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LoL HD must read


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So I was snooping around looking for any info on the rumored water cooled HDs that may or may not be coming out and stumbled across this. You've got to read the responses, especially this one.

"...Anyhow. Now im 48. i couldnt afford a Harley until 2005. Im not a die hard biker, i dont do all those biker runs, i just ride for pleasure. I love my HD, i just wish i would have bought one sooner because i just love it.

One thing amazes me, all those guys out there that have Jap cruiser HD look alikes, there missing the Point, theres a certain feel on a harley,

something you cant explain until you own one. its like being King of the road. I hope sombody out there knows what im saying.

I can tell you this, i own a 03 heritage softail classic,great Bike,

However, my buddy has a 97 heritage classic, i rode his, his is smoother, more ballanced. i think Harley has got cheeper over the years.

as for the Guy that said Hd is all american, remember That when you go to buy some chrome, look carefully on the packaging, it will say Made in China......... all american,NOT, But i still Love all harleys. oh yea."

And I also love how they point out the difference in sound between an air cooled, and water cooled motor, can't beat the sound of an air cooled motor :wtf: really since when does the cooling medium of a motor determine it's sound? Idiots.

Anywhoo here's a good laugh.


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I feel like the king of the world!

lol. That doesn't come cheap. And...i love the fact...he gets shot back down to his shattered reality...every time those pos break down.


I know Dweez hates Hd. I'm not a big fan...except of the v-rod. That's it. And...then again, thats a big if. I don't care what you ride, your choice not mine. 2 wheels are 2 wheels. all the same to me...except for scooters.

Edited by NightRider
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my dad had an 05 heritage softail classic and you would've thought the motor was going to vibrate off the frame, same thing with his 08 flhx. Not sure if you consider hand numbing after 10 minutes of riding "smooth". I've ridden harleys and they're more comfortable of a riding experience than say a sport bike, but i'm riding for fun not comfort. To each their own.

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Stupid Harley guys!

I dont totaly agree with this, but come harley guys seem to have this mentaility that there is notihing better than a Harley. It all comes down to personal preference. I dont have a harley because that's not the style bike I want to ride. air cooled to water cooled, you can argue until your blue in the face. each one has its plus's and minus's. I personally prefer water cooled. It comes back to the age old argument of " is the glass half full or half empty"

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