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Cell Phone Choices...


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It's time for me to recieve my "free" upgrade from verizon....

I've kinda narrowed it down to the backberry storm or the samsung omnia...

my first cell phone was in 01 and was the first "camera phone".

The t300 from "tomorrow never dies".(the camera sucked, but was detachable)


i dropped it in a snowbank, and unknowingly left it there overnight.

my cousin was upgrading his phone, so i just bought his old one...

I've liked all the samsungs I've ever owned since my v205


then I got the D415 (my first slider)


finally i upgraded to the d820


When i moved to verizon, I wanted to stick with the sliders, and I heard good things about motorola, so i went with the rizr (another great phone)


i had it for a little over a year before the rear speaker went out and i dropped it in the sink (insured, but no warranty)

they didn't have any more at asurion, so they gave me a krave instead...although it's kind of cool, it's got more quirks and bugs than features, and the touch screen is twitchy


So which do I go with now?

Samsung omnia?


or blackberry storm?


first hand accounts and user reviews appreciated...especially if you've owned both...

any features you wish it had, that it doesn't

basically any info to help me decide...

on one hand I like the sleekness and style of the omnia (and the fact that it's samsung)

on the other hand, blackberry is a solid name in smartphones, and it's a more popular model (more aftermarket, apps, support, etc?)

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my friend has the omnia and he loves it very versital. i just got my upgrade last week and got the env touch and was very surpised at the advances it made its very very similar to the onmia. i love it. but im an lg guy so....

o and the storm, my gf had it for a day hated it and took it back.

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I'm still running my ol Motorola v710 from 2005. I hacked the phone so I really am leery about getting a new Verizon phone that i'll have to hack into all over again, but the battery life now sucks...won't go a full day on an overnight charge anymore... so I'm looking as well.

I've been eying up the Samsung Alias 2, because I don't want to buy the data plan (you'll be forced into it w/ the Omnia or Blackberry Pearl flip)

I've found some good reviews and recommendations on:


That's how i ended up with my v710.

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i'm also an LG fan. If i wasn't cheap to pay for the data plans for whatever they require, i'd go for the Omnia!

btw, you've always had ghey phones. lol

i just got my upgrade last week and got the env touch

DAMNIT brian! would you stop getting the same phone as me! lol

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btw, you've always had ghey phones. lol

gee...thanks :rolleyes:

yeah i guess you're partially right, but they have all had all the features i wanted (including some i didn't)

my sliders all had an awesome "slide" sound that sounded like an airlock opening and closing, they were all VERY loud, and most of them had very bright strobes when I got a signal (important feature on a t-mobile phone..."YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A SIGNAL!!!!" flash flash flash....flash flash flash)

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I have the storm and love it. Those who get it and are unhappy and take it back after the first day are quitters. It took about 2 days to get used to it and now its easily the best phone I've had. I too like the samsung line, but I am sticking with blackberry from now on. Sorry, no knowledge of the omni

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I had the storm for about 4 months and just sold it on ebay 2 days ago, and switched to the iphone.

Probably one of the best decisions I've made in a while.

I didn't "HATE" the storm, it just became such a hassel to use. I didn't like how the sms texting work compared to the iphone (storm tracks each message separately, where as the iphone tracks the messages as a group from the same sender). Also, after time, it developed a horrible lag, which I found out happens when you don't close the "apps" you are using and they stay open (where as the iphone, when you close an app, it's over, done, no going back to turn it off). With emails, every single email you get it alerts you, where as the iphone you have to go into your email and update your inbox to see new emails (which for me, I get a lot of junk email taht I've tried to unsubscribe from many times, but never worked, so literally my phone would alert me about every 5 minutes...talk about annoying.)

Those are just a few reasons I dislike the storm and like the iphone. I don't know if you are finished with your contract with verizon or not, but if you are...switch, get out while you can...I'm stuck paying $400 to end my contract with them. RIDICULOUS!

Bottom line = iPhone > Blackberry Storm. (Not sure about the omnia, it actually looks pretty cool!)

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I don't know if you are finished with your contract with verizon or not, but if you are...switch, get out while you can...I'm stuck paying $400 to end my contract with them. RIDICULOUS!

Bottom line = iPhone > Blackberry Storm. (Not sure about the omnia, it actually looks pretty cool!)

Thanks for the input...I WOULD go with the Iphone, but it's ATT only, and the only carriers that work up here consistently (and I use that term loosely) are alltel and VZW...

T-mobile was a joke...the only time i could get any signal at all was when no other carriers worked (right by the lake) and usually it was ok on the freeway..

I'll give ATT credit, they do work better than T-mo, but VZW is king around here (and everybody is "in" anyway)

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Thanks for the input...I WOULD go with the Iphone, but it's ATT only, and the only carriers that work up here consistently (and I use that term loosely) are alltel and VZW...

T-mobile was a joke...the only time i could get any signal at all was when no other carriers worked (right by the lake) and usually it was ok on the freeway..

I'll give ATT credit, they do work better than T-mo, but VZW is king around here (and everybody is "in" anyway)

Totally understand, everyone I know except my boyfriend is verizon, so it was a tough decision, I just was sure to get plenty of minutes and unlimited texting. LOL :)

Good luck!

