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Mr Anderson

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She canceled on me tonight!

That will be all. Just letting out my anger towards the woman that cancel on me.

I think Im going to go hit a strip club. Its my first time so Im bringing the bling at least the they don't cancel on me.

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She canceled on me tonight!

That will be all. Just letting out my anger towards the woman that cancel on me.

I think Im going to go hit a strip club. Its my first time so Im bringing the bling at least the they don't cancel on me.

Don't worry man, spend your money on a hooker :)

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Maybe your just shootin' too high. Have you ever seen "Shallow Hal"?

Maybe I am, but shallow hal had his vision missed up so he saw all the chicks as hot women. I mean he saw the real them for their personality.

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baby sitter? Well why dont you suggest her bringing the baby... you guys can just go somewhere for a bite to eat and back to watch a movie... ? Wait, how old is the child.... If you are going to date a lady with a child, you have to realize the child comes first.

How well and how long have you known her?

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baby sitter? Well why dont you suggest her bringing the baby... you guys can just go somewhere for a bite to eat and back to watch a movie... ? Wait, how old is the child.... If you are going to date a lady with a child, you have to realize the child comes first.

How well and how long have you known her?

I have known her for a month or 2 now. Her child is 3 and half. Yep this is the golden rule and I will always be second. Well time for me to move along to the next woman.





.....I still like the strip club idea....

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Anyone without kids who dates someone with kids has to realize the kids will always be first...and if they're a decent parent, will require a lot of their time. If this doesn't work for you...then you'll have to find someone without kids. Point blank. Any woman or man willing to put a date ahead of their kids is someone you really don't want to be with anyways.

You have to ask yourself if you're prepared to share...if you can't, your options are finding someone without kids, the strip club, or hookers and blow.

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Anyone without kids who dates someone with kids has to realize the kids will always be first...and if they're a decent parent, will require a lot of their time. If this doesn't work for you...then you'll have to find someone without kids. Point blank. Any woman or man willing to put a date ahead of their kids is someone you really don't want to be with anyways.

You have to ask yourself if you're prepared to share...if you can't, your options are finding someone without kids, the strip club, or hookers and blow.

:plus1: stop being a woman and get over yourself, if all else fails screw the strip club and go and get some hookers and blow!!!

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I think Im going to go hit a strip club.

Don't worry man, spend your money on a hooker :)

Bambi doesn't listen :nono:

I've said several times now hookers are a better value than strippers :cool:

Soooooo......Is he approaching FocusDave's record yet for # of threads started/hijacked about a single topic?!?

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Bambi doesn't listen :nono:

I've said several times now hookers are a better value than strippers :cool:

Soooooo......Is he approaching FocusDave's record yet for # of threads started/hijacked about a single topic?!?


I don't want stds or for it to be a man with a sexchange. .

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Bambi doesn't listen :nono:

I've said several times now hookers are a better value than strippers :cool:

Soooooo......Is he approaching FocusDave's record yet for # of threads started/hijacked about a single topic?!?

Dollar for dollar the man's got a point. A bunch of friends and I got 2 dancers for my buddy's birthday party, it ended up being 200 all-in for the group. Cut that in half, and you get a lot more attention for the same cash you would spend on 3-4 private dances and a couple of drinks.

Not that, um, I do that kind of stuff anymore. I just ride to and from church...

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Dollar for dollar the man's got a point. A bunch of friends and I got 2 dancers for my buddy's birthday party, it ended up being 200 all-in for the group. Cut that in half, and you get a lot more attention for the same cash you would spend on 3-4 private dances and a couple of drinks.

Not that, um, I do that kind of stuff anymore. I just ride to and from church...

Are you talking about hookers or private dancers?

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