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Attention!! New Obama shirts have hit the market!!


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justin i found a tshirt for you :D


sorry couldn't resist!

I'm sorry, but I hope this shit isn't mocking anything. Thats ^^^ the whole goddamn point. I thought the point of healthcare was to take care of people?

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I'm sorry, but I hope this shit isn't mocking anything. Thats ^^^ the whole goddamn point. I thought the point of healthcare was to take care of people?

There are plenty of volunteer oppurtunitites at the Ohio State University Medical Center, if you want to send me your contact information I will have some get a hold of you this afternoon

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You only know a dozen people ? Im sorry ... I tried to be your friend and you didnt want me ... :D I keeed I keeed. I need a few of these! Good stuff Nick!!

Oh, I know more than a dozen people. I was thinking about uniforms for the guys at the shop.

That whole "friend thing" again....sheesh...thought I explained that before :D

I'm sorry, but I hope this shit isn't mocking anything. Thats ^^^ the whole goddamn point. I thought the point of healthcare was to take care of people?

Seriously? Do you really think that Doctors, Insurance Companies, Drug Companies, etc. are in this for the feel good aspect of it?

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There are plenty of volunteer oppurtunitites at the Ohio State University Medical Center, if you want to send me your contact information I will have some get a hold of you this afternoon

1. There are plenty of non-profit organizations that pay their employees

2. I've done my fair share of volunteering and plan to continue to do so

non-profit doesn't mean free. It means the organization doesn't turn a profit after costs

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1. There are plenty of non-profit organizations that pay their employees

2. I've done my fair share of volunteering and plan to continue to do so

non-profit doesn't mean free. It means the organization doesn't turn a profit after costs

Come on man lets put the people first. If we lead by example others will follow us.

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Come on man lets put the people first. If we lead by example others will follow us.

Isn't your wife a nurse or something? Ask her what she thinks of healthcare administration. Our healthcare system is just like our economy, bloated and unrealistic.

Also, are you telling me that you have no moral conflict with our current system. People that are hoping to live another year are getting suck with more debt than even you or I could handle. Ripping off people that are sick and crippled isn't my style. Sorry you disagree, but I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you your moral compass is shit

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Isn't your wife a nurse or something? Ask her what she thinks of healthcare administration. Our healthcare system is just like our economy, bloated and unrealistic.

Also, are you telling me that you have no moral conflict with our current system. People that are hoping to live another year are getting suck with more debt than even you or I could handle. Ripping off people that are sick and crippled isn't my style. Sorry you disagree, but I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you your moral compass is shit

Every system is bloated and ripping people off, tell me one industry that isn't.

Here is your big chance to win this argument.. Tell me one aspect of the Government that is ran well.

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Isn't your wife a nurse or something? Ask her what she thinks of healthcare administration. Our healthcare system is just like our economy, bloated and unrealistic.

Also, are you telling me that you have no moral conflict with our current system. People that are hoping to live another year are getting suck with more debt than even you or I could handle. Ripping off people that are sick and crippled isn't my style. Sorry you disagree, but I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you your moral compass is shit

Actually just this week the government paid for one of our citizens to live another year. Without the health care he just received he would have died in prison just one year before his release date. Now this convicted child molester will be able to reintegrate into society August '10. Thankfully GSXRnurse got the opportunity to be a part of this miracle.

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Every system is bloated and ripping people off, tell me one industry that isn't.

Here is your big chance to win this argument.. Tell me one aspect of the Government that is ran well.

woah... don't go throwing that G word around like that. I'm against government run health care, I just think our current system could be improved.

Strangely enough, its the systems that receive the least that do the best. For example police departments, public schools, public transportation, NASA. Yes these things have their flaws and shortcomings, but what they do is amazing given how much they have to work from. Plus "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have." I don't expect them to work perfectly. In short, I don't think throwing money at the problem will fix anything. Restructuring the system is the only answer

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Actually just this week the government paid for one of our citizens to live another year. Without the health care he just received he would have died in prison just one year before his release date. Now this convicted child molester will be able to reintegrate into society August '10. Thankfully GSXRnurse got the opportunity to be a part of this miracle.

Sorry but thats a problem with the Judicial System. Technically he has served his time and paid his dues. If you disagree then there needs to be stronger punishment for child molesters. I think I'm on your side with this one

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Also, are you telling me that you have no moral conflict with our current system. People that are hoping to live another year are getting suck with more debt than even you or I could handle. Ripping off people that are sick and crippled isn't my style. Sorry you disagree, but I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you your moral compass is shit

Personally, I don't have a moral problem with things the way they are now.

Hands down, regardless of its faults, we have the best health care in the world. If we didn't, we wouldn't have the people coming here from other countries when they really need something.

Why do we have the best health care in the world? Because it is market driven - period. Can everyone afford it? Nope. Should everyone be able to afford it? Again, no. Why? Because to reduce the cost to the lowest common denominator you have to reduce everything else to the lowest common denominator as well and the includes the quality of care. If you can afford a higher quality of care than me, good for you. If you cant afford what I can, sorry about that but I'm not giving something up so that you can have something better. Selfish, maybe, but that's the way it goes.

Watch what happens if and when the system gets changed. The super-rich among us will still have access to top of the line care. The "poor" and disadvantaged will have access to better care than they have now. Those of us decidedly "in the middle" will still not be able to afford the "top of the line" health care that the uber wealthy have access too, and the middle ground choice that most of us have now will cease to exist. We'll get "what everyone else" is getting - and it wont be as good as what we have now.

Case in point - my son is covered by my ex-wife's insurance plan. He needs a physical for football this year. I called Kaiser (the inventors of the HMO) to see if I could get him in. I was told sure - IN FOUR FUCKING WEEKS! You see, its not a "necessary service" in their eyes. However, since he wants to play football it IS a necessary service. This is exactly the way things will be with the health care program they are currently pushing. Want something? Sorry, not today. We can schedule that it 30 days, or 60 days, or 90 days. You say you need it?? Big brother doesn't think so...you'll get it when (and if) we're ready.

We already have a program in place for needy, disadvantaged people - its called Medicaid. It doesn't work worth a shit, not because of the level of care but because its full of fraud and bureaucracy. Fix that and make it run right, then move on to working out the rest of it.

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Todd I agree with you in many ways, and nothing will ever be equal. I just want (wish for) efficiency so that cost comes down.

sorry for mucking up your thread Nick

While the current system is somewhat inefficient, its no where near as inefficient as what we would have with Gov't controlled health care. Been to the BMV lately? Ever try to get something from the Social Security Office? Ever been to the Unemployment Office? Asked the IRS a question? Based on my experience there's nothing the Gov't does that's efficient.

Lower the cost by improving the efficiency, could happen but its doubtful.

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The only problem I have with any of the shirts is the one that is blaming the Democratic party. There are some of us Blue Dogs out there okay?

Don't go thinking your supported political party is entirely innocent of all the bs this country has gotten to just because you're not a Democrat.

Again, I agree with most of the shirts.. I'm just not going to run a fairy tale in my head where this whole messed up situation stems from one party. Reality check is in order from time to time!

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The only problem I have with any of the shirts is the one that is blaming the Democratic party. There are some of us Blue Dogs out there okay?

Don't go thinking your supported political party is entirely innocent of all the bs this country has gotten to just because you're not a Democrat.

As Lewis Black so eloquently put it..."The only thing worse than a republican, is a democrat...this 2 party system we have is nothing better than a bowl of shit looking in the mirror"

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