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Faith healers acquited....


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i too am a bit undecided on this subject...

part of me thinks they should be punished by the legal system for child neglect...

the other part of me thinks the death of their child was/is punishment enough...

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They are definitely guilty of negligence.

Did you read to the end of the article? Another family from that same church is being charged for the same crazy nonsense.

Raylene Worthington's parents, Jeff and Marci Beagley, go on trial in January. They are charged with criminally negligent homicide in the death of their 16-year-old, Neil Beagley, who died last June of an untreated urinary tract blockage.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about freedom of religion but they are taking it entirely too far.

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It's not freedom of religion when it involves things like this.

You don't get to murder non-believers because your religion tells you to, no exceptions. This is the same thing as the amish family that refused to let the ambulance take their child after they were hit by a car.... it's negligence

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I don't have the time or energy to start a good rant about this, so let me just make my position as simple and clear as possible:

Religion = the only true EVIL

Fools, fools, fools....

And to save even more time and effort, my rebuttal to the typical first response by the, uh, believers:

Continue to justify lies and ignorance by citing good works done in the name of religion(s). Never mind that religion has been responsible for almost as many deaths as natural causes over the last few thousand years... The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Dark Ages (yep, all of it, thanks Catholicism...) Luckily, when you are dead, it is unlikely that you will care how you wasted you life believing in nonsense or how stupid you looked to all the unbrainwashed heathens. Of course, without the fore mentioned several hundred years oppressing science and reason known as the "dark ages", where the Catholic church nearly murdered, burned and persecuted all intelligence and scientific knowledge out of man, we would be several hundred years farther advanced in our civilization and technology and boy would that suck...

Candy coat poison any way you like, it still kills. Religion makes your mind a slave, and you with it.

And then I always have to make this defense right after that statement....(*sigh):

I said religion, not spirituality... Go listen to Vivaldi, or eat acid, better yet do both. One can have wonder and awe at the universe and appreciate life and it's remaining mysteries without spreading mumbo-jumbo as if it were some kind of fact. What is the difference? Spirituality doesn't enforce it's morals on the masses, just the individual. And yes, one can have morals and feelings without your silly comandments...

That should about cover it. Everyone either gets it, or they want to preach and I don't need to talk to either of you about it any more. See, much quicker and easier... LOL

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reminds me of a parable i heard in church growing up.

A guy is in his house and there's a big flood coming and the police come to warn him and tell him to leave with them in their cruiser and they'll take him to safety. He replies, "no officer, God will save me if I'm in danger, I'm staying right here."

Well the floods come and he has to go to his second story of his house so he doesn't drown. The police come again, this time in a boat and say sir, its only going to get worse, you need to come with us in the boat and we'll take you to safety. The man says, "no way, I'm staying put, God will save me if I'm in danger." Well the rains continue and the flood only gets higher and eventually the man has to stand on his roof so he doesn't drown. This time the coast guard comes in a helicopter and says to the me, take the rope, we'll pull you in and take you to safety. The man once again replies, "nope, I'm staying put, God will save me if I'm in danger." Well the rain continued and the flooding got worse and eventually the man drowned. He died and when he went to heaven and met God he said, "Lord, why did I die, I had such faith in you that if I was going to be in danger that you would save me." To which God replied, ah yes my child I tried to save you three times, once by car, once by boat and once by helicopter.

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reminds me of a parable i heard in church growing up.

A guy is in his house and there's a big flood coming and the police come to warn him and tell him to leave with them in their cruiser and they'll take him to safety. He replies, "no officer, God will save me if I'm in danger, I'm staying right here."

Well the floods come and he has to go to his second story of his house so he doesn't drown. The police come again, this time in a boat and say sir, its only going to get worse, you need to come with us in the boat and we'll take you to safety. The man says, "no way, I'm staying put, God will save me if I'm in danger." Well the rains continue and the flood only gets higher and eventually the man has to stand on his roof so he doesn't drown. This time the coast guard comes in a helicopter and says to the me, take the rope, we'll pull you in and take you to safety. The man once again replies, "nope, I'm staying put, God will save me if I'm in danger." Well the rain continued and the flooding got worse and eventually the man drowned. He died and when he went to heaven and met God he said, "Lord, why did I die, I had such faith in you that if I was going to be in danger that you would save me." To which God replied, ah yes my child I tried to save you three times, once by car, once by boat and once by helicopter.


Remember, God created medicine. As soon as these people think that they shouldn't use medicine, they are negalecting what God gave us.

Sad story, but people can't do whatever they want when it involves children, elderly, or disabled people who can't help themselves.

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