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Merging on freeway...


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This happened Thursday on the way home from work, and I forgot about it. I thought I'd share.

I went to merge on the freeway, a long ramp, and gunned it up to a little more than the speed of the traffic I could see. Ummm, I was doing a buck ten. Oops, the traffic in the slow lane was doing 90 to 100mph. Okayyyy, I don't want to be in front of that, it was time to slow down and slide in behind them fools.

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you wuss, lol

odds of cagers being sober = close to zero

area of known speed traps and collisions = max

percent of people on cell phones while driving = up to 100%

ability to avoid all of the above = priceless

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Since when do people in Ohio drive faster than 70mph?

Pretty common in rush hour. These were that and more... and it was odd to see that right where they were doing it. I hadn't looked yet, there might have been 24 police cars behind them. It might have been a rolling gun battle. I dunno. There wasn't enough data under the conditions, for me to mess with them...

I've seen more than my fair share of chases. Watching from behind is way more fun than trying to watch from in front...

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I drive faster than 70, but on the rare occasion I'm going 75 instead of 85, I'm still passing everybody else on the freeway.

So no, "All the time" is the wrong answer.

I used to drive these road all day every day at 70mph in a semi and would get passed like I was sitting still on jack stands all day long.

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Tuesday morning I had to ride up to meet the movers but got off to a late start. At one point I couldn't figure out why everyone was moving so slowly. I then looked down at the speedo and I was doing 110mph! Shit, decided to slow down to 90 and ordered a new radar/laser detector for the bike later the same day.

It's easy to get caught up in the "Ride" that you forget about laws of the road.

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I just popped down to Clintonville and back via 270 and 71. I couldnt believe how many people were driving 90+, at night no less.

Too many cops for me to drive like that. so a wuss i guess i am.

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I just popped down to Clintonville and back via 270 and 71. I couldnt believe how many people were driving 90+, at night no less.

Too many cops for me to drive like that. so a wuss i guess i am.

That is my neck of the woods, and I'm always stuck behind the three jackasses spread across the lanes doing 65mph. I do 85 on that stretch and I am by far the fastest car or bike. You guys are looking at your speedos not your tacks right?

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Where do you guys live!? In rush hour I'm lucky to get out of 1st gear, let alone go 90mph!

We got those also. That's "parking hour". Right before Late-Rush, and right after Early-Rush.

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I get sooo pissed at the people who are doing <65 in the fast lane. I'm considering making signs like "You're in the wrong lane" or "Stop clipping coupons and drive" ... put them in my window when i feel its necessary. I actually thought some sort of digital display on the back of the car might be more fun though. Get a program to type in what I say then display it... that would make me happy.

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Where do you guys live!? In rush hour I'm lucky to get out of 1st gear, let alone go 90mph!
Since when do people in Ohio drive faster than 70mph?


I drive 75 on my way to work every night on 275N to 71N and I always pass people like they are standing still! Luckily I work 12-8am so I miss the mess that is 275 and 71 in the mornings and way home.

I get sooo pissed at the people who are doing <65 in the fast lane. I'm considering making signs like "You're in the wrong lane" or "Stop clipping coupons and drive" ... put them in my window when i feel its necessary. I actually thought some sort of digital display on the back of the car might be more fun though. Get a program to type in what I say then display it... that would make me happy.

I have ALWAYS wanted to do that! But right now all I have is the bird so it spreads the word as I pass by going the SPEED LIMIT!


Oddly enough I was watching the news a few days ago... Cincinnati is one of the top cities for road rage :)


Edited by Squidy
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I get sooo pissed at the people who are doing <65 in the fast lane. I'm considering making signs like "You're in the wrong lane" or "Stop clipping coupons and drive" ... put them in my window when i feel its necessary. I actually thought some sort of digital display on the back of the car might be more fun though. Get a program to type in what I say then display it... that would make me happy.

something like this?


people in the nati are notorius for driving slow as :mad: in the fast lane. sometimes i wish i could drive a big ass monster truck and drive over them

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