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To the US35 faggot who pulled a gun on me!


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probably, it seems like an unsafe thing for bystanders haha but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere in last years updates of the CCW laws that if someone tries to break into your vehicle while you're in it, that it can qualify under the castle doctrine? So I know you can't shoot someone in ohio to protect personal property, but nice to know if someone wants to car jack you, you're well within your right to shoot them haha

If they have a weapon and you and/or your passenger is in risk of death... with how messed our judicial system is you'd get a prosecutor that'd argue giving up your car without resistance was the right thing to do.

Castle doctrine only applies when your life is at risk and there are no other options, I thought.

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Ohio is an open carry state, but some local law enforcement get upset if you just have it chillin on your side in public and might try and write you up for enducing panic or some other things. But I will say there was a guy in cleveland recently that was in a Taco Bell and was open carrying, the police tried to bring charges against him but were unable to do so because of the open carry law. As far as using your gun, certain criteria have to be met. 1. You have to be unable to evade the danger

2. You have to face the threat of serious injury or bodily harm

3. You cannot be the one to initiate the conflict, i.e. you can't punch a guy, he pulls out a knife and then you pull out your gun.

Also you gotta think about your backstop, if you start shooting even if you're in the right... what happens if you miss and hit another motorist? You're then liable for manslaughter if they were to die.

You're right, it is an open carry without CCW but that does not apply while operating a motor vehicle.

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If they have a weapon and you and/or your passenger is in risk of death... with how messed our judicial system is you'd get a prosecutor that'd argue giving up your car without resistance was the right thing to do.

Castle doctrine only applies when your life is at risk and there are no other options, I thought.

you can use castle doctrine as justifiable homicide because it says that you can use lethal force to prevent intrusion which could possibly lead to a violent attack. So basically if someone breaks into your "castle" you have the right to use deadly force because you can assume that their intentions would result in violence.

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So, is the new Nick back to the old Nick? Getting the rage back on. I really don't know how else you could've handled the situation. Got his plate for sure, but I wouldn't really want to gunfight at 60mph. But if it helps you to vent on the 'net, I guess that's what we're here for.

I'd put money down that his 'piece' was an airsoft.

You get a gun pulled at you and see how angry you are after it's over. It looked heavy and stainless to me too.

Id have dropped back and got the plate, then cracked it open to attract some leo attention (and get far away from the neon)

I was in my 2006 Malibu.

Dude were you in a car or a motorcycle ? I know this might sound stupid, but if I was in a car , I'd let him almost pass me , and hit his back side and keep pushing him till I get him dead, passed out or untill something stops him, or I throw him of the edge of that rode, then Call the cops and tell them the fucker pointed a gun at me....

These stuff make me feriouse ...

Glad you are fine dude

Car and thanks, I'm glad I'm home safe. I'm expecting TWINS in 7 months too.

but to get back on topic... LET'S GO MESS WITH ANYONE IN GREEN DODGE NEONS!

Nick, it didn't have a dodge logo on the rear window did it? I had a bad encounter with a neon before.

No, it was just a beater heading into Dayton on US35 and he was totally thugged out. I'd love to get my hands on him and get my revenge, but I'd just get in trouble and plus I'll never see him again. Dayton is pretty huge.

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My father told me tonight that some guy pulled a gun on him years ago on I-71S coming home from Cbus when some guy came up on him speeding trying to get by him and another car and pulled a gun on my dad. My dad slowed up and said go right ahead buddy, it's not worth dying over. Well my dad called in his plates and the cops said they arrested him and got his CCW revoked. My father said I should've called his plates right there when it happened. I wish I did. :(

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Glad your ok dude. Your dads prolly right.

And as to the dude with the gun, these walking statistics usually take care of themselves.

he'll skin it on the wrong dude one day. Outlaw in his car, off duty cop, Clint Eastwood. Dudes like that.

Then news at 11. Corpse found with hole in his chest and drawles full of shit. Then all will be right in the world again.

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Nick this is awful!! I wish you were strapped, because he clearly threatened you with harm, and if you ended up having to defend yourself, then.. welp.

Im on 35 at least 4 times a day. I will keep my eyes open for that Neon. PM me the description of the dewd, in case youre jumpy about 'profiling' and I can try to get his plates if I see him.

i have ways of getting information about people, through my line of work.. so.. just sayin. This shit dont have to be over.

that is all.

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Nick this is awful!! I wish you were strapped, because he clearly threatened you with harm, and if you ended up having to defend yourself, then.. welp.

Im on 35 at least 4 times a day. I will keep my eyes open for that Neon. PM me the description of the dewd, in case youre jumpy about 'profiling' and I can try to get his plates if I see him.

i have ways of getting information about people, through my line of work.. so.. just sayin. This shit dont have to be over.

that is all.

He looked like a mix between asian/black. Older 90's Neon, green. He sits LOW in the car. Thinks he's bad too..haha. That's all I got. If I saw him again, I'd know.

nick bud you said you had babies on the way, dont do anything rash if you do find him or see him again.

Yep, found out we're having TWINS as of last Thursday. 7 more months left. We are some happy campers around here. :cheers:

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He looked like a mix between asian/black. Older 90's Neon, green. He sits LOW in the car. Thinks he's bad too..haha. That's all I got. If I saw him again, I'd know.

He aint nearly as michael-jackson-BAD as he thinks he is. He WILL slip up... and when he does.. well... YEAH.

OT: Congrats on the TWINSSSS Yay, a two-fer! Dammmmn Nick-Dizzle you don't be bullshittin!! Go hard or go home, I always say!

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