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people leave dog filled with bullet holes in yard for days


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okay so this might be a terrible thread... but here it goes

It's not funny that a dog was shot multiple times and killed...

what IS funny, is that due to some sort of laws, the police couldn't remove the dead dog carcass from the lady's lawn for several days and so they just let it lay in their yard and finally covered it with a blanket while they're kids played nearby.

Secondly, the one lady they interview has the sickest white sunglasses ever...

I watched the news video and couldn't stop laughing

why wouldn't you just put the thing in a trashbag and drop it off in a dumpster somewhere or bury it yourself? I'd be damned if I'd let a rotting dog carcass chill in my front yard for a few days. Anyways, the link!


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i hate how people say "oh well if you can kill that dog then you can kill another person"...


I was 2 seconds away from killing a dog in WV last year when a guy set his dogs loose cause he's trying to post on my grandfathers property... The dog stopped in its tracks about 10 ft away from me and was staring down the barrel of my 12 gauge...

I'm glad i didnt have to kill it... But if it was between me or my grandfather getting mauled....Sorry but the dog is gonna buy some buckshot

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i hate how people say "oh well if you can kill that dog then you can kill another person"...


I was 2 seconds away from killing a dog in WV last year when a guy set his dogs loose cause he's trying to post on my grandfathers property... The dog stopped in its tracks about 10 ft away from me and was staring down the barrel of my 12 gauge...

I'm glad i didnt have to kill it... But if it was between me or my grandfather getting mauled....Sorry but the dog is gonna buy some buckshot

a dog couldnt kill me

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i hate how people say "oh well if you can kill that dog then you can kill another person"...


I was 2 seconds away from killing a dog in WV last year when a guy set his dogs loose cause he's trying to post on my grandfathers property... The dog stopped in its tracks about 10 ft away from me and was staring down the barrel of my 12 gauge...

I'm glad i didnt have to kill it... But if it was between me or my grandfather getting mauled....Sorry but the dog is gonna buy some buckshot


dogs are animals...I have no beef with killing an animal that threatens my safety or anyone elses...i'll put a hatchet through it's head myself..lay it on it's owner's doorstep...and I won't lose a second of sleep over it.

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I sometimes have to drive through there for my job... If I had a dollar for every time I saw a poor dog chained up in the same spot it was a week ago with no food or water... I'd have enough money to pay for universal healthcare. Some of them make michael vick look like this guy:


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I sometimes have to drive through there for my job... If I had a dollar for every time I saw a poor dog chained up in the same spot it was a week ago with no food or water... I'd have enough money to pay for universal healthcare. Some of them make michael vick look like this guy:


Make a call. An animal is usually required to have shelter if outside. I've done it before here in Lorain for some asshole leaving a black dog chained up in the driveway. Just note the address and call the proper authorities.

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Or.. the neighbors left the dog outside with no food or water and it was barking all night so somebody shot it. I'd like to know where the owners were.

I'd say this is a likely scenario.... happens around here sometimes.... that and during bow season.... bow hunters usually pop any dog they see on a deers scent trail...

Some people just dont take care of their dogs.....:(

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Not nearly as depressing as I figured it would be. More odd than anything. But it is a shame to see so much disregard for peoples bets. I like animals too much to let that shit happen. They dont ask to be put in shitty situations, but they sure fight to live..

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