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Well with the wife riding now we went ahead and had some Chatterbox's thrown in with the bike. I figured it would be good for long rides and to help her out as she learns to ride.

So far they work great. I've been able to ride all afternoon setting the sensitivity on the voice activation just once and had it work well up through 70 MPH.

Installing the ear pieces, mic and chatterbox unit was simple and only took about 10 mins per helmet. The only thing that stays on my helmet when not using it is a black clip that the unit slides onto.

I haven't tried running an MP3 player or my cell through it yet.

So far they are working much better than expected.

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The devices play music ok, but the sound through my unit is pretty lame. I find it better to get the extension and run the main unit off the helmet say in a jacket or on a tank bag.

Mine is a few years old and I have not been happy with them, the VOX is very touchy though with the unit on a tank bag is easier to adjust while riding, ours were supposed to have a 2 mile range but are lucky to get a 1/4 mile.

Our units the mics were not done very good and you get a lot of static when someone talks.

We had better luck with the cheap Collet units when we first got intercoms. But with groups over 4 people they are a necessity.

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The group I ride with hasnt bought any yet but I do have one and I use the plug in for my MP3 player all the time. Its loud and works great... hell even if i never talk to anyone its still great for listening to music on long rides.

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Yeah in traffic on good holiday weekends the Cell phone and CB conversations you pick up are fun to listen in on...

I got caught in traffic in Knoxville and we ended up talking to some group with a CB and then picked up the Cell phone conversation of the girl next to us. It was a riot to mess with her on the call.

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The devices play music ok, but the sound through my unit is pretty lame. I find it better to get the extension and run the main unit off the helmet say in a jacket or on a tank bag.

Mine is a few years old and I have not been happy with them, the VOX is very touchy though with the unit on a tank bag is easier to adjust while riding, ours were supposed to have a 2 mile range but are lucky to get a 1/4 mile.

Our units the mics were not done very good and you get a lot of static when someone talks.

We had better luck with the cheap Collet units when we first got intercoms. But with groups over 4 people they are a necessity.

I'm actually piecing together cables and what not so i can mount it to the bike up front when I need to.

There definitely must be some improvements in the new units. We haven't encountered any static yet. So far the greatest distance we been from each other has been just over a 1/4 mile and it still worked well. I'll have to see if we can test just how far we stretch it. Her unit is supposed to be 2 miles and mine 5.

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The group I ride with hasnt bought any yet but I do have one and I use the plug in for my MP3 player all the time. Its loud and works great... hell even if i never talk to anyone its still great for listening to music on long rides.

Damn, I so wanted to give you some chatterbox sh!t but you beat me to the punch!

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