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How are we going to pay for anything!?


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Nice ninja. First off:


This phrase you keep using, I don't think it means what you think it means.

Welfare is a handout. Actually, welfare is the DEFINITION of a handout. You the recipient get cash money for doing absolutely nothing. Let me make myself excruciatingly clear here, I am against government welfare. I'm sure I'm just as much a fan pf personal responsibility as you are, and programs like this just fuel the entitlement society and promptly need to go the fuck away.

Medicare is not a handout, it's a benefit. These people paid into the system, now they are getting the benefits once they reach a certain age.

Universal healthcare is not a handout, it's also a benefit as Medicare is. You being for one and against another is the height of cognitive dissonance.

Well people under 65 who are "disabled" are eligible for medicare. Trust me, I've seen a lot of the "qualifying" individuals for social security and medicare everyday at my job. They're only qualifications is that they're too lazy to provide for themselves or their families. At which point they're collecting money that they haven't put into the system (a handout). Also, universal healthcare per current legislation, will be made available to people who aren't paying taxes, or even paying enough taxes to cover the cost of the healthcare. Thats where citizens like me, that will pay more taxes in a few years than they will in a lifetime, come in and provide their "handouts".

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Rather then take money from the wealth via taxes, just get some inflation going. The value of the assets of the "haves" will decrease and the value of the debt carried by the "have nots" will decrease proportionally.

Through the magic of economics everything that you have worked hard for is stolen from under your feet.

So my advice is to keep "leveraged" and get some of your assets invested in international equities and precious metals

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