them on dirtbikes and getting them used to riding passenger on street, that they're never to be a "dumbass."

your frustrations are valid and likely shared by many on this site!

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I think in someways you hit a good point. Most new riders don't understand that it's ur ass everytime you get on one. And passengers don't get it they just wanna ride on your bike. If it wasn't like air for me and know I wouldn't be the same if I couldn't ride. I don't think I would be doin it. I don't turn as many folks onto it as i used to years ago!!

I don't always ride geared up or even what most call saftly ) but i know the reprocussions !

I almost lost use of my leg once and now walk funny sometimes, but if I would have, I would be throwin that nub up and over the seat still !! :eek:

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I think in someways you hit a good point. Most new riders don't understand that it's ur ass everytime you get on one. And passengers don't get it they just wanna ride on your bike. If it wasn't like air for me and know I wouldn't be the same if I couldn't ride. I don't think I would be doin it. I don't turn as many folks onto it as i used to years ago!!

I don't always ride geared up or even what most call saftly ) but i know the reprocussions !

I almost lost use of my leg once and now walk funny sometimes, but if I would have, I would be throwin that nub up and over the seat still !! :eek:

now that there is an a honest, love for riding!

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quidly behavior is everywhere, which is part of the reason i seem so callous on the subject of fallen riders...chances are they were doing something similar to the aforementioned acts when they lost control and wrecked...

now, I have been known to do some stupid stunts in my day, but i make every effort to make sure it's my own ass on the line, and i accept the consequences if something goes wrong...

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I see what your saying here. I never turn anyone onto riding. I don't want anymore people starting..haha.

I should clarify what I meant behind my post. I'm saying if they want to ride, they want to ride. I'm not going to talk anyone into it or get them to try motorcycling. Nobody in my family was a motorcycle rider, but I've had a passion for them since I was in elementary school in the 80's. I didn't have anyone to talk about them with or anything. I was the only one. I had a feeling I was meant to be on 2wheels because I wanted it bad and nobody even knew it.

I just believe if a person is meant to be on 2wheels they won't need pushed in that direction. It just happens and they'll learn techniques quickly.

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I have to admit that that being back in the saddle now has given me a whole new outlook on what it means to be a save rider. There are times when we just want to take a quick spin down the street or around the corner, then it turns into a little longer ride. We all are guilty, but having a good routine of always wearing some form of protection will go a long way.

Thank you all for allowing me to vent and preach at the same time. Hope to see you all around town.

Okay I am done for now.

Much Love,


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As a new rider I can proudly say I haven't been a part of any squidish behavior. I try to gear up the best I can, helmet, jacket (its actually my buddies), and riding shoes. I have a pair of gloves, but the palms are padded and I really don't like the way it feels on the handlebars, I need to pick up a different pair soon. I'm still trying to adjust to my buddies bike I've been riding around on. I can't say I haven't wanted to go fast, but more so on turns. I've resisted the urge so far tho haha.

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Nobody in my family was a motorcycle rider, but I've had a passion for them since I was in elementary school in the 80's. I didn't have anyone to talk about them with or anything. I was the only one. I had a feeling I was meant to be on 2wheels because I wanted it bad and nobody even knew it.

I just believe if a person is meant to be on 2wheels they won't need pushed in that direction. It just happens and they'll learn techniques quickly.

I too am the only one in my family (of five boys) to pick up riding. i've let one of them ride my 954 and he liked it but nothing came of it. they look at me as the black sheep.

I admit to riding without a helmet on the cruiser, but never once did i get on my sportbike with out my jacket nor my helmet. along with tall steel toed boots and gloves. i still wear my armored textile jacket and boots and gloves on the cruiser but not the helmet. Once i get a matte black helmet i may wear it more.

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After reading posts here on OR (ATGATT!) and other safety articles around the net, I almsot never get on the bike without a minimum of boots (work boots) jacket (was at least the Carhartt until I got the fieldsheer) and gloves (have "mechanic's gloves with knuckle protection, or for cold riding a pair of shift gloves)and always the helmet. Once in a while, when I'm working with the wife on learning to ride, I'll do some maneuvers without being geared up, mostly in first and second gear though, and she always wears all that she has.

I get points from the wife when I talk about people not wearing gear being a bad idea, or when they do squidly moves, etc.... Especially since she's learning to ride!

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After reading posts here on OR (ATGATT!) and other safety articles around the net, I almsot never get on the bike without a minimum of boots (work boots) jacket (was at least the Carhartt until I got the fieldsheer) and gloves (have "mechanic's gloves with knuckle protection, or for cold riding a pair of shift gloves)and always the helmet. Once in a while, when I'm working with the wife on learning to ride, I'll do some maneuvers without being geared up, mostly in first and second gear though, and she always wears all that she has.

I get points from the wife when I talk about people not wearing gear being a bad idea, or when they do squidly moves, etc.... Especially since she's learning to ride!

I'm a gear fanatic as well, especially after crashing in full gear, I'm still sore as shit, glad I didn't find out what it felt like to ride without gear....ouch.

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I'm a gear fanatic as well, especially after crashing in full gear, I'm still sore as shit, glad I didn't find out what it felt like to ride without gear....ouch.

I want to get some pants with armor in them, but I might have to wait, since the wife is gonna need to get some stuff to catch up with me on gear. THEN I can get more stuff. Maybe I can sneak in a pair of riding pants before she gets a bike though...... We ARE talking about safety here, and I'm oushing the bike more than she will be for a while.... Hmmm...

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