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i'm an idiot


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So me and a buddy have been planning for a week or so to go riding down south yesterday. When we left Marion @ 10 it was barley raining, got on 270 and again hardly raining, got on 33 and it was actually dry. Well it was dry for bout 10 minutes and then it really started coming down. We road in the rain for what seemed like forever until we pulled into the rest stop to dry off and wait for it to stop. So a good 45 minutes go buy and we decide that the sun was shining long enough so we mount back up only this time he is leading the way. Well bout 10 minutes later I pop over the hill only to find a set or r6 brake lights shining in my face. Oh SHIT I hit the brakes so I don't hit him only my rear tire doesn't like that idea on the still damp pavement. Now I'm sliding on my side still holding onto the bike and I'm thinking o just fucking great I'm sliding. Get up take my gear off and check myself out(only road rash) couldn't pull the bike out the ditch so I had to call the statey. Long story short this is the worst vacation ever!

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well the suckey part is that you wrecked your bike up :(

But significantly less suckey is that you got no broken bones. You might have messed up your hairdo and possibly shit your pants:monkeypoo: but other than that you're here to talk about it!!

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The bike looks mainly cosmetic except the clutch cover is cracked headlight cracked rear set bent exhaust dented levers bent zero gravity wind shield completely gone gas tank dented and scratched. I had my leather jacket, gloves, and helmet(didn't even hit pavement). Most the rash is on my elbow and that only cause as I was sliding the zipper on my sleeve broke and I got to watch my sleeve go up my arm as I was sliding

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crashing is teh suxxorz

did you buddy tell you why he was brake checking you over a hill?

Yea he said he felt like his tires were sliding out from under him in corners but it completely my fault I should of left a bigger space between us since the roads were still damp. o well you live and learn

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glad to hear you are taking it well and that you are doing ok

Yea my buddy was a little more freaked out bout it than me. When we were waiting for the statey to show up he was like "that scared the shit out of me" I knew I wasn't hurt and I got full coverage so it wasn't to bad but this is definitely the worst vacation I've ever had

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