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Truck Broken Into!!!!


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So i had my truck broken into in my work parking lot of all places. the lowes in dublin, and the big kicker is that it was between 6:30 and 9:30pm. Still light out!!!!! These theives must really not give a shit who sees them. I didn't know about this until i got a call from tuttle mall security saying that they have my business folder with my cards and misc papers in it. I was thinking to myself WTF are they doing with it, then i remember that i had it on the front seat of my truck. I figured it out right away that someone was in my truck.

As i was walking out to it i was looking for broken glass or some sign of forced entry, but nothing. they must have coat hangered the door or something. thankfully they didn't break a window. I looked around to try and see if they took anything else, but i didn't see anything. I got home told the wife about it, and she asked if my CD's were still in there. Went out and looked and could not find them. those bastards got them. i had over 250 cd's in a case that i have had from h.s.. So i was debating on calling the insurance company which i finally did. they said that they could not claim it on my truck insurance, it would have to go under my homeowners policy as a theft. i though thats cool i guess, then i could at least replace some of them. then she dropped the kicker. they would give me depriciated value of the cd's, and it would raise my policy $300/year!!!!!!!!! fuck that!!!

needless to say i am just screwed out of all my cd's. I wanted to post this to kinda let everyone know that if your shit gets broken into and its not attached to your truck,car, bike, that you would have to claim it on your renters or homeowners insurance. and your rate will most likely go up.

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had that happen to me YEARS ago in college...right outside my apartment. Sucks.

I haven't carried CD's for years. If my head unit won't play mp3's or use an iPod as a source, then it doesn't get bought.

Was your case in plain sight? If so, lesson learned.

Sorry to hear about the break in. :(

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My truck got broken into at 1030 in the afternoon in my driveway of my house. This asshole cleaned me out too. They took almost 5000 $ worth of stuff out of my truck. I cant beleive people are not questioning what the hell is going on now days. I cant beleive the balls of some people. I wish I would of caught this one.... I wouldn't be here writing this right now....

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If Tuttle Mall security found them maybe the thievin bastards took them to FYE to sell them. Maybe FYE or Mall Sevurity has surveillance tapes of them trying to do that. Just a thought. It might be worth checkin out. Sorry to hear that they got your CD's. That SUCKS!!!!!!!! Damn thieves!!!!!!!!

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I had my truck busted into in broad daylight at a restaurant for my GPS unit. Was a week after I bought it. Thieves suck! Sorry to hear about your heist, man.

Make sure you don't have "home" programmed into your gps, because they will steal your garage door opener too.

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