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Being stuck with Verizon and the ridiculous content locks they put on phones, I had a tough time when upgrading my phone recently.

I almost paid the fee to cancel my contract and get an iphone, but Verizon will have the iphone in 2010/11. Ican wait for now. I am also not a big apple fan.

I wanted a good web browser and navigation. I looked at the blackberrys, absolutely hate the roller ball. The Storm was a good option, but I hate typing on touch screens.

I went with the Env Touch. Nice little phone. Has it's faults, but waht phones don't? Some of them nay just be me getting used to it as well. Is it an iphone? No, but if had to pick again, I still think I would pick the Env.

I really like the two screens, and a true qwerty keyboard and a touchscreen is awesome.

Now if Verizon would unlock the phones and let some apps get made........

If you play games or want a bunch of extras, be prepared to shell out cash.

I'll compare it the iphone, since that seems to be the gold standard.

Obviously, the iphones apps are better.

The iphone's navigation is better than Verizon's VZ navigator, but VZ gets the job done, but takesa few more steps.

Web browsing is about the same, there are few pages that show funny, but they may do the same on other phones as well, not sure. OR.net works great!

I like the Env's touch screen slightly better than the iphone, only because the iphone zoom works backwards than I would expect it to. That may just be becasue I am left handed, and lots of things are backwards to me. :)

The Env, is a little jumpy on the touch screen, but once you get used to it, it's fine.

The true keyboard was the real seller to me for the Env.

Verizon's nationwide premium plan is unlimited text, web, navigation, etc. I think the pricing is fairly similiar to AT&T.

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thanks everybody...

and the winner is....


after talking to everyone, and comparing features, I went for the omnia...

(no news is good news) Basically I heard a bunch of horror stories about the storm. Not a lot either way about the omnia, and I guess you could call me a samsung nut swinger...

I'll get it from fedex tomorrow, get it activated tomorrow night, and play with it over the weekend. I'll be back with an initial review monday...

thanks everyone for your input.

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Omnia, windows mobile will give you more flexibility. Blackberrys are primarily designed with business use in mind so you're locked into their OS and Apps with little to no flexibility. One of my friends is a Tech Consultant and has to do a lot of 3 way calls with Blackberries for troubleshooting and so on, I so much as use the name and he just sneers.

I'd avoid, but lots of people love them. I'm still loving my HTC Touch Pro.

Best place for reviews is www.cnet.com but I'm sure everyone already knows that

Edit: posted at the same time GOOD CHOICE! lol

Oh and I just bought a Samsung Plasma, so I agree it's a great brand.

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ahhh. dammit too late, i have had both of the phones. My mom has the omnia and i have the storm. So i used hers for a week and hated it. The omnia is cool but the screen is too small, the access of the apps is difficult, and the phone isn't all that great. I have had Samsung phones for the majority of my wireless time and i love them, but the Omnia just doesn't do it for me at all. The storm is no longer a bad phone by any means. The current version of the software is great and is very smooth. Yes you do have to close the apps by going through the menu, but i find this a good feature because i can do other things while keeping the app open (ie listen to pandora while surfing the interwebz). I like the clicky screen and the camera has been updated to act a faster. Many people who hate the storm have either one, not upgraded the software, two keep tons of apps open all the time, or three dont clear thier cache out once a month or so. I find these things general maintence items and not a problem. Also, the blackberry desktop software is a nice feature to be able to sync to outlook or what have you and backup you phonebook and data files at anytime.

Just my $.02

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thanks tomcat...

I know a lot of these horror stories are overblown, as with my current phone (the motorola krave) things that are a minor nuisance are treated as MAJOR PROBLEMS in reviews...

Still, the only feature lacking in the omnia that the storm had was a 8gb microsd included (and i already have a bunch of 4gb micros)

also the omnia had a faster processor, more megapixel camera, and is divx rated..also has a tv out function (which if i can get my STS navi to accept would be a pretty cool combo)

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Loved my old Samsung as well, & was considering the Omnia, especially with that 5 mp camera. Chuck(CavScout) had one & quickly took it back

I ended up getting my bb Curve & LOVE it..... easily the best phone I've ever had. More & more people seem to be getting the Storm...... So of course you're gonna hear more about it; good & bad

BTW..... Thanx for sharing your photographic cell diary Duane!! :p

Edited by Fonzie
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I'm still running my ol Motorola v710 from 2005. I hacked the phone so I really am leery about getting a new Verizon phone that i'll have to hack into all over again.....

They made hacks for bag phones?!? :p

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BTW..... Thanx for sharing your photographic cell diary Duane!! :p

it made the thread better...

otherwise it would have been...

"omnia or storm?"


plus i had some sweet phones over the years, and was feeling a bit nostalgic. the d415 was a BEAST back in the day. I actually still have it in my trunk from when i cleaned out the eldo at the salvage yard. I save it in case i ever need something heavy to hit someone with...

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lol i felt the need to show my first phone.haha..

only cool feature was i could take off the face plate and change it with ones with neat designs.. i had a shoe box full of plates. i changed it everyday to match my outfit. true story.


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