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That just might make you:supergay:

2 wheels (even if a scooter) is still better than 4!

People using my name in vain again... ;) Yeah, scooters are definitely fruity, but I don't hate. (Well, maybe a little for the scooter, not for the gay.)

I've done the same thing. I just shook my head and laughed. The guy on the scoot had the look like, Hey they finally acknowledged me. Bringing a little joy into someones life is a good thing from time to time, even it at your own expense. :scooter:

I gave up on trying to discriminate. Some of them look very motorcyclish when you are approaching and I like to see their reactions anyway. I have noticed a distinct range from too surprised (or scared of removing death grip) to even wave back, to the flamboyant retard wave. Always fun to watch the mentally handicapped at work....

IDK, most scooters I see downtown look more like they are trying to figure out how to lock the doors... maybe it's the black on black motorcycle... But I'll wave at some for fun.

This is the best... Pull up at a red light next to a business man on a Vespa in all black on a loud cruiser and watch the silly grin on his face turn to nervousness or embarrassment very quickly... :lol: And they always think they have to let you go first when the light changes even though they were up front... Try to be nice and I STILL scare the poor bastards.

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I'll second what some of the others have said- as long as someone has their knees in the breeze, I don't really care what they're riding.

And anyway it's true, you can see it makes their friggin day when a biker waves at them. Why not?

Edited by Aerik
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:motorcycle: I always wave.....last. I love seeing ladies riding. They're the friendliest of all.

I LOVE to wave at other 2-wheelsies! All of them... sport bikes, cruisers, scooters, all of 'em!

But I ain't waving at trikes. That's where I draw the line. :lol:

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scooters are only good for stuntin' and delivering pizza

I'd have to say that they are actually good to learn on.

You can pick up your basic riding skills starting out on a scooter,

my wife and both started on scooters and just a couple seasons later we

are both riding motorcycles!

